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Sneeze Fetish Forum


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MASS EDIT: 7 FEBRUARY 2020, reason: edited so entire story is free of typos (hopefully).

PLOT: POV from a sneeze fetishist female, Natalie Sheppard, who is snowed in with her male family friend, Cade Bassam, and his family.


It was snowing right now and it was coming down pretty hard. Giant puffy flakes were pouring onto the windshield and it was getting tough to see. I’d been bored at home so I called my best friend, Cade Bassam, to see if he wanted to hang out. He told me to come on over so Dad offered to drive me as he was going out to stock up on groceries before the storm trapped us in. 

I was kind of excited to go hang out with Cade, when he answered his phone he sounded a little congested and he was sniffling every other second. He had always suffered from allergies to everything from dust to certain perfumes, but normally his allergies weren’t as bad in the winter. I wondered if he may have a cold. I smiled to myself—excellent. 

Dad turned and saw me deviously smiling. 


“What are you smiling at?” he asked taking my hand and holding it.

“Oh, nothing, I just thought of something funny, that’s all,” I replied trying to wipe my grin off my face. 


I have a secret. I have a little sneeze fetish. Absolutely no one knows I have it. Not even Cade. I don’t know how it evolved, but I am just fascinated with sneezes, and ever since I realized I have this fetish, watching Cade sneeze has never been more pleasant. 


Dad dropped me off and wanted to make sure someone let me in before he left me in standing in a blizzard. 

 “Bye, sweetie. Call me when you want to be picked up or ask the Bassams if they could take you home if I’m still running errands,” my dad informed. 

“OK,” I acknowledged. 


He kissed my forehead and I opened the passenger door only to have the piled-up snow from the top of the car dump on my head. 


“Arrggh!” I screamed. “TOO MUCH SNOW!” I dusted my head off my hurriedly trudged through the snow-covered driveway doing silly high knees all the way to the front door. I rang the doorbell and Cade’s older sister, Rosemary, answered the door.

“Hi Natalie, come on in,” she greeted holding the door open for me. 

“Hey, Rose. Thanks,” I nodded. 

“CADE! Natalie’s here!” Rose yelled up the stairs.

“Coming!” I heard Cade’s familiar voice holler from his room. 

I stomped off the snow and hung my coat up to dry, as I finished, Cade came rustling down the stairs and he jumped the last three to eagerly greet me with a bang. 

“Hey,” he smiled a little out of breath from storming down the stairs. He fixed his long straight black locks with his fingers. When I say long, I mean kind of like young Zac Efron as Troy Bolton long. 

“Hey. Whatcha been up to?” I greeted smiling as well. 

“Not much, been bumming it all morning,” he shrugged sniffling a bit. “Are you hungry, my mom just made lunch and I haven’t eaten yet,” he suggested as he strolled into the kitchen and I followed. 

Walking into the kitchen I spied Rose and her friend, whose name I can’t recall, but they were eating what looks like Cade’s favorite lunch, grande pizza nachos.

“Hey, are you eating my lunch?” Cade addressed about ready to burst.

“Simmer down Cade, Mom made enough for everyone. Come sit with us,” Rose offered. 

“I’ll get us drinks. Root Beer?” Cade assumed. 

I nodded then I took a seat across from Rose. 

“Natalie, you remember Collette?” she asked taking a bite of chip. 

Ah, yes, I remember now. “Yeah. So how’s college?” I asked taking a chip from the plate. 

“Good. I can’t wait to get back for next semester. I’m kind of getting tired of being here,” she implied. 

Cade came back with our drinks and sat down beside me. He sniffled again and I couldn’t help but notice. 


Ever since I’ve come to terms with this fetish, I’ve become super alert of the sounds of coughing, sneezing, sniffling, and nose blowing. I wish I could turn it off sometimes—like right now. I keep looking at Cade, watching him rub his nose and sniffle; he doesn’t seem to notice that I keep looking at him. But at the same time, I don’t want to turn off how alert I am—it’s a cool quirk of the fetish. I never miss a sneeze. 

