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Telling someone about your fetish


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OMG PLZ someone help me idk if I should tell people (especially when im dating) any advice if I do want to tell someone

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I don't know, as I plan on not telling very many people. For me, I would tell next to no one. I would be, like, mortified, if someone found out. If you want to tell someone, then go ahead, but I would wait until I knew that person reeeeeeaaaaalllllllllyyyyyyy well and that you knew you could trust them with this secret (assuming you want to keep it secret)

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I don't know, as I plan on not telling very many people. For me, I would tell next to no one. I would be, like, mortified, if someone found out. If you want to tell someone, then go ahead, but I would wait until I knew that person reeeeeeaaaaalllllllllyyyyyyy well and that you knew you could trust them with this secret (assuming you want to keep it secret)

Thanks I have people ik extremely well and they have most of my secrets but its kinda a weird and embarrassing topic

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I mean, I don't think you need to tell anyone unless you absolutely want to. You shouldn't feel force to tell people about your fetish, but if you want to tell someone then definitely do it! I've only told one person and believe me, it was one of the scariest things ever! But he was very cool and calm about it. I had him guess it (because I was not just going to say it!), but I eventually had to tell him because he didn't say it. Good luck!

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I don't know, as I plan on not telling very many people. For me, I would tell next to no one. I would be, like, mortified, if someone found out. If you want to tell someone, then go ahead, but I would wait until I knew that person reeeeeeaaaaalllllllllyyyyyyy well and that you knew you could trust them with this secret (assuming you want to keep it secret)

Thanks I have people ik extremely well and they have most of my secrets but its kinda a weird and embarrassing topic

This is probably the one secret that's my own I have that I'm not dying to tell.

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I don't know, as I plan on not telling very many people. For me, I would tell next to no one. I would be, like, mortified, if someone found out. If you want to tell someone, then go ahead, but I would wait until I knew that person reeeeeeaaaaalllllllllyyyyyyy well and that you knew you could trust them with this secret (assuming you want to keep it secret)

Thanks I have people ik extremely well and they have most of my secrets but its kinda a weird and embarrassing topic

This is probably the one secret that's my own I have that I'm not dying to tell.

I kinda want to tell SOMEONE but its a really awkward topic if ik what I mean

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Only tell someone if you're as certain as possible that they'll treat the subject with a little respect and open-mindedness. Nobody deserves to have their secrets mocked (and especially not us, ha ha). I totally understand you wanting to tell SOMEONE - if it goes well, it is a truly exhilarating experience, sharing THIS lovely secret. But! You need to make sure that they've earned your trust, as it were. :yes:

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I personally (repeat: personally - it's okay if you want to) don't understand why people should tell anyone aside from their significant other about the fetish. You're allowed to have a secret, and you shouldn't feel guilty about being who you are. There's no reason to tell your friends or family, and it will probably make it easier in the long run. But like everyone else said, if telling someone is still something you want to do, you need to make sure that person is going to keep the secret as safe as you have and not judge you for your personal likes.

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If you want to do it, go for it. I think the best advice on telling is wait until it naturally could come up in conversation, like if you're talking about kinks with a friend or a romantic or sexual interest at some point, or if you're revealing secrets and you think it fits the category. Just like telling someone anything else relatively private. :)

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My advice regarding telling is not to do it unless you are not worried about this person telling. Whether that's because you trust them 100% (exercise caution) or because you don't care that people know about the fetish.

I'd recommend against telling somebody at 13, though. At 13 I don't see that it would come up much, even in the context of a relationship. I would wait.

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I personally (repeat: personally - it's okay if you want to) don't understand why people should tell anyone aside from their significant other about the fetish. You're allowed to have a secret, and you shouldn't feel guilty about being who you are. There's no reason to tell your friends or family, and it will probably make it easier in the long run. But like everyone else said, if telling someone is still something you want to do, you need to make sure that person is going to keep the secret as safe as you have and not judge you for your personal likes.

This is about as close to my thoughts on this as anyone is gonna get.

Obviously everyone on this forum knows, but I'm protected by the anonymous safety of the inturwubz. I just don't see why anyone in the real world has to know.

