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BBC Sherlock Series 3


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I'm surprised no one has tried this trend yet haha! Of course, there will be spoilers, so if you don't want to know, this topic is not for you!

So what does everyone think of it so far? :)

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Honestly? I'm really disappointed. I thought the first two series were amazing, so admittedly my expectations were really high, but even so I have a lot of issues with series 3. Partly I've found it a little overdone on the fan service, but more so the editing style/story telling really bothers me. It's suddenly become very choppy and disjointed which I really, really don't like. The first episode felt to me like too many plot lines being forced into one episode, and then the second one felt like it essentially didn't have any worthwhile plot at all. I also feel like Sherlock has come out of character, but that's coming largely from an original cannon point of view, which is admittedly of limited value for something like this show.

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I didn't like The Empty Hearse all that much- the plot was decent, although it was kind of all over the place. They've changed the cinematography, too, which bothered me at first because it doesn't have the same "wow" factor. However, I really do like Sherlock's character development; he's obviously not any kind of sociopath. The second episode was absolutely endearing, heartwarming and very funny (although I got horrible secondhand embarrassment from the first part of Sherlock's speech). The stag night scene was hilarious. However, the plot was totally filler. For all the hype about this new, important villain, we haven't seen much of him at all, and I feel like all the heavy plot is going to be crammed into the last episode, which I'm sure will be dark as fuck. Oh, and I love Mary. She's perfect.

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The Empty Hearse was poorly directed, in my opinion, and while it had some great character scenes, I found the episode as a whole to be a bit odd and clumsy.

I liked The Sign of Three much, much better. Good direction, lots of very moving scenes and some great comedy. The case and its solution was ridiculous, but ridiculous cases are not a recent thing in the Holmes-verse, so I don't get too hung up on that. Loved the bittersweet ending with Sherlock leaving early. I actually really like seeing him grow into a warmer character.

I've always liked Moffat's episodes the best, so I'm very excited for His Last Vow. :yes:

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BTW, I'm curious about something: I've seen quite a lot of people say that they are disappointed in the third series and that it isn't as good as the first two... I find this interesting, because for me, there have always been one episode in each series so far that I thought was downright bad. The Blind Banker in series 1 is terrible, in my opinion, and I really don't care for Hounds of Baskerville in series 2. Those of you who say that you are disappointed with this series, what did you think about The Blind Banker, for example?

I watch Sherlock for the characters, the acting, the music and the beautiful photo and direction. I've never been impressed by its plot or cases, perhaps with the exception of the plot in Scandal in Belgravia, which, while not flawless, I actually find really satisfying.

In the end, I'm mostly just interested in watching Cumberbatch and Freeman do their thing. Their acting and chemistry together is the heart and soul of the show for me, Everything else is transport. :laugh:

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I kind of agree with you, but I kind of don't. :lol: I agree that both s1&2 have had an episode that distinctly missed the mark, the difference I see is that although the plot may not have been good in those episodes, it was at least clear and possible to follow. I agree that the beauty and strength of the show is mainly in the acting and cinematography, but I still need SOME kind of concrete storyline to hold it together and I haven't felt like there was enough of that in either episode of s3. I guess I feel like there needs to be a certain level of plot to act as a proper foil for the chemistry and I don't think s3 has managed that yet. And it's been two episodes that missed the mark rather than one this series. From my point of view, that is. They may well have hit the mark just fine for other people, for which I am envious :lol:

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Here goes.

My opinion.

I LOVED The Empty Hearse for its more lighthearted tone and comedic approach as opposed to the dark, dramatic tones in the first two series. An dthe part with the Doctor scene and the piss pot and the two parallel scenes was GREAT.

And Mr. And Mrs. Cyumberbatch playing Sherlock's parents: GEEOSH. And while I don't think they are talented Timothy Carlton's voice was so much like Benedict's it scared me *lol*


Some notes.


As a religious person, and Sherlock on the cross?


That's all I'll say.

And I'm glad that Molly moved on.

I'm not happy JOHN moved on. I know he thought he was dead but trying to live his life without the person he had feelings for? I see that didn't work too well.