The girls finish and leave to go upstairs to Rose’s room, leaving just me and Cade to finish the plate of nachos by ourselves. He’s really rubbing his nose now like he’s trying to ward off a sneeze or something. I can’t help but stare. He looks up at me and I freeze, a hot flash runs through my chest. 


I smiled and asked, “Everything alright?” 

“Y-yeah. I---just have this itch in my nose that’s been bugging me all day---and it won’t go away---no matter how much I rub my nose,” he explained taking a napkin and lightly blowing his nose. “Excuse me.” He turned his back to me and blew wetly and I saw from the movements from his arms that he was still rubbing at his nose with the napkin. 

I was lost for words. Finally, I mustered up enough courage if he’s OK, “Allergies bothering you?” 

“I guess…” he breathed, half-moaning. He got up and took our glasses to the sink and I followed him with the empty plate. 

He set our glasses down and immediately turned around, almost knocking me over. He whipped out a napkin from his back pocket and sneezed—a giant wet one—one that completely startled us both—one with no warning whatsoever, just a big breath and “HEEEEEFFFTTCHOOOOOO!!!” I was definitely shocked. I was glad his back was to me because I was grinning like an idiot. 

“Bless you!” I exclaimed. “Geez, a warning would be nice next time, you almost knocked me over,” I joked trying to cover up my eagerness. 

“Oh—sorry, I didn’t know you were be-hee—ind-me-eh-eh—” 

He was building up another sneeze. His eyes closed and he tipped his head back, holding the napkin just above his nose ready to catch its messy spray. I couldn’t help but watch intrigued with every second of anticipation. 

“Eh—eh—eh—HEESSSSSSHHHHOOO!!!” Another huge one. But he wasn’t done. “HETCHOO!!—ATCHOO!!” A quick double. He was doubled over. His hand still clasped to his face, he moved to the paper towel rack and ripped a few off and blew his nose. His back was still turned to me so I silently watched my wildest dreams play right in front of me. He wiped his nose and threw his used contents in the trashcan and then washed his hands. I slid next to him and set the plate down by our glasses. I snuck a glance at his face, his cute button nose was red around the nostrils and I could see just the tiniest little dribble of snot dripping from his nose. He sniffed it back up as he shut the water off and dried his hands. I hadn’t said a word yet, I thought I better say something before he thinks I actually enjoyed watching him sneeze—which I did—but he doesn’t know that I did. 


“Are you OK?” 

“Yeah,” he sniffed wiping his nose with the back of his wrist. “That tickle finally subsided.” 

“Well that’s good,” I muttered quietly, wishing he’d change the subject. 


Cade kind of likes taking about sneezing and his allergies. We’ve been friends since we were little and before I knew about this fetish, I used to sympathize with him and ask him what I could do to make him feel better. Poor thing, I don’t think he ever stops sneezing between the months of May through October. Now we’re older, I discovered this fetish, and he still complains about his allergies. I try to console with him, but I’m often the one to change the subject after a few minutes—otherwise, I get this weird feeling in my stomach and chest and then I’m really at a loss for words. And it looks like I’m going to have to change the subject again since he won’t shut up about how his nose has been so tickly today.


I looked out the window and noticed the snow wasn’t falling as hard now and I had an idea. “Hey, you know what we haven’t done in a long time?” 

“What?” he asked rubbing his nose again, his voice now filled with a little congestion—ugh the stuffed up voice kills me!

“Go sledding. Wanna snowsuit up and go?” I asked half-skipping to the door. 

“OK,” he smiled. “I’ll have to go digging through the garage to see if we still have our sleds.” 


