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Sneeze Fetish Forum

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Have any of you seen people with a weird multiple sneeze? Where it keep sneezing 8 to 10 times in a row every 1 seconds non-stop that keep on going and going and going that gives little or no warning and is a quick as a blink in both the in and out parts. Sneeze so close together that there is no question of drawing breath between each sneeze and some people who sneeze like this only manage two or three little sneezes but some come close to ten. Typically in which there seems to be no breath in and only a soft small release outward like ''Choo''.

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Yes! I know someone personally who sneezes like this, and I've seen youtube vids of people too. I'm not sure if I find it attractive or not. :P I do in a way, though I prefer more drawn-out sneezes than those like rapid-fire ones like that.

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I too have known people who sneeze this way - the sort of sneezes that you hope for their sake stop before they run out of breath and are unable to take another! As FreeFluShots says above, I personally much prefer longer, drawn out sneezes as the build-up is a big part of my enjoyment of sneezes.

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my sister sneezes like that... and because it's family I'm really not cool with it... if it were anyone else... I wouldn't have a problem.. but it had to be my sister.

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Yeah, I have a friend who sneezes like that. (Well, I assume she still does...I haven't seen her in ages :P)

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i actually did know someone like this....they would sometimes sneeze a double, like right at the end of the first sneeze theyd have a second one right in the same breath after it

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i actually did know someone like this....they would sometimes sneeze a double, like right at the end of the first sneeze theyd have a second one right in the same breath after it

I have one of those every now & then

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the guy i knew always just sounded really funny whenever it happened to him, so i was always to busy laughing at him to be turned on :P

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i actually did know someone like this....they would sometimes sneeze a double, like right at the end of the first sneeze theyd have a second one right in the same breath after it

I do this sometimes too. I think of it as a sneeze and a half...

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I've gotten more and more pickily partial to that type of sneeze over the years. The two-sneeze-in-one thing makes me surprise.gif

Now, mind you, I like buildups too. The best sorts of recordings are the ones with long buildups and stuck sneezes followed by rapid-fire staccato sneezing fits. I... I would pay people money to sneeze like that. And I'm not rich. =P

Edited by a_nonny_mouse
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