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Sneeze Fetish Forum

How Did You Find This Site?


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How did you come across this forum?

I got really bored looking up sneezing on youtube, so i broadened my search to google and looked up something like "sneezing in TV shows" It led me to a page about it here under "sneezing in the media" and i came back to it multiple times to look up more TV shows. I eventually started to explore the whole forum, and after a few months I joined.

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This particular site... I was iming with the original owner, and he told me that he had just put it up and gave me the link to come here.

The "community" - I used the regular type of search words. Found "Diary of a Sneeze Fetishist" and Tarotgirl's site- with lots of great stories, and the Bondi's forum that was with BeSeen.

Nice to think about the different paths we came through.

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I was like 13 and I was just starting to explore the internet, I was looking up stories about sneezing or stories with sneezing in them. After coming across a bunch of fanfics I came across this site. I remember reading a bunch of stories and coming back almost every night to read more. When I was like 15 my dad blocked the site so I would look it up on my iPod at night after my parents went to bed. Then I bought my own laptop and BOOM! Here I am.

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I also remember that in looking up sneezing I came across a fanfiction (different site) with sneezing in it, and I was like cool! Stories that have sneezing in them! Yeah, I'm a little slow, just discovering fanfiction this summer.

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I was able to find plenty of fics about my other two fetishes, but not so much with this one. So I did a search for sneezy stories and happened upon this site. Eventually, I grew weary of not knowing anyone who shared this interest, so I joined.

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I honestly can't remember how I first came upon this site. :laugh: I might have found it through Tarotgal's site... or maybe it was Bondi's .wav page I found through Tarotgal, and then followed a link on Bondi's site to get here. Either way, I think I must have been 13 years old, or something like that. I must have lurked for quite some time, too, seeing as I didn't join the forum until I was 16, but once again, I can't remember much from that time. Maybe it's because my English wasn't very good back then.

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Something Awful! Ten years ago or so when they featured "Diary of a Sneeze Fetishist" as their Awful Link of the Day. I kinda went "hmm..." because I'd liked sneezing for a long time but had never realized anyone felt the same way as me. As I read through the diary I just kept nodding and nodding, yup, sounded like me all right. And from there I was able to find this forum. I used to post as a guest, back when you could do that sort of thing, and then I just lurked for a long time. Finally decided a couple years ago to make this thing legit.

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Lol i was looking for spider man sneeze fics xD and happened to come across this gold mine of a site

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pretty randomly actually...like most people i was surfing the internet looking for sickfics of random characters, and this forum just happened to show up in one of the links

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I was thirteen! September 2006. I was leisurely browsing the Wikipedia page for "sneezing" (it felt so exciting!!) and, at the time, there was a sneeze fetish section in the article. I remember reading it and thinking "No way... no way... I'm not the only one? This is me exactly!" so I browsed the forum just to make sure and then made an account a couple days later.

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I don't remember how old I was, but I don't think I was too young... :huh:

I was randomly googling sneezing-related things, and in the sources was sneezefetishforum.org... CHECK. LOVE. I *think* I lurked a bit over a year (?) before joining. So briefly: Coincidence :D

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Last year I would look up anime sickfics, and it got to the point where I had basically sucked fanfiction.com dry of the ones I liked laugh.png

So, I would browse into the depths of google looking for sickfics, and on something like the thirtieth page of a google search (I know. I have a problem, haha) a story from this site came up. I read it without knowing it was on a fetish site, and adored it. When I realized it was on a sneeze fetish site, I was pretty disgusted with myself. I stopped looking on here for a couple months, but eventually I came back and lurked until I found the courage to sign up :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for bumping this topic, but I like the question and I'd like to answer it!

I was also thirteen when I officially registered (I'm glad I'm not the only one who joined that young!), a month before turning 14. I'd been exploring my fetish for about a year at that point. blushing.gif When did I first find this wonderful place? It was at some point when I was still intensely curious about sneezing but not aware of what fetishism was, and one night while the rest of my family was watching TV, I spent more than two hours Googling simply the word "sneeze." I found this forum, opened it in a tab for later, and kept going. xD I went through literally 1000 pages of results that night. Then, I realized I didn't know what a fetish was, looked up the definition, and got confused/scared something was wrong with me heh.gif I thought about it the rest of the night, and realized that it was a sexual thing, that I really only cared about girls sneezing, that it turned me on. I only lurked for a few months before registering.