Cade lives in the back of the neighborhood where the woods are located. There is a little hill leading down to the flat part of the forest and there is a small creek—it usually freezes in the winter and just beyond the frozen creek are some giant hills, perfect for sledding. Cade and I, and sometimes Rose, would hike across the river and go sledding for hours. We all grew out of that phase, and we haven’t been sledding since elementary school, it really is a fun winter activity. I never outgrew it, but my friends did and I’m an only child so I had no one to go with. Finally, I convinced Cade to come. 


Rose and Collette came down and saw us putting on snow pants and our coats. 

“Where are you going?” she asked.

“We’re going sledding,” I proudly pronounced. 

“Where?” Collette asked. 

“There’s a big hill just across the river in our back yard,” Cade told her. 

“Oh, have fun,” Rose replied. “Maybe we’ll join you later.” 

Cade and I were bundled up tightly and I followed him out to the garage to help him look for the sleds. Luckily, we found them in a cupboard under Cade and Rose’s old playground toys (balls, jump ropes, a container of chalk, baseball bats, a volleyball net, and, finally, two old bikes). We found one of those saucer-shaped sleds and Cade’s lucky green plastic traditional shaped sled. We took them and hiked behind his house to find our old sledding hill, perfectly draped with snow, untouched and ready for Cade and me to wreck the serene winter wonderland.

Edited by flowerpower67
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oo are you going to continue?! I love this!!

I am most definitely going to continue. I'll write more tonight

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This is cool! I like how Natalie also has a sneeze fetish smile.png

Thanks. I don't know if it's ever been done, but I thought it would be cool to read a story from a fetishist's POV.

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this is very good!!

Thanks. It basically writes itself since we all know how she feels being around a sneezy Cade.

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Aww this is SOOO good please continue it!!

I definitely will.

But we're in the middle of a pretty bad snow storm. I might lose power and not be able to post. So if if there's no update for a little while, it's because I have no power.

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This is perfect... ;v; I really like it! Please write more! biggrin.png

Thanks! It's all thanks to your amazing obs! So thank you for the inspiration!

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Cade and I treaded up the enormous hill and gazed out upon us. It was magnificent, white fluffy snow everywhere and still coming down upon our heads. It was quite the workout getting up the hill, my body was hot, but my face was numb. My nose was running and I was out of breath. Cade was trudging behind, I could hear him sniffling and clearing his throat. 

“You OK?” I called.
“Yeah,” he yelled back. “That’s quite a hike,” he breathed. 
“Yeah, but look, isn’t it beautiful?” I admired. 
“Sure is,” he agreed. 
“OK, last one down is a rotten egg!” I screamed taking a running start and splashing down with the saucer sled and gliding down the hill yelping all the way down. Cade jumped on his sled and followed me down. 
“LOOK OUT!!!!” Cade bellowed almost crashing into me; I quickly rolled over and he stopped just in time. 
We both lay in the snow looking up and the blinding white sky. 
“Whew, that was fun. I haven’t done that in a long time,” Cade reiterated. 
“I know, let’s do it again!!” I wailed getting up and rushing back up the hill. 

After a few times down the hill, we made trails and we slid down the hill like it was a slip-n-slide. Cade took my hand and helped me get on his sled with him. He was in back of me and I felt his warm breath on my frozen cheeks. Both of our noses were red and running, but we didn’t care. Cade left me on the sled for a second and soon enough he ran and jumped on making the sled tip over the edge and we went flying down the hill, both of us screaming. 
When sledding got old, I suggested we make a snowman. We marched back to Cade’s house and dropped the sleds by the front door. Soon enough cade was helping me roll a huge snowball around his front yard. He helped me lift each ball of snow on top of one another and we dug around in the snow to find sticks for arms and rocks for his face. 

“There, he’s perfect. What should we name him?” I asked admiring out hard work.
“How about Martin?” Cade suggested. 
I looked at him and his nose was really running and red and had rosy cheeks to match. I smiled at him, “Martin the Snowman, nice to meet you,” I joked shaking Martin’s stick hand. 

