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Sneeze Fetish Forum

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So I have been interested in sneezing since I was a child, in high school I realized I was aroused by sneezing, from then on I lurked on this site all the time, too scared to make an account for fear someone would find out. Now I'm a little older and a little more comfortable, I want to tell my boyfriend but I am sooo nervous and he is really the only person I would care to tell. How do I go about bringing this up though? Have any of you guys told you significant others? How did it go? I know a lot of people post this topic I just feel like I should too to give myself a little confidence boost... maybe it'll work.

Thanks guys, I really love this group, it's so welcoming and doesn't make me feel like a weirdo anymore having this fetish thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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Funny you should ask, considering I'm usually pretty adamant about Not Telling :P

I have told my mom, but that's it. Nobody else shall know ever, except maybe my sister when she's older, because we r superduper close

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Thanks guys, I really love this group, it's so welcoming and doesn't make me feel like a weirdo anymore having this fetish thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

I love being here too! I feel so accepted!

Funny you should ask, considering I'm usually pretty adamant about Not Telling :P

Lol! I would NEVER tell my Mom! That is brave of you :) just thought of talking about sneezing in family makes me shudder!

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Funny you should ask, considering I'm usually pretty adamant about Not Telling tonguesmiley.gif

I have told my mom, but that's it. Nobody else shall know ever, except maybe my sister when she's older, because we r superduper close

Wow u told ur mom! Thats awesome ur that close! Man ur brave XD I have to ask tho is it ever awkward or is she not bothered by it?

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ive told every single boyfriend ive been with, and none of them seemed to care in the least bit. i was lucky enough to even have one of them indulge me in this fetish...but now that hes my ex it makes me sick thinking about it...LOL

so ive never had a bad reaction to telling people about it, but maybe i just got lucky, either that or less people than we think actually make a big deal out of it. seems like most people dont care as often as we think they would, unless they are very closeminded or something

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Just bring it up like you'd bring up any other thing. If you don't make a big deal about it, odds are your partner will not either. :)

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I've told one of my boyfriends and two girlfriends and none of them ever minded in the least. My boyfriend actually teased me a bit, he would sneeze in class and I wouldn't look and I could feel his eyes on me for a few seconds. He actually texted me a video of him inducing as per request. ^_^ But yeah, mostly it isn't a big deal. I say go for it; you might get some perm's out of it. *cough cough* *nudge nudge*

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I've told one of my boyfriends and two girlfriends and none of them ever minded in the least. My boyfriend actually teased me a bit, he would sneeze in class and I wouldn't look and I could feel his eyes on me for a few seconds. He actually texted me a video of him inducing as per request. ^_^ But yeah, mostly it isn't a big deal. I say go for it; you might get some perm's out of it. *cough cough* *nudge nudge*

perks* what the Fuck autocorrect?!
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Funny you should ask, considering I'm usually pretty adamant about Not Telling tonguesmiley.gif

I have told my mom, but that's it. Nobody else shall know ever, except maybe my sister when she's older, because we r superduper close

So out of curiosity, how did that go? :o Did you tell her that her sneezes were nasty to you? :P

Anyway, as for the OP, well, I never really had to tell a significant other so not sure I have much helpful advice. You'd know him better than we would so maybe you'd have some idea if he's super judgmental about things that are different or not. Maybe you could bring up fetishes in general to gauge how he feels about them, and then maybe say something like "if you tell me yours, I'll tell you mine."

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I told my current girlfriend and she was way more accepting than I could ever have hoped for :) She was actually a little annoyed I hadn't told her sooner! I say go for it, if he really cares about you he'll understand that its a part of you and how happy it'll make you :) Good luck!

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Thanks guys, I really love this group, it's so welcoming and doesn't make me feel like a weirdo anymore having this fetish thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

I love being here too! I feel so accepted!

Funny you should ask, considering I'm usually pretty adamant about Not Telling tonguesmiley.gif

Lol! I would NEVER tell my Mom! That is brave of you smile.png just thought of talking about sneezing in family makes me shudder!

Funny you should ask, considering I'm usually pretty adamant about Not Telling tonguesmiley.gif

I have told my mom, but that's it. Nobody else shall know ever, except maybe my sister when she's older, because we r superduper close

Wow u told ur mom! Thats awesome ur that close! Man ur brave XD I have to ask tho is it ever awkward or is she not bothered by it?

Funny you should ask, considering I'm usually pretty adamant about Not Telling tonguesmiley.gif

I have told my mom, but that's it. Nobody else shall know ever, except maybe my sister when she's older, because we r superduper close

So out of curiosity, how did that go? 7.gif Did you tell her that her sneezes were nasty to you? tonguesmiley.gif

Anyway, as for the OP, well, I never really had to tell a significant other so not sure I have much helpful advice. You'd know him better than we would so maybe you'd have some idea if he's super judgmental about things that are different or not. Maybe you could bring up fetishes in general to gauge how he feels about them, and then maybe say something like "if you tell me yours, I'll tell you mine."

Well, this was at a point in time when the fetish was making me stress a little and I was so scared that she was gonna find out (cuz she's so observant) and it was making me feel all upset so I just told her. It was like a big weight off my chest.

Telling my dad though? Not in this lifetime. I would have all my friends and even my crush know before my dad, and that's saying something!

Bondi - I remember I was crying when I told her and everything, she said it was just a "phase" and would probably pass, and I was just like, "no, I dont think so, but thanks". I asked her if she had any fetishes, and she said no. We talked about it a little bit. She promised to keep secret, and even cover up for me if my dad found any fetish material or anything like that :) I don't remember telling her many details, besides the fact that I prefer colds. I told her I'd prefer not to really talk about it and not to act any differently under any circumstances, and since then she has remained faithful. My mom is awesome :)

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