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Sometimes its nice to have a secret of your own. I have told only one person in my life and I regretted it because it made things awkward. I would suggest to just be careful of who you tell. I would wait on telling someone.

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ok, this is the only time im gonna state this

ive told probably upwards of around 40 people in my lifetime, if not more, and honestly, it is FOR THE BEST

if someone is close minded enough to not like you because of it, fuck them and fuck their shit because its worth it to tell someone (especially if you are dating) because it makes it part of YOU

NEVER have I EVER experienced anyone who was like 'ew wtf'

in an age of where 2 girls 1 cup exists, (dont look it up) sneezing is super tame and kiind of cute and quirky


because honestly, it makes you who you are and if you really want other people to know who you are, then you gotta tell em.

then again, dont go telling EVERYONE

but definately do it if youre dating someone.

/end of rant

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I can only see myself telling someone I'm really close to. A serious girlfriend or wife would probably be the only times I would tell. Well that, and strangers on here haha

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I think that if you're ever in a relationship where you feel extremely comfortable with the person, then it's good to tell them. Other than that, I agree with some others who have stated: having secrets is fine. In fact, it's normal. If all my friends told me about their sexual fetishes, I'd be accepting, but confused.

This is a fetish, which is something sexual. People you don't plan on doing sexual things or romantic things or closer-than-friends things with would have no reason to know, really.

Do what makes you feel comfortable. But at 13 years old, there's no reason to tell anyone; you're young enough that someone you'd be in a relationship with probably wouldn't know much about what a 'fetish' is, anyway-- or they wouldn't get it. My advice is to wait a few years before you make a decision on telling anyone.

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I definitely agree. If you're 13, you're still pretty young, still have a good few more years of school left, I personally think it's not worth telling yet. A, because it'll be longer for the awkwardness to last (if any), and B, there's more time for you to have fun with it. It's a fun little secret~

The actual words 'I have a fetish for sneezing' haven't come out of my mouth yet (I've long been denying my fetish and I've only just now accepted it--lol I'm a bit of a wuss), and hopefully they won't have to, unless I get serious with an S.O. Maybe them. But until then, I'll keep this gift for myself, thanks. ;)

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ok, this is the only time im gonna state this

ive told probably upwards of around 40 people in my lifetime, if not more, and honestly, it is FOR THE BEST

if someone is close minded enough to not like you because of it, fuck them and fuck their shit because its worth it to tell someone (especially if you are dating) because it makes it part of YOU

NEVER have I EVER experienced anyone who was like 'ew wtf'

in an age of where 2 girls 1 cup exists, (dont look it up) sneezing is super tame and kiind of cute and quirky


because honestly, it makes you who you are and if you really want other people to know who you are, then you gotta tell em.

then again, dont go telling EVERYONE

but definately do it if youre dating someone.

/end of rant

This. A million times this. I counted the other day and realized I have told around 20 people. Even I was shocked to find out it has been that many- 3 years ago I couldn't even tell my best friend. Honestly I think I overreacted a lot and thought people would judge me and that definitely took a toll on my general confidence. If you feel you want to tell people but are afraid I SAY GO FOR IT.

Telling my ex was easily the hardest but once I did she couldn't have been more okay with it and our relationship definitely benefited from my telling her. I wish I could go back and tell my younger self just how little other people would care about it. Yes it is abnormal- so what? It's actually kind of cool. A lot of people I have talked to find it very interesting and some have even told me about their own out-of-the-box sexual interests (and our friendship was only stronger for it).

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I think if you truly love someone, you should be honest with them. I'm on the other side. My husband has a sneeze fetish. We dated for three and a half years before getting married. He never mentioned anything and I was completely in the dark about it.

I found out about it from his computer. He watched clips/videos and talked to OTHER people about it. I understand it's not the norm and can completely understand the embarrassment. I have my own sexual desires that I am very shy about. But I don't really have a problem with his sneeze fetish itself. I had the hardest time dealing with his dishonesty about it. I started questioning him and wondered what else he was hiding, and I'm not even a jealous/ suspicious type of girl. I'm pretty laid back and nice. By being honest, you can clear the air, be yourself, and avoid unnecessary stress on a relationship. And plus, if you tell your special someone they might be willing to try different things you like when it comes to sneezing.

So please be honest. :)

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