I heard a sudden snort from Cade—he sneezed, he stifled. I turned my head and saw him stifle a sneeze again. “Hexgfft!” I wondered if was sick and trying to hide it from me. I went over to him and tried to look him in the eyes. 

“You OK?” I asked. 
“Yeah,” he wetly sniffed. “Uh, can you hold these? I have to blow my nose.” He handed me his gloves and dug out a tissue from his pocket. He gave a few wet honks and sniffled again. He stuffed the used one in the other pocket and motioned for his gloves back. “Thanks. Man, the cold air makes my nose run so much!” 
Suddenly, “OUCH! HEY!” I yelled. Someone had hit me with a snowball. 
“GET ‘EM!!!!” I heard Rose scream. She and Collette were hiding behind Collette’s car and now were ambushing Cade and me with snowballs. 
“HURRY TAKE SHELTER!!!” Cade yelled covering me and we ducked behind a bush. 
“DON’T HURT MARTIN OUR SNOWMAN!!!” I shouted at the girls. 
“DON’T WORRY WE’LL BE CAREFUL!!!” Rose yelled. 

Cade and I made tons of snowballs and charged at Rose and Collette. We bombarded them with our balls of snow and they fought back hard. After a few rounds of bantering back and forth, Cade called truce. 

“TRUCE! TRUCE! My hands are frozen!!!” he cried. 
“Me too, me too,” Rose agreed. 

We all went back inside, relieved to be hit with the warmth of Cade’s house. We made quite a mess with all the snow we shook off, now making a melted mess on the floor. 

“Ooh, you two get some towels and wipe up the snow, and we’ll get started on some hot chocolate,” Rose directed. 
“Can you get the towels Nat? You know where they are, I really have to blow my nose,” Cade begged. 

I nodded, but I was sad inside because I wanted to watch Cade blow his cute little nose. I hurried up the stairs and grabbed two towels from the linen closet and heard Cade’s honking all the way upstairs. I snuck back down the stairs hiding just before the wall ended so I could spy on Cade.
He was rubbing his nose again and he had his eyes closed and his head tilted upward; that could only mean one thing—he was about to sneeze. I watched his shoulders rise and fall numerous times before— “HEESSSSSHHOOO!!” UNCOVERED. A ginormous spraying sneeze. And I bit my tongue to keep from squealing because he sneezed five more times after that, rapid-fire, messy sneezes, with hardly a breath in between. “HESSHHOO!! ESSHHHOO!! ESSSHHOO!!! ESSHOO!! ESSSHOOO!!” He bent over with each sneeze and from what I could see, he was wheezing for a breath. He put a hand on the wall to steady himself while he caught his breath. I heard him cough a few times, they sounded wet, coming from his chest. He took a few tissues and blew his nose again. GOD, I was in HEAVEN. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself before going back downstairs. 

Cade turned around as soon as he saw me stepping toward him. “Great, you found the towels,” he muffled through the tissues. He wiped his nose one last time and now it was really bright red, as well as his cheeks. 
I handed him one and we dropped them on the floor and jumped on them and wriggled around the tile until it was dry. 
“Cade, Natalie! The hot chocolate’s ready,” Rose hollered from the kitchen.
Cade and I hung the towels on the stair banister and traveled to the kitchen to retrieve our mugs of warm liquid goodness. 
We took them into the living room and Cade turned on the TV. Rose and Collette stayed in the kitchen and chatted. 
“So whatcha want to do?” Cade offered. 
I saw Mario Kart on the side table. “Do you want to play Mario Kart?” 
“Sure. But I’m not going to go easy on you,” he deviously joked. 
“Challenge accepted. I’m going to kick your ass!” I challenged. 

About 10 minutes into our racing, Cade paused the game and sneezed into his shoulder. “ATCHOO!!” He sniffed and mumbled to me. He just said my name and I got up knowing exactly what he wanted. I came back with a box of tissues. He took a few and wiped his nose. When he took the tissues away, his poor nose was glowing red. And his cheeks were still rosy, everyone else’s cheeks had changed back to normal. I was concerned he might be sick. 

