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Dungeons and Dragons series info


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The Stories So Far...

Dungeons and Dragons Main:
The Quest For Lost Knowledge
Woodland Interlude

The House of Farwood

The Secret Origins of Sir Crocodile:
The Fairy and the Crocodile
The Knight and the Baroness

And here are sheets for important characters, including their descriptions. Can be used with the Fate Accelerated roleplaying system, or just as a base for use in any rpg, and useful for plain ol' character breakdowns. Stunts have not yet been filled in for plot reasons.

Name: Edea Quinn
Theme Song:

Appearance: Shoulder-length frizzy red hair, bright brown eyes, well-toned and muscular. A small upturned and sharply pointed nose. Black-and-gold full-body armor with matching cape, lion crest.
Treasure Hunter Allergic To Treasure
Recklessly Greedy
Daughter of King Purson
Careful: 0
Forceful: 3
Clever: 1
Flashy: 2
Quick: 2
Sneaky: 1
Longsword: +1 Hit and +1 Armor against unarmed opponents.
Suit Of Armor: Level 2 Armor

Name: Kyube Harada
Theme Song:

Appearance: Short, tan, pale blue eyes, squat nose with wide-nostrils. Black hair to almost waist-length. Purple robes with gold trim, wide purple witch hat with creases shaped like narrow eyes, small square spectacles.
Fire School Adept
Debts No Man Can Pay
Insight-full Hat
Careful: 1
Forceful: 1
Clever: 3
Flashy: 2
Quick: 2
Sneaky: 0
1. Read You Like A Book: +2 Clever when trying to analyze what someone's thinking while their face is visible.
Cherry-Wood Wand: +1 Hit to Foreceful magic.
Saturnus: Ally; Quick 2, Sneaky 2, Forceful -2

Name: Zio
Theme Song:

Appearance: Blond, close-cropped hair. Pale blue eyes, beige skin. Long-sloped, rounded nose. Pea-green tunic and brown pants, cuffed boots, brown fingerless leather gloves.
Elven Game Hunter
Never Knew Her Parents
Valiantly Patient

Family Secrets
Careful: 3
Forceful: 1
Clever: 1
Flashy: 0
Quick: 2
Sneaky: 2
2. Expert Tracker: Can always tell general direction, size, and species from tracks.
Short Bow: +2 Hits when loaded. One action to reload.

Name: Elan Robinson
Theme Song:

Appearance: Short feathered chestnut hair, dark chocolate-colored eyes, short and broad-shouldered, farmer’s tan. Small round nose with a large bridge. Ruddy work shirt, black trousers.
Always Around When You Need Him
Raised in a Barn
Knight in the Court of Dancing Blossomed Grace
Careful: 1
Forceful: 3
Clever: 2
Flashy: 1
Quick: 2
Sneaky: 0
1. Vorpal Slash: May divide a Forceful attack roll amongst any number of targets.
Short Sword: +1 Attack against unarmed opponents
Buckler: +1 Defense against unarmed opponents
Fairy Meadowshine: Sneaky 2 Edited by Pilgrim
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Just a heads up, I'll now be keeping track of all my Dungeons and Dragons-related stories in this topic, for anyone interested in following the whole thing, as well as updating the character sheets ^.^

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