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One of those totally blocked nose colds... (F)


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So today, I woke up around 8:30am with a completely blocked nose. I could not breathe in or out of it. I was able to go back to sleep until about 11am. But my nose was still blocked--like one nostril blocked at a time. It's really annoying and it's giving me a really uncomfortable sinus headache.

I've had to blow a few times, and have had the urge to sneeze all day. So I induced with a paper clip. I got about 7 good wet sneezes. And a nice healthy double.

ARRSHOO!!----ARSSSHOO!!----ARRRRSHOO!!!! Over and over and the last two was the double--ETCHOO!!-ASHOO!!!

Now my nose is still stuffy and I still have a sinus headache. I really hate it...

But I'll keep you all updated!

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So today, I woke up around 8:30am with a completely blocked nose. I could not breathe in or out of it. I was able to go back to sleep until about 11am. But my nose was still blocked--like one nostril blocked at a time. It's really annoying and it's giving me a really uncomfortable sinus headache.

I've had to blow a few times, and have had the urge to sneeze all day. So I induced with a paper clip. I got about 7 good wet sneezes. And a nice healthy double.

ARRSHOO!!----ARSSSHOO!!----ARRRRSHOO!!!! Over and over and the last two was the double--ETCHOO!!-ASHOO!!!

Now my nose is still stuffy and I still have a sinus headache. I really hate it...

But I'll keep you all updated!

Awwwwwe feel better :hug: *hugs* c: . Keep us updated :)

Edited by DeathNoteOwner
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I'm still very stuffy and find myself subconsciously breathing through my mouth. I still have a slight headache, but it's more like my nose and sinuses hurt.

I've induced some more, just for the heck of it and my sneezes all sound the same.

I had some soup for lunch and put hot red pepper flakes in it to clear my sinuses, that did the trick, but I'm back to being clogged up...

I don't feel sick, I just hope I don't wake up tomorrow feeling miserable. "Knocks on wood."

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Awwwwwe feel better *hugs* c: . Keep us updated

Thanks. I'll try.

But on the bright side, It's cold as balls where I live, negative 23 degrees (F). So I've been inside just chillin and writing more of Snowed In. Next part coming in the next hour or so.

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It's cold as balls where I live

So I've been inside just chillin

Makes sense :P

(hope you feel better soon)

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Still stuffy. Still breathing through my mouth (and I don't like doing that because it dried out my mouth and throat). Still have that sinus headache..though I think they are called cluster headaches..my eyes kind of hurt as well as the bridge of my nose--where my sinuses are.. :(

I've induced every time I've felt like I have to sneeze because I know it won't come naturally. And they all sound the same... ARRSHOO!!

I'm getting these short waves of nausea, feeling like I'm going to throw up...but I'm not sure if it's because I'm getting sick or if it's my monthly cycle...SIDE BAR: any females open to sharing if they sometimes get nauseated when their cycle is about to start? Anyway, if it's because I'm getting sick.. I really hope it's just a cold! NO FLU PLEASE!!!! How ironic too, I just got a flu shot, literally, last Friday.

I'm also pretty tired. My bed time has been about 2AM these past few weeks (because I'm on Holiday), but I'm tired at 8PM....that's not good. Maybe I'll head to bed early.

I'm not one to take medicine, I've just taken Ibuprofen for my headache and I might take a Rol-Aid for my upset stomach before I go to bed. I'm going to upload another part of Snowed In, which is an original piece I'd love for you to read on this site.... and go to bed.

Let's hope I wake up tomorrow with JUST a cold and NOT THE FLU. Knock on wood..

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Morning. I'm sick..... :(

I woke up around 7:30 this morning because I was so stuffed up and I couldn't go back to sleep. I thought about telling my mom I didn't feel well, I ran over the scene in my head, like, you can do this, it's not a big deal.

Well I got up at 8 and stood at the foot of my mom's bed and she said, "hi, sweetie," and I paused for a second and then said, "Can I sleep with you?"

I got in bed and went back to sleep for another two hours.

I have the hardest time telling my mom I don't feel well. Mostly because I don't get sick very often, but ironically, this is my second cold in a month. I got one the very first day of my Holiday back in mid-December and now I have another one, just as my vacation is wrapping up.

Just because I can't verbally tell my mom what's bothering me, doesn't mean I can't tell all of you.

I'm sick...and I don't like it. I woke up to that feeling of hearing/feeling your heartbeat all through your body. Has anyone else ever experienced that? My nose is still really stuffed up and each nostril painfully switches back and forth between being able to breathe through it. Still have that headache and I'm a tad shaky. I wonder if I have a fever..my forehead feels fine.

I have one of those chesty-goose sounding coughs, but naturally sneezing has not occurred yet. So you can bet I'll be inducing again.

I actually induced last night before I went to bed and it felt amazing. They were spraying and messy and it just felt good to let some out.

The bad part about being me and being sick is--being nauseated. I hate that feeling of possibly throwing up. I absolutely hate it. But it comes and goes in little waves, so it's not too miserable. Looks like it's a tea and saltines kind of day.

I'll be writing more of Snowed in and posting it later today, and I'll be sure to keep you updated.

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awww i feel bad for you! Being nauseous is the absolute worst! I also agree about telling my parents when I'm sick...for some reason it is so hard! I really hope you feel better!!xo

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My god you must be getting through some tissues.

Hope you feel better soon

not really. I've used very few since I've been sick... nothing comes out, my nose is just blocked up. But thank you though. :)

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