“Cade, are you alright?” 
“I’m fine, I think I’m getting sick, but don’t worry, I’m fine,” he reassured. 

Just then, my phone rang. “Hold on, my dad’s calling me.” 
“Hey, sweetie, I’m on my way home. Do you want me to swing by and pick you up?” 
“No. We’re still hanging out,” I whined. 
“OK, but don’t stay too late, it’s supposed to keep snowing. Call me later.” 
“OK…” I dragged out.
I hung up my phone and Cade and I continued to race. Cade kept on sniffling and it was starting to drive me nuts. Every few races he would pause, pluck a few tissues, sneeze once or twice and blow his nose. His poor nose was getting redder by the second and I didn’t know how long he could hide how “well” he felt; he looked like Rudolph and now his voice hinted congestion and I could hardly handle it. I just wanted to wrap him up and nurse him back to health. 
Collette left and Rose came in to watch us race. 
Then Cade’s parents arrived home. 
Rose left and helped Mrs. Bassam with dinner. She called us in and told me to take a seat—she had made enough spaghetti for everyone. 

“How was your day?” Mrs. Bassam asked. I was assuming she was asking her kids, but Rose was on her phone and Cade was ignoring his mom on purpose, so I spoke up.
“Good. We had adventures in the snow. Me and Cade went sledding and made a snowman and Rose and her friend Collette bombarded us with snowballs,” I rambled. 
“ROSE! Phone. Off. It’s dinner time,” Mrs. Bassam snapped. Mr. Bassam snapped his fingers and opened his palm motioning for Rose to give her father her phone. 
Cade wasn’t eating much, which was unlike him, he was twirling and twirling spaghetti on his fork. He sniffed lightly then cleared his throat. 
“Cade? You alright, there son?” Mr. Bassam asked, waiting for his son to look up. 
Cade’s head was down, and his finger was appeasing an itch under his nose. I kicked his foot and he lifted his head. His eyes were glassy and tinted red. His nose was still glowing, and his cheeks were still bright red. 
“Cade, honey you look awful,” his mother cried. 
“I think I’m getting sick,” Cade added with a slight mucus-y cough. 
“Natalie, I think it’s best if you go on home after we finish dinner,” Mr. Bassam noted. “I’ll drive you home.” 
“I agree.” I nodded. 

I secretly wished to stay longer and watch Cade sneeze and sniffle and finally admit to being sick and let me take care of him. But on the other hand, Cade quit talking and being lively and physically surrendered to his health. I had no idea what Sick-Cade was like, but I imagined it wouldn’t be too much fun since Cade was being anti-social. 
After dinner, I waited for Cade’s parents to clear the table and I lounged in the living room with Cade who was slumped on the couch mindlessly watching TV. 
My wish was about to be granted, thanks to Mother Nature. 


“Hi, Ryan,” Mr. Bassam answered. “Yes, she’s here,” Mr. Bassam pulled me (not literally) into the kitchen with that finger hook thing. I strode into the kitchen to talk to my dad. 
“Hi Dad,” I nervously began. 
“I asked you to call me later,” he nagged. 
“I know. I’m sorry. But we can’t really do anything about it now can we?” 
“Well, since you’re kind of stuck there—Ugh, I wish you had been a little more responsible, Natalie Grace,” he groaned, I could hear the disappointment and frustration in his voice. “Can I talk to Jack or May please?” 
I handed the phone to Mrs. Bassam and strolled back into the living room. Cade was huddled under a blanket and staring blankly at the TV. 

