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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Why Sneezing?


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So like many of you, I didn't know there were other people like me until the Internet showed me. And now that I've found this place, I'm even more curious about the fetish. I wonder most about why some people are attracted to such a random thing. Does anyone feel like they have any insight on this?

For me, I've come to realize it's associated with a few other things that do make some sense. The appeal of sneezing, if I had to define it (which I can't) seems to be that part of the body takes full control during the process. The buildup takes over, and then comes a release of tension which relieves an 'itch'. To me the whole process is somewhat reminiscent of an orgasm (sorry for being so explicit), which is something I am more attracted to than any physical characteristic. But of course I have no idea how universal any of this.

I am a pretty empathetic person, which I've gotten the sense is related somehow though I couldn't explain it. And I've read people mentioning that they feel it has a big influence on their personality, so maybe there's something more to it.

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Different people are attracted to different aspects of the same thing...it's absolutely fascinating :)

I know some people are attracted to the momentary loss of control.

Some are attracted to sickness in general (hence the need for a v-warning on the site).

Some are attracted to the nasobronchial passages as a whole (so they like coughing, sneezing, wheezing, etc.).

And there are several other reasons why people like sneezing, occasionally (maybe even often) in conjunction with other fetishes that they might have.

For me, I'm more attracted to the sound of sneeze. No two people sneeze *exactly* the same, which fascinates me. I'm attracted to people who are unique and peculiar and strongly believe in individuality and non-conformity. In a sense, a sneeze is a statement of individuality.

I would qualify your last statement by saying that, perhaps, a person's personality has a huge influence on their fetishes, not the other way around.

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For me it's definitely the involuntary loss of control.

I'm actually immensely thankful for this, because it's easy for me to compartmentalize between sexual and non-sexual parts of my life. I have no desire to see my family members lose control, thus seeing them sneeze does nothin' for me. I really, really feel sorry for people who are affected by sneezing regardless of who does it. That would be a conflicting life for me.

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Personally I believe this fetish (or maybe just mine) is part of of a bigger fetish. I like when people are vulnerable and when people sneeze, there unguarded almost human, you kind of see they're capable of weakness. I don't necessarily get aroused when someone is upset/crying/coughing etc but it definitely catches my undivided attention. When someone sneezes it makes me just want to help them lol r any of you like this? Or do you guys think its just built into our dna like something extra we were so graciously given...

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I don't think I have any insight to why I have this particular fetish. I mean, sure, I like vulnerability and loss of control in those I find attractive, but am not really aroused by any of that (I do like some coughing types and do like some crying if in a movie, tv show or book).

I think that it might have something to do with our DNA, some predisposition to a fetish, phobia or even a quirk that is built upon based on our particular life circumstances.

I know when I took an abnormal psych course in college, the prof said that the only thing scientists and psychologists have been able to determine about the onset of a fetish is that the person connected an object, scenario, whatever to sex or a person they found sexually attractive, but the connection itself was somehow skewed from a normal connection and the object, scenario or whatever began to take precedence over the act of sex itself. (However, to me, that seems to make more sense when talking about fetishes that can be dangerous...but I'm not a psychologist).

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For me personally, I think I always enjoyed sneezing because it's an involuntary reaction that's also fairly innocent. Plus they sound cute and I dunno, they're just kind of fun I guess. I'm also asexual, I dunno if that would have anything to do with it. Obviously not everyone on the forum is, but I have little interest in things related to sex. The things that I find most attractive have always been fairly "harmless", such as blushing or sneezing or doing something cute like that that the person can't help.

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Why is anybody into anything, man? I don't think it's really possible to tease reason or meaning out of something like a fetish. I mean, there are a lot of things that I could say I like about sneezing, but does any of that really explain WHY I like it? I feel like all those things are more part of the result than part of the cause.

Edited by Ouroboros
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Different people are attracted to different aspects of the same thing...it's absolutely fascinating smile.png


I would qualify your last statement by saying that, perhaps, a person's personality has a huge influence on their fetishes, not the other way around.