And also,

Why didn't I guess how he faked his death?

And also I love Mary too. She's awssome.

"I like him."


"I like him."

I haven't seen the Sign of Three but the speech I've seen online.

And I like softy Sherlock. It makes the shipping more flagrant and humanities him.

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I generally agree that the episodes are getting overcomplicated, too bitty and unsatisfying. (I presume that the failure to give a definitive explanation of the death was a deliberate tease].

However, I actually enjoyed the wedding one. The concentration on the wedding gave it a consistency, and the fact that the crime was a comparatively oldfashioned concept was a bit reassuring. I couldn't help thinking back to the original stories as I so often find myself doing, and remembering that Watson's wedding is barely mentioned, and I can't imagine Holmes delivering a speech at it!

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OMFG! What the flying fuck?!

1. What the hell do they think they are doing?!

2. I knew Moriarty was alive! You cannot kill Sherlock Number one enemy in the first two series!

3. I couldn't give a shit about this plot, I WANT TO KNOW HOW THE FUCK HE FAKED HIS PISSING DEATH!

I am not waiting any more years.

:boom: The end, you BASTARDS!

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His Last Vow.

I enjoyed the first two thirds of the episode immensely.

And then the ending was just an enormous 'meh'. :lol: Oh, Moffat, Moffat, Moffat... that's not clever or surprising; that's just a tired cliché. :nohappy:

Oh well. Until next time, dearest Sherlock team! *salute*

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His Last Vow made my brain hurt. There was WAY too much going on. :lol: Key points for me were the interactions between Mycroft and Sherlock (yes, even when Sherlock bashed Mycroft into the doorframe) and the whole 'Christmas' bit. I had major Holmes family feels. :wub:


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Oh yeah, but Sherlock writhing in agony and panic on the floor in his mind palace?

That was nice... I mean hot... I MEAN HORRIBLE, yes, yes, that's what I meant to say. :sweatdrop:

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No, no. His physical pain is very appealing. As was his generally "ill" look throughout most of the episode. Glassy, sunken eyes, pale. All very lovely. :twisted:

Oh, and let's not forget Redbeard. :wub:

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His Last Vow.

I enjoyed the first two thirds of the episode immensely.

And then the ending was just an enormous 'meh'. heh.gif Oh, Moffat, Moffat, Moffat... that's not clever or surprising; that's just a tired cliché. no2.gif

Oh well. Until next time, dearest Sherlock team! *salute*

This was pretty much how I felt about it. I'm just gonna try to forget that last third and sadistically replay Sherlock in pain for while in MY mind palace :lol:

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I'm just going to sit here and pray for Paul McGuigan to come back and direct series 4.


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There was far too much going on in this past episode. I felt like the first two were so full of love-notes to the fans and light on plot, and then in this last one it was full of fragmented plot and far too much under-developed information to cram into a single finale.

That being said- yes, I loved tortured Sherlock for purely fetishy reasons and I had major Redbeard feels!

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Meh. It's got all the hallmarks of Mark Gatiss and Stephen Moffat. Both of them cram a large amount of superfluous soppy filler in to everything and neither of them can write anything other than well educated middle class white men. Women, anyone of below average intelligence and anyone of below average means are written as awful caricatures. This series was fine for banter and action, though.

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Dear oh dear, we are getting very close to plain sadism with our interest, are we not?

And like SL, I am beginning to wonder if Gatiss , like many here, is so busy shipping HolmesxWatson that he has to ignore all women even as minor characters. It seems he can't let Mary Morstan even be a damsel in distress /domestic goddess without making her a sinister mysterious semi-villain.

True, in the originals Watson does seem to spend a huge portion of his time with Holmes even when married ; but then the plot demands it, and anyway, male life was different then. Even in my own youth it was.

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Meh. It's got all the hallmarks of Mark Gatiss and Stephen Moffat. Both of them cram a large amount of superfluous soppy filler in to everything and neither of them can write anything other than well educated middle class white men. Women, anyone of below average intelligence and anyone of below average means are written as awful caricatures. This series was fine for banter and action, though.

^ This.