Quite honestly, I felt a little ashamed that I was purposely irresponsible, but I just couldn’t leave my wildest fantasies with a cliffhanger. I had to stick it out with Cade and watch him suffer. I couldn’t go home wondering what it would be like if Cade got worse, and since his mom is a little overprotective, she wouldn’t let me come over and let me see my sneezy best friend. I had to look on the bright side. I get to spend the night with my sick best friend and since they don’t have a spare room, I get to sleep in the same room as him!! I get to listen to him struggle to fall asleep and maybe if he crashes first, I could just stare at him until my eyes finally closed for the night. Yes, this is going to be a great night.

Edited by flowerpower67
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This is aweeesoomeeee! she's stuck there with sick Cade :) It's cool how you go back and forth between italicized stuff and normal story stuff. That totally made sense. Can't wait for more :D

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This is aweeesoomeeee! she's stuck there with sick Cade smile.png It's cool how you go back and forth between italicized stuff and normal story stuff. That totally made sense. Can't wait for more biggrin.png

Yeah, thanks. The italicized stuff is Natalie's inner thoughts, as if she were writing it all down in a journal. Regular type is everything happening outside--what Natalie sees and who is talking around her.

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I read it :) I really love it <3 not just the sneezing but also the plot too c: . It makes the story quite interesting ! :) can't wait to read more. You have pleased me with a story like always , FlowerPower. My thanks for writing this :)

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I read it smile.png I really love it <3 not just the sneezing but also the plot too c: . It makes the story quite interesting ! smile.png can't wait to read more. You have pleased me with a story like always , FlowerPower. My thanks for writing this smile.png

Thanks! I appreciate that you read it.

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I read it smile.png I really love it <3 not just the sneezing but also the plot too c: . It makes the story quite interesting ! smile.png can't wait to read more. You have pleased me with a story like always , FlowerPower. My thanks for writing this smile.png

Thanks! I appreciate that you read it.

No problem :) n my pleasure to read it

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okaaayyy i just died for a second over here :D this story is amazing! I love it! Your awesome! I hope you update asap!

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okaaayyy i just died for a second over here biggrin.png this story is amazing! I love it! Your awesome! I hope you update asap!

I'm working on another part right now. Update in the next hour or so. Glad you are enjoying it. I quite enjoy what I've written too, I'm squealing with the rest of you.

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Cade sat up but pulled his legs up to his chest and rested his head on his propped up arm to make room for me. He was back to sniffling again and I dropped the tissue box in his lap. He gave me a half-smile and plucked a tissue and blew his nose. 

“I’m sorry, my nose is dripping more than a leaky faucet,” he apologized wiping his nose for the hundredth time.
“It’s OK,” I shrugged my shoulders. I was getting tired of watching him blow his nose, when is he gonna sneeze? 
Mrs. Bassam sauntered into the living room reporting to me. “Well, it looks like you’re staying here tonight. Rose will lend you something to sleep in and Jack is blowing up the air mattress in Cade’s room. Now Cade, can I take your temperature, please? Your cheeks are awfully rosy red,” Mrs. Bassam instructed. 
“Awe, Mom….” Cade moaned, though he went into a slight coughing fit and his mom raised an eyebrow, asking again. "Fine.” Cade opened up his mouth and waited for the thermometer to beep. 
Mrs. Bassam took it out and frowned. “It’s not too high, but it’s a fever. 100.1 I’ll be back with some Motrin.” 

I watched Cade and his mom banter back and forth, and finally, Cade raised his elbow to his face. “HeptChoo!” It sounded weak and desperate. And by the looks of it, Cade was out of it. His eyes were already half-closed and his nose was constantly dripping even though he talked with congestion lingering in his voice. I assumed he wanted to go to bed, but since I was here he probably would suck it up and stay up with me. Cade’s mom came back with a little cup of Motrin and a glass of water. Cade painfully gulped it down.

“Good. Do you want to head to bed?” Mrs. Bassam asked. 
“No, I’m not tired,” Cade replied. 
“I think he wants to stay up with me,” I interjected. 
“OK, don’t stay up too late,” Mrs. Bassam replied ruffling Cade’s hair. He was so exhausted Cade didn’t even bother to fix his ruffled hair, I even know he hates when people noogie him. 