I like both of these statements.

I like when people are vulnerable and when people sneeze, there unguarded almost human, you kind of see they're capable of weakness. I don't necessarily get aroused when someone is upset/crying/coughing etc but it definitely catches my undivided attention.

Huh, that actually makes a lot of sense, but is different from my experience as far as I'm aware (though crying and coughing always distract me completely in a non-sexual way... I'll keep your description in mind). I was tempted to explain it from my way of relating to it, but that is probably a bit specific to me. There's probably also a lot of associations that form after the fetish is set.

...the onset of a fetish is that the person connected an object, scenario, whatever to sex or a person they found sexually attractive, but the connection itself was somehow skewed from a normal connection and the object, scenario or whatever began to take precedence over the act of sex itself.

Does that mean that people can have a fetish for almost anything then? I wonder how much research has actually been done on this.. It's probably hard to do because we're all underground.

This is interesting. Thanks for sharing smile.png

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another thing that seems to come up a lot is emetophobia, or fear/aversion to vomiting. Thought I'd add that for completeness, since that fits me a bit as well.

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For me personally, I think I always enjoyed sneezing because it's an involuntary reaction that's also fairly innocent. Plus they sound cute and I dunno, they're just kind of fun I guess. I'm also asexual, I dunno if that would have anything to do with it. Obviously not everyone on the forum is, but I have little interest in things related to sex. The things that I find most attractive have always been fairly "harmless", such as blushing or sneezing or doing something cute like that that the person can't help.

I asexual like you as well, so I know where you are coming from since usually individuals on the asexual spectrum feel no sexual attraction to other people at all, but the asexual spectrum is EXTREMELY fluid so there are many out there that on occasions feel sexual attraction (demi/gray-aces)!

Because of this reason? I don't think I have any strong attraction to loss of control or helplessness like the majority of the forum seem to have since it doesn't translate into other aspects of the things I am sort of attracted to in people?

I feel like the only part I'm REALLY attracted to is just the sneeze itself, and people who I am attracted to sneezing, people with very nicely shaped noses that I find attractive, & the sound of a sneeze I'm attracted to. I'm not sure if my attraction to sneezing goes much deeper than this but I would be open to discussion about it!

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  • 3 weeks later...

For me, it's actually because I really like noses. This is kind of weird, but I just think they're so... cute. I mean, they're essentially just a delicate pair of ticklish, fuzz-lined little holes protruding from your face that wriggle, sniffle and turn pink when something tickles them. I don't even know how to explain it, I just find noses adorable. That being said, I love sneezing because it's almost like something is teasing the nose, and I love the teasing aspect of it, and I also love to see noses when they're all sneezy. That's when they're at their cutest! :heart:

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Personally I believe this fetish (or maybe just mine) is part of of a bigger fetish. I like when people are vulnerable and when people sneeze, there unguarded almost human, you kind of see they're capable of weakness. I don't necessarily get aroused when someone is upset/crying/coughing etc but it definitely catches my undivided attention. When someone sneezes it makes me just want to help them lol r any of you like this? Or do you guys think its just built into our dna like something extra we were so graciously given...

me's is like this!!!! all my fetishes seem to centre around the unguarded vulnerable loss of control-y weakness thing xD its so unbelievably adorable xD


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  • 2 weeks later...

For me, it's actually because I really like noses. This is kind of weird, but I just think they're so... cute. I mean, they're essentially just a delicate pair of ticklish, fuzz-lined little holes protruding from your face that wriggle, sniffle and turn pink when something tickles them. I don't even know how to explain it, I just find noses adorable. That being said, I love sneezing because it's almost like something is teasing the nose, and I love the teasing aspect of it, and I also love to see noses when they're all sneezy. That's when they're at their cutest! heart.gif

That is exactly it. You put it perfectly. Absolutely perfectly.

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