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i'm allergic to guinea pigs?


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hey guys well i've discovered i'm allergic to guinea pigs which is weird since i've never had a problem with them til now. my cousin had gotten a new guinea pig and wanted to show me. as a got near him my eyes started burning and tearing but i thought it was hayfever. 'want a hold'? my cousin asked. 'sure' i said. i took him in my arms my eyes burned even more HUH-CHOO HUH CHOO HAH-CHOO HUH-CHOO 'whoa you ok'? my cousin asked. HAH-CHOO HAH-CHOO i was also coughing a lot 'here i'll put him away' said my cousin taking the guinea pig. i was still coughing and sneezing for the next 7 minutes when it finally stopped 'i'm so sorry i didn't know you were allergic' said my cousin. 'neither did i' i said. well thats it wow its pretty shocking discovering a new allergy oh hope you liked it :)

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My boyfriend is the same way. I used to have a guinea pig and he was totally fine around it then it died and we ended up getting 2 new ones and he's suddenly really allergic to them! Lots of sneezing, itchy eyes, bit of trouble breathing. I just find it so weird since my other guinea pig never affected him. Oh well good to know he's not alone :P and I hope you don't suffer too much around it!

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I used to have a guinea pig and he was totally fine around it then it died and we ended up getting 2 new ones and he's suddenly really allergic to them!

my cousin had gotten a new guinea pig and wanted to show me.

Since you guys both mentioned new guinea pigs and new allergies, maybe they're only allergic to certain guinea pigs?

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I used to have a guinea pig and he was totally fine around it then it died and we ended up getting 2 new ones and he's suddenly really allergic to them!

my cousin had gotten a new guinea pig and wanted to show me.

Since you guys both mentioned new guinea pigs and new allergies, maybe they're only allergic to certain guinea pigs?

Could also be something different in the bedding!

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