We didn’t stay up too long, I was wiped from playing out in the snow. We watched a few episodes of Scrubs on Netflix then I helped Cade upstairs. He offered to let me use the bathroom first since I was the guest, but I insisted he go first so he could get to bed. I paced up and down the hall but paused outside the bathroom when I heard Cade sneeze three times, one right after another, “HEPSHOO!! ETCHOO!! ATPCHOO!!” He came out wearing his glasses, which is something I rarely get to see, but he was rubbing his eyes. 

“Bathroom’s all yours, I’ll see you back in my room,” he yawned hobbling back to his room. 

I rushed changing and brushing my teeth (using one of their spares), wanting to get back to Cade before he was out for the night. I returned to his bedroom and saw Cade sitting upright blowing his nose. With every hitching breath, out came a little cough that made his nose run again. An endless miserable cycle—that made me get butterflies in my stomach. 

“Are you OK?” I asked as I quietly shut the door behind me. 
“Yeah,” I heard him mumble through the tissues over his mouth. He opened his eyes and watched me get comfortable on the air mattress. 
“Do you need anything before we go to bed?” I offered before totally laying down. 
“No, I’ve got tissues and I just took some medicine, I’ll be fine,” he reassured. “What about you? Are you warm enough? Do you need any more blankets? Another pillow?” he asked. 
“Nope, it’s perfect. Goodnight Cade, feel better,” I smiled. 

I turned over to face Cade; I watched him take off his glasses and turn out the light. I laid in the darkness, rethinking the events of the day. I was wildly smiling and I was getting excited, I had to stay quiet and try and get some sleep. I thought about tomorrow; Cade would probably wake up feeling miserable and he’ll want to be anti-social but he’ll fake it and try to be a good host and keep me entertained when all he needs to do is surrender his illness and let me take care of him. I was almost asleep when I heard Cade stir in his sleep. Being awake still, my eyes had adjusted to the dark, I watched a dark figure raise to a half-sitting position and fire off six desperate, spraying sneezes. 
“HESSSHOO!!-HESSSHOO!!-ETCHOOO!! HE-HE-ASSSSSHOO!! AAAFFFTSHOOO!!! ASSSSHHOOO!!” I heard him pluck some tissues and he honked for a while, coughing afterward. He moaned and settled back down in bed. I held every instinct in to scream and I tried to take deep breaths. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths, soon enough I was dreaming about Cade sneezing.


Edited by flowerpower67
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PART 3: This is pretty short, compared to part 1&2, but I'm writing more as of right now and I can't find a good stopping point as I'm writing more, so I don't want the parts to get too long... this is the last part before Cade and Natalie go to bed. Hope you like it.


Cade sat up but pulled his legs up to his chest and rested his head on his propped up arm to make room for me. He was back to sniffling again and I dropped the tissue box in his lap. He gave me a half smile and plucked a tissue and blew his nose.

“I’m sorry, my nose is dripping more than a leaky faucet,” he apologized wiping his nose for the hundredth time.

“It’s OK,” I shrugged my shoulders. I was getting tired of watching him blow his nose, when is he gonna sneeze?

Mrs. Bassam sauntered into the living room reporting to me. “Well, it looks like you’re staying here tonight. Rose will lend you something to sleep in and Jack is blowing up the air mattress in Cade’s room. Now Cade, can I take your temperature please? You’re cheeks are awfully rosy red,” Mrs. Bassam instructed.

“Awe, Mom….” Cade moaned, though he went into a slight coughing fit and his mom raised an eyebrow, asking again. "Fine.” Cade opened up his mouth and waited for the thermometer to beep.

Mrs. Bassam took it out and frowned. “It’s not too high, but it’s a fever. 100.1 I’ll be back with some Motrin.”

