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Sneezing in Sneeze Fictions


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How much of the story do you prefer to be focused on sneezing? I kind of like it better if it's a really good and well written story with sneezing being a thing on the side, not the main focus. What are your guys' opinions? Do you prefer sneezing being the most important thing?

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I think it varies somewhat for me.

There are some stories that are mainly plot with the odd sneeze that I love, and there are also other stories that mainly focus on the sneezing (illness, feeling, allergies etc) which I love equally as much.

I think plot is certainly vital to a story for me to really enjoy it, but as a "fetish story" I honestly don't mind how much focus is put on the actual sneezing ^_^

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If it's a sneeze-fic, I want there to be a lot of sneezing/the main focus to be on the sneezing. I mean, that's the whole point of reading a sneeze fic for me. If I wanted to read a regular story with a good plot that may or may not contain sneezing, I'd pick up a book.

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Sometimes I want it to just be pr0n, i.e. all the aspects of the cold or allergy or whatever described in all its glorious detail and no plot to distract me from the lovely fetish material. And sometimes a good story, with some sneezage thrown in for larks, better suits my mood.

But pr0n or story, I won't read it when no effort has gone into the language of it.

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Sometimes I want it to just be pr0n, i.e. all the aspects of the cold or allergy or whatever described in all its glorious detail and no plot to distract me from the lovely fetish material. And sometimes a good story, with some sneezage thrown in for larks, better suits my mood.

But pr0n or story, I won't read it when no effort has gone into the language of it.

What she said^

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Sometimes I want it to just be pr0n, i.e. all the aspects of the cold or allergy or whatever described in all its glorious detail and no plot to distract me from the lovely fetish material. And sometimes a good story, with some sneezage thrown in for larks, better suits my mood.

This, very much. Also I know there are some lovely stories that combine the two. :)

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I don't read too many sneeze stories though when I do, I like there to be a lot of sneezing in them because I just feel that that's the whole point of doing them. I mean, you expect there to be some kind of plot and some level of characterizations and reasons for why the characters are doing whatever they're doing. I guess you could say that a few of the really memorable ones would have a ton of sneezing in them and a plot. Serotica used to be good at this from time to time. Someone else said if you wanted a good plot and characterization, that's what books are for, though some people might lament that in books you're lucky to even get one sneeze and even that wouldn't be likely to be the kind that you like. :lol: I guess for me it's like: If I want plot, I read a book, if I want a ton and ton of sneezes, I'll usually try to find something that's close to my tastes here. But everyone's different and you'll get all sorts of answers. :yes:

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Hm... I don't like it to be focused on sneezing only, but I love when it focuses on illness! I know a lot of people here love the detailed descriptions of sneezes... well, sometimes I'm okay if sneezes are simply mentioned (as in: "then he sneezed twice" or just spelled out), but then I want other symptoms of illness to be explained, such as: How did his head feel? Was he cold and shaky from the fever? Was his throat sore?

And sometimes I LOVE stories that have a lot of plot, and illness and sneezing connected to the plot. A scenario that comes to mind would be a group of friends fleeing from somewhere and then one of them gets sick, so they have to take care of that person before they can move on. I also love when this happens in books...! (:

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Well, here's how I see it.

The only time I read sneeze fics are when I'm specifically looking for sneezing. Otherwise I'd just go read a book. Or read a magazine or something. If a story isn't being written specifically for the sneezing, it doesn't sound to me like it should be called a sneeze fic.

Edited by Mash
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I like when there's plot and characterization. Particularly the latter. For me, sneezing isn't really interesting unless there's a personality attached to it - like I have to really understand the person to care about how their sneezing affects them. When it's just sneezing, without the other stuff, then it's only lots of very excited letters on a screen and it's easy for me to just kind of skim over them and not care. The plot/characters do not have to be... you know... like, award-winning or super intricate, but I like when they're there to make it all a little easier to attach to. Also, like someone else said, bonus points when the plot is somehow hurt-comfort related in nature.

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For me, it's all about the characters. If I don't care about the characters, I don't care about what they do, even if they *are* sneezing.

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<br />But pr0n or story, I won't read it when no effort has gone into the language of it. <br />

Yup! It doesn't have to be plot heavy. But (for me) it needs to be what I consider "well written" - i.e.= thought put into it. I'm not saying perfect or a great literary masterpiece, but elements like: well thought out phrases, wit, banter, characters that are either in character (if fanfic) or developed and consistent if they are not- those are things that I like. Not every fic needs every characteristic- but... the more the better.

I like my pr0n to be sensual and descriptive- but with taste. My fluff- has to have character.

The main thing though for me is it needs *voice* - that certain "something" that makes it uniquely belonging to *a* particular writer. The authors here (and elsewhere) that I love to read, aren't only wonderful with their choice of words, but they write for *themselves*. Yes, to share with others, (and comments are ALWAYS :wub: ) but they don't write in way that is calculated to "win" them the biggest number of reads/hits/comments.

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Interesting topic. Hmm...I think I'm mostly in agreement with everyone else here, in that I prefer stories to have some sort of plot (even if it's a bare-bones one) so that the sneezing is that much better "in context". That's certainly how I try to write my fic. And certainly, sometimes having some plot before the sneezing begins can add to the anticipation and make the actual sneezing that much hotter.

Sometimes, though, if I'm really really in the mood for sneezing, I'll just scroll straight down until I hit the sneezes. The plot can keep till later, give me the sneezing now.

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As I primarily read fics on this site for the sneezing, that tends to be what I want the story to focus on. I like and appreciate effort being put into constructing a coherent story, and this certainly helps me enjoy it, but its really the sneezing and the descriptions of the predicament and feelings of the building sneeze that 'interest' me the most :lol: I am a pretty prolific reader and if I want to read stories without sneezing there is plenty of other stuff out there to fill that need.

That said, when I stumble across some sneezing unexpectedly in a book I am reading, it gives me a real buzz. Maybe its the unexpectedness of it :D

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Well, here's how I see it.

The only time I read sneeze fics are when I'm specifically looking for sneezing. Otherwise I'd just go read a book. Or read a magazine or something. If a story isn't being written specifically for the sneezing, it doesn't sound to me like it should be called a sneeze fic.

So is there any difference between sneezefiction and observations, for you? I mean, besides expected length? (Honest question, no trolling!)

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Well, here's how I see it.

The only time I read sneeze fics are when I'm specifically looking for sneezing. Otherwise I'd just go read a book. Or read a magazine or something. If a story isn't being written specifically for the sneezing, it doesn't sound to me like it should be called a sneeze fic.

So is there any difference between sneezefiction and observations, for you? I mean, besides expected length? (Honest question, no trolling!)

Sneeze fics are fiction, and observations are not.

Otherwise, no.

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It really depends! Sometimes I like a good lead-up, otherwise I just want to get to the point. My favorite is still when I'm reading something by a non-fetishist and they write something on-topic, then it's just like a special treat or something.

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