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It's all watered-down plot or too much plot in these episodes, although I am glad that it's back after all this years.

It has inspired some new ideas for fanfiction I can write! *evil giggle* :D

Edited by AppleBlossom
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I read all your posts before i watched the last episode so with all of you saying there were to many plotlines and it wasn´t that good and stuff i really didn´t have any expectations but i ve finished watching it now and i actually really liked it. Even though i was a bit angry at the writers for turning mary into an assasin and not just leaving her be i really loved the whole chrismas scene with john forgiving her and stuff.xmas.gif Also all those Sherlock & Mycroft scenes where just to die for!

But what the heck? Moriarty is back????????????? i mean HOW?????!!!!! uhoh.gif But the last conversation between sherlock and mycroft was just freaking hilarious biggrinsmiley.gif

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Both of them cram a large amount of superfluous soppy filler in to everything

You know, I really don't mind this. I'm guessing that what you see as 'soppy filler,' I'd probably call character scenes or emotional scenes (correct me if I'm wrong!). :)

I've seen people complaining about the series becoming "too emotional" and to be honest, I just fail to see the problem. :laugh: Like I've stated earlier, I've never been impressed with the cases in Sherlock, and most of my enjoyment of the series comes from the character dynamics and the, in many ways, uncommonly close and gentle bond between the two male leads. As popular as on-screen "bromances" (god, I hate that term) have become in recent years, you don't see male friendship portrayed this way very often. I find it very heartwarming and refreshing.

I could do with a little less Mycroft, though (sorry, spoo! ><). He was freaking everywhere in this third series. I don't like seeing him constantly guiding Sherlock, I feel like it takes away something from Sherlock's genius. In general I felt like Sherlock didn't get to be the smartest person in the room often enough this series. I'm not saying the character shouldn't be allowed to make mistakes, but I felt like he was being out-smarted left and right this time around. If I'm not overly impressed with the plot or cases, at least I want to be impressed by Sherlock.

Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm way, way too emotionally invested in this show. :rolleyes::lol:

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I'm really upset with the way Sherlock and Mary treating John Watson, especially in Vow. The way they keep lying to him, then blaming him for it -- and to the point that he believes it's really his own fault that they keep tricking him and that Mary has a dangerous and morally ambiguous past. And he never is given a real reason as to why Sherlock let him think he was dead, just that Sherlock "didn't trust him," which we all know is malarky because if there's anyone who wouldn't spill the beans it's Watson and Sherlock has to have known that. Surely he trusted John more than or at least as much as 25 of his homeless network, his brother, and his parents, and molly. I mean it's hardly even a secret at that point, is it? The way Mary and Sherlock treated John in season 3 was just unhealthy and it made me really sad and not in the good way. It's worst because it isn't even written in as recognizably bad behaviour, it isn't even mentioned. The theme just seems to be "sherlock and mary lie to john watson all the time but it's only because they love him so much more than anybody else so it's fine." which is gross.

Now that that's out of the way, I loved Mikkelson's portrayal of Magnussun, it was the creepiest damn thing I have seen and it was perfect. And Anderson and Lestrade were amazing this season. I, personally, loved Mycroft's overwhelming presence this season but then again I can see how others would think it was a bit too much. I just like Mycroft. My favourite part of the season was the Stag Do, especially when Sherlock calls Mrs Hudson "hudders", and my least favourite part is the scene preceeding and following john exclaiming "Why is everything my fault?"

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I could do with a little less Mycroft, though (sorry, spoo! ><). He was freaking everywhere in this third series. I don't like seeing him constantly guiding Sherlock, I feel like it takes away something from Sherlock's genius. In general I felt like Sherlock didn't get to be the smartest person in the room often enough this series. I'm not saying the character shouldn't be allowed to make mistakes, but I felt like he was being out-smarted left and right this time around. If I'm not overly impressed with the plot or cases, at least I want to be impressed by Sherlock.

I really like Mycroft and I love seeing him, but I didn't like the way that he was involved this series. I completely agree about the guiding Sherlock thing. I like Mycroft's presence in reality, not in Sherlock's mind palace.

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