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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Why don't we use the gallery?


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It seems that no one's posted in the Gallery since 2011. There's a lot of great pictures there, but it's like a ghost town.

I was unaware of the "Gallery" until today. Were the rest of you the same, or is there some other reason why we don't use the gallery?

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The gallery seems to have gone the way of the yahoo groups, and I'm really not sure why. I suppose there are more resourced out there for fetish material now than there was even a few years ago, before things like youtube and tumblr came along. There's certainly something to be said for a central location/master index of material, but on the other hand, there's a lot of opportunity for abuse. Actually, now I think about it, I'm kind of surprised the staff hasn't gotten rid of the gallery given that potential and hassle it could be to moderate it. Of course, I suppose it's not a hassle if no one's using it anyway.

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o.O we have a gallery?




Oh look at that, we have a gallery. Yo.

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... I... Had never noticed we had a gallery. But yes, I presume the lack of use of it is the appearance of services that are both popular and primarily used for media-sharing purposes, such as YouTube, Photobucket, Tumblr...

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I have been meaning to start a thread like this literally for years. When HoL reuploaded the stuff after the last software spasm, I did post a comment [one of only two in the last two years, incredibly], but I dithered over where to post a thread on the subject.

I am amazed that more use is not made of this forum facility. Of course I am so computer illiterate that I don't know how, but surely the increase in members and media would lead to an increase in galleryable stuff? EG, our generous members who post on YouTube could repost here in greater security.

This is really not intended to be inflammatory, but I can never understand why people want to close parts of the forum down. It's not really that long since people were clamouring for the chatroom to be closed! You would think that as the forum flourishes like the green bay tree we would want there to be bigger and better features in future.

I'm afraid I don't understand why the gallery would be a source of problems, but it is possible someone will explain.

If I have said anything offensive I apologize unreservedly, and if my attention is drawn to it, I will delete it.

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This is really not intended to be inflammatory, but I can never understand why people want to close parts of the forum down. It's not really that long since people were clamouring for the chatroom to be closed! You would think that as the forum flourishes like the green bay tree we would want there to be bigger and better features in future.

With the Gallery, seeing as nobody's used it regularly for years, I imagine it's due to bandwidth. I could be wrong, but since literally nobody at all is using it, it looks like it's just taking up bandwidth space.

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With the hosting package we have now, there is no limit on bandwidth as there was in the past, so no-one need worry that the gallery is using up resources that could better be used elsewhere. :)

I think there are a couple of main reasons more people don't use the gallery. The first is that, as evidenced by this thread, a lot of people aren't aware it exists! The second would be that, as Malachite mentioned, there are other free hosting services for images and videos and I would guess that using these to host images and then posting in the Artwork forum is simply a more obvious means of sharing. This is particularly true as members aren't able to access the gallery until they've been validated.

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With the hosting package we have now, there is no limit on bandwidth as there was in the past, so no-one need worry that the gallery is using up resources that could better be used elsewhere. smile.png

Ah, okay! Thanks for clearing that up, HoL. :)

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We could just move every clip and episode to the gallery to make a fair use of it...but no one even knows that it existed until now!

This is exactly the potential for abuse that I see in the gallery. You may have meant clips as strictly clips from tv shows, movies, comics, ect, but with all the stuff now on youtube there's not much to stop someone uploading some random youtuber's personal videos without that users permission.

This is really not intended to be inflammatory, but I can never understand why people want to close parts of the forum down. It's not really that long since people were clamouring for the chatroom to be closed! You would think that as the forum flourishes like the green bay tree we would want there to be bigger and better features in future.

I assume this is directly at me as no one else even mentioned the idea of closing the gallery down. And nor, I would like to point out, did I. I said I was surprised in some ways that the staff hadn't gotten rid of it, but I never said I wanted it to be closed down. I can just see how it could be a pain in the ass for the staff for the reasons I stated above in reply to cakeface.

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it's been difficult for me to download stuff of it anymore, but i certainly miss the gallery :) lots of classic finds in there from yesteryear

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While my computer doesn't like the video portion of the gallery, I do visit it occasionally (not to post, though: I can't draw to save my life). I'm particularly happy because some of TehNinjin's old work is stored there, which have disappeared from the main "Artwork" posts.

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