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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Thank You SFF users


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I would just like to give a shout out to people who actively use this site to browse, read, lurk, and comment.

I absolutely LOVE to write, but I don't have a lot of free time to except when I'm off school for vacation. So this winter break I wrote a sneeze fic that I'm really proud of and that I got inspiration from reading an Obs on this site.

So thank you to CuteSneezeGirl who wrote the Obs that inspired my story.

Thank you to all who have commented and given me feedback on that story. It makes a writer's day to see so much positive feedback. You all helped make my story a "Hot Topic." That just makes me smile like an idiot.


You don't know how much I love feedback on my stories!!!

Sincerely, Flowerpower67

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  • 2 weeks later...

I second the thank you, to all these wonderful readers and writers!

I know that whenever I get a comment on my story, or feedback of any time, or even if I just see that someone followed my topic or is reading it, that totally makes my day and...I can't stop smiling!

So, yes.


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Please let me join this thread to say "thank you" to the SFF community just for making this board what it is. I've been at other fetish boards (as some of you know, I have a fetish for glasses, so I was at the respective boards), but from the social point of view - considering how nice, polite, helpful and positive in many ways you guys and girls are here - the SFF is by far the most enjoyable fetish forum I know. There have been countless fascinating observations written by you, many interesting discussions about various topics going far beyond the fetish issue, and some really lovely PM exchanges with some of you. I stayed off this board for some months more than once, but I always came back to meet you again, read your entries and be impressed about what's going on here. Kudos to all of you who make this place worth visiting for me even though my strongest fetish is for something else but sneezing.

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