I watched Cade and his mom banter back and forth and finally Cade raised his elbow to his face. “HeptChoo!” It sounded weak and desperate. And by the looks of it, Cade was out of it. His eyes were already half-closed and his nose was constantly dripping even though he talked with congestion lingering in his voice. I assumed he wanted to go to bed, but since I was here he probably would suck it up and stay up with me. Cade’s mom came back with a little cup of Motrin and a glass of water. Cade painfully gulped it down.

“Good. Do you want to head to bed?” Mrs. Bassam asked.

“No, I’m not tired,” Cade replied.

“I think he wants to stay up with me,” I interjected.

“OK, don’t stay up too late,” Mrs. Bassam replied ruffling Cade’s hair. He was so exhausted Cade didn’t even bother to fix his ruffled hair, I even know he hates when people noogie him.

We didn’t stay up too long, I was wiped from playing out in the snow. We watched a few episodes of “Scrubs” on Netflix then I helped Cade upstairs. He offered to let me use the bathroom first since I was the guest, but I insisted he go first so he could get to bed. I waited outside the bathroom and was glad I did. I heard Cade sneeze three times, one right after another, “HEPSHOO!!-ETCHOO!!—ATPCHOO!!” He came out wearing his glasses, which is something I rarely get to see, but he was rubbing his eyes.

“Bathroom’s all yours, I’ll see you back in my room,” he yawned hobbling back to his room.

I rushed changing and brushing my teeth (using one of their spares), wanting to get back to Cade before he was out for the night. I returned to his bedroom and saw Cade already in his bed with his eyes closed. I was sort of disappointed, I wanted to talk with him before we shut the lights out. Though, his light was still on, so…

“Cade? Are you awake?” I whispered trying to shut the door without it creaking.

“Yes,” I heard him mumble. He opened his eyes and watched me get comfortable on the air mattress.

“Do you need anything before we go to bed?” I offered before totally laying down.

“No, I’ve got tissues and I just took some medicine, I’ll be fine,” he reassured. “What about you? Are you warm enough? Do you need any more blankets? Another pillow?” he asked.

“Nope, it’s perfect. Goodnight Cade, feel better,” I smiled.

I turned over to face Cade; I watched him take off his glasses and turn out the light. I laid in the darkness, rethinking the events of the day. I was wildly smiling and I was getting excited, I had to stay quiet and try and get some sleep. I thought about tomorrow; Cade would probably wake up feeling miserable and he’ll want to be anti-social but he’ll fake it and try to be a good host and keep me entertained when all he needs to do is surrender his illness and let me take care of him. I was almost asleep when I heard Cade stir in his sleep. Being awake still, my eyes had adjusted to the dark, I watched a dark figure raise to a half sitting position and fire off six desperate, spraying sneezes. “HESSSHOO!!-HESSSHOO!!-ETCHOOO!!—HE-HE-ASSSSSHOO!!—AAAFFFTSHOOO!!!—ASSSSHHOOO!!” I heard him pluck some tissues and he honked for a while, coughing afterward. He moaned and settled back down in bed. I held every instinct in to scream and I tried to take deep breaths. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths, soon enough I was dreaming about Cade sneezing.

Omg Cade is adorable ;o

I love this part ! <3

Definitly worth waiting for ! :)

Can't wait to read more ! :)

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Yay, more :D They're so fun to read.

"I'm writing more as of right now" Yay!

"I don't want the parts to get too long..." It's ok make them as long as you want, more to read :3

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Omg Cade is adorable ;o

I love this part ! <3

Definitly worth waiting for ! smile.png

Can't wait to read more ! smile.png

Yay, more biggrin.png They're so fun to read.

"I'm writing more as of right now" Yay!

"I don't want the parts to get too long..." It's ok make them as long as you want, more to read :3

Just wit until the morning. Oh, just imagine how Cade is gonna feel when he wakes up.

Edited by flowerpower67
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