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I spent more than two hours Googling simply the word "sneeze." I found this forum, opened it in a tab for later, and kept going. xD I went through literally 1000 pages of results that night. Then, I realized I didn't know what a fetish was, looked up the definition, and got confused/scared something was wrong with me heh.gif I thought about it the rest of the night, and realized that it was a sexual thing, that I really only cared about girls sneezing, that it turned me on. I only lurked for a few months before registering.

hehe, sort of same for me, except maybe knock a couple 0's off 1000 and replace girl with guy :P

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I have this stupid obsession with wanting to catch a cold, and I do a lot of research trying to figure out ways I can catch a cold on purpose xP But I never do...so sad... Anyway, I think the first topic I read on this site was by Sneezster's and how she managed to steal a cold from a coworker :)

I'm pretty sure I'd been on the site before, just finding it by googling sneeze-related stuff. But this was the time that inspired me to start lurking. I always knew I liked sneezing, that I was kind of awkward about it, embarrassed about it, but liked it. I mean... the things I did as a child when you have no shame or embarrassment for what you like lol... anyway, I started lurking, reading the fics and observations... and I finally decided to sign up and start my own threat to do more research and try to get a cold. And I still haven't :( haha. Now I'm sort of relaxed on trying so hard, because it just ends up being so disappointing. I'm just waiting patiently, knowing it's going to happen eventually...

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Well I was looking up various sneezefics.. Don't even ask. I was a weird 13 year old.. But I'm sure I read them when I was younger to O.o . Anyways I was serching example : DeathNote L allergies sneezefanfic , then stumbled apon a few stories on the forum.. I lurked for a while but then decided to sign up and that's how we're here ..today.

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I was looking for sickfics.

I was pretty oblivious to what was happening to me. I had no idea I had this fetish. I just thought I was weird that I liked to write about sneezing and liked listening to waves.

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I was actually looking for a forum where I could be in contact with other people sharing the same fetish. It's just quite difficult to be part of the forum if you're as shy as i am...

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Sadly enough, I don't even remember! But I think I was looking up sneezing (Again) and was so happy to see something Not Lauren Johnson related I clicked on it and the rest is history! :)

Edited by ImTHATweird
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I was actually looking for a forum where I could be in contact with other people sharing the same fetish. It's just quite difficult to be part of the forum if you're as shy as i am...

Don't be shy :) Everyone loves everyone here. Its wonderful.
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I think I may have stumbled upon this site similarly to you all, I don't quite remember all the details exactly, but I'm pretty sure I was like 12 or 13 searching the internet for anime sneezefics or fanfictions that involved colds with the anime shows I was into at the moment, and I'm pretty sure I stumbled upon Tarotgal's page and started to browse everything, it might have been InuYasha that led me to there. I was amazed and relieved to find out I wasn't the only one interested in sneezing like I was! I've been shyly browsing the forum ever since, making accounts and abandoning them quickly until now that I'm finally brave enough to become more active in the community! :)

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I have this stupid obsession with wanting to catch a cold, and I do a lot of research trying to figure out ways I can catch a cold on purpose xP But I never do...so sad... Anyway, I think the first topic I read on this site was by Sneezster's and how she managed to steal a cold from a coworker :)

I'm pretty sure I'd been on the site before, just finding it by googling sneeze-related stuff. But this was the time that inspired me to start lurking. I always knew I liked sneezing, that I was kind of awkward about it, embarrassed about it, but liked it. I mean... the things I did as a child when you have no shame or embarrassment for what you like lol... anyway, I started lurking, reading the fics and observations... and I finally decided to sign up and start my own threat to do more research and try to get a cold. And I still haven't :( haha. Now I'm sort of relaxed on trying so hard, because it just ends up being so disappointing. I'm just waiting patiently, knowing it's going to happen eventually...

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This is my first time trying to post, so that was kind of a fail, huh? Anyway, what I was trying to say in quoting your post BubbleTea is that I could have literally written that myself as that was exactly how I found the forum!

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