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Positive Posts! :)


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This is a place to post positive things and positive things only! We all need some sunshine in our lives! I honestly can't help but be positive, so I'm lucky that way. But mid-January has brought a lot of gloom and doom in the air (Final exams) but here is a place to get away from the negativity and post anything fun and positive that's happening in your life! Big and small.Or positive quotes

Small: I had a piece of pizza today XD

Big: My cousin is having a baby!!!! I'm so happy for her because she is SO ready for this!

So come on, guys and gals! Speed the positive energy! :)

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Small: I had cherry limeade today. clapping.gif

Big: Monday I'm being paid to make art, which I love.

Edited by SusieQusie
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Small: my dog got herself completely muddy playing with her in the yard (followed by a bath)

Big: Sister is going to have a daughter in a few months.

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Small: I'm going to make myself some oatmeal shortly. :P

Big: There's a good chance I'll be backpacking through Europe this summer! :D

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Small: life

Big: also life

Life is grand! Enjoy every moment and aspect of it! And also remember, that things that seem bad always have their positive sides, even if you can't see it yet. Some people never understand. But that's okay, just always try to look on the optimistic sides of things, and try to give people the benefit of the doubt, because chances are, things aren't as bad as they seem.


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Aww...I love this! :)

Small: Found ripe avocados at the grocery store today.

Big: After over a year of instability, my job is finally secure.

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Oh this sounds awesome! And it just so happens I had a great day today. Here's why....

Small... Me and some friends went to a cool cafe in Atlantic City and I got a free glass because I ordered one their special Mojitos.

Big... I put in $20 in the slot machines at the casino and won $45! Double my investment!

Ok so maybe the second one isn't so big but I still feel pretty good about it :)

Edited by Heavy-Chevy
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Oh yay!!! On two other forums I frequent there's threads just like this but I'm afraid to post there. Thanks for starting one here!

Small yay: This thread

Big yay: I'll go with Mash's yay. I'm alive.

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Right? Ten years ago I'd have had my head crushed in by a horse if I'd been three feet farther forward. Counting all the other possible ways I could have died in that time frame, I'd say still being alive is a pretty fuckin' big achievement.

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small: relaxed a lot over the winter break

big: grades came out, and I didn't get any a-'s :D although, only one A+ when I probably could've gotten 4 :/ *tries to focus on the positive*

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Small: the sun is shining and I've got a lovely cup of tea with honey in.

Big: this forum is still up and running after all these years and it's SUCH a great place with such lovely people. I think that deserves all the attention anyone gives it!

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What a lovely idea for a thread. <3

  • Small: I went swimming today with a dear friend and sat in the sauna for a bit afterwards. Heaven.
  • Big: I like myself. Despite my flaws and insecurities, I still like myself, and I'm fairly comfortable in my own skin.

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Small: Went for a lovely walk in the forest today, the sun over the field on the way there was beautiful.

Big: Finished the mandatory modules from my course.

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Oh, I like this thread!

Small: I finally started studying grammar and have an informational interview tomorrow. Gettin' things done, son

Big: My parents have recently moved, and I love their new house. It's hard to say goodbye to the old place I grew up in, but the city we live in now is a lot of fun and full of good food

Edited by a red nine
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for me, something small is that my lizard is doing well after recovering from losing half his tail and the scales are starting to come back normaly.

as for something big, im taking my second course in college next month; which is a class to be a vet assistant for rehabilitating wildlife. i took my first class in september, which was to vet a vet assistant for exotic animals, so this course is gonna be a great follow up

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Small : Ive made some new friends :) (friends are always great ! :) ). Big: Exams are almost over :) . For the win ! :) . And also I think uhm MY BOOK CAME IN <3 yay Infernal Devices <3 Clockwork prince <3. I'm gunna read this weekend. It helps my mind stay blank.:3 .

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God I love this idea for a thread! :) Especially now, when my life has been influenced negatively by so many factors! Gotta keep our heads above water, eh? :D

Small: I found a coconut in my fridge

Big: I live in a country that gives me free healthcare and education (even pays me for getting an education if I do good) :D

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This thread is so fluffy!

It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!!


Something small: all the housework is done ^_^ so I don't have to do anything until tomorrow!

Something big: I'll be returning to work in about 6 weeks after having almost 9 months off. This is both positive and negative, but I'm concentrating on the positive ^_^ I get to see all my work friends again and my work crush and also will be getting out of the house, and most importantly, doing my job! I actually really like my job most of the time so I'm getting pretty excited!

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Oh this is the most perf thread.

Small: I am reading a really good book.

Big: I get to understudy for a big role in the school play!!!

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This thread is exactly what I needed right now <3

Small: got new glasses woooh!

Big: I'm planning on going to some place in Europe (Greece possibly) this summer. :D

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Small: cute guy sneezed in my recitation today.

Big: I found my Broadway soulmate today on this forum! I'm having so much fun spitting back fangirl emotions about Broadway!

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Big: I found my Broadway soulmate today on this forum! I'm having so much fun spitting back fangirl emotions about Broadway!

What no way I love Broadway!! That's AWSSOME.

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Big: I found my Broadway soulmate today on this forum! I'm having so much fun spitting back fangirl emotions about Broadway!

What no way I love Broadway!! That's AWSSOME.

Thanks. what kind of shows do you like?The person I met we like all the same musicals which I find completely unreal!

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