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Sneeze Fetish Forum

2 obs from dreams


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These are two dreams I've had over the past week or so. Obs like these don't really fit here, but they don't fit anywhere else either and I've seen other dreamed obs posted here.

The first one was about a week ago, about a girl I know who I'll call L. I like L a lot, I'd rather be with her than any other girl and I wish she could see me as more than a friend. It wasn't a perfect dream about me and her together, although I've had a few of those too. It felt insightful, I wasn't even in the dream, I was just watching her talk to her sister, like a silent ghost. L's sister is her non-identical twin and best friend. L is quite an introverted person but her sister is the complete opposite and they style themselves very differently so you wouldn't even notice that they're related unless you got to know them well. I won't bore you with what they were talking about, but at one point in the dream, L paused and slowly, teasingly, prepared to sneeze with all the exaggerated facial expressions, slowly raising her hand to cover her mouth... And then the feeling went away. It was a false start, but it was only a dream so it doesn't bother me. I've seen her sneeze in real life anyway.

The second dream was about a girl who I used to know a few years ago, who I'll call S. The last time I talked to her was probably last summer. She's very attractive and I recall her sneezing a lot more than the average person, although I don't think she has any allergies, her nose was probably just exceptionally sensitive. There's actually a picture on Facebook of her sneezing, but I couldn't share that with you. I was sitting next to someone on a train, with S sitting opposite us and a table in the middle. S wasn't talking to us for a while, then suddenly she sneezed and tried to muffle it in her hand, "hupshoo!". We blessed her and a few seconds later she sneezed again. She continued sneezing repeatedly, the sneezes getting louder and closer together. Eventually she stopped covering and started sneezing over her left shoulder towards the window, then got tired of bending her neck sideways to sneeze, faced down and started sneezing onto her lap. Then her lap got too wet and messy so she started sneezing onto the table itself. One of her sneezes sprayed to the side a little bit and hit me. She faced me and tried to apologise for sneezing on me, but lo and behold! She still couldn't stop sneezing and sneezed about 5 more times right on my face; she couldn't pull away because she was trying to apologise to me through the sneezes. Each one of the last sneezes pulled her further forward over the table so she was facing me more and more closely while she was sneezing on me, then the fit ended. There were about 30 sneezes in total, and the final ones were extremely loud, scary loud, and snot was flying everywhere.The sneezes had taken control of her and she seemed exhausted afterward. Her nose was dripping with snot so I pulled a tissue out of my pocket and offered it to her. She blew her nose onto it while I was holding it out in front of her and some of her snot went onto my hand because her nostrils were too big (and they are) and the amount of paper I had wasn't even enough to cover her whole nose. She thanked me and seemed very apologetic about her sneezing fit, but I assured her I had no problem with it.

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Ha! No way! I've had 2 sneeze dreams over the past week or so. And I never get sneeze dreams. Weird.

Would it be okay to post them here? I don't wanna jack your thread.

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Would it be okay to post them here? I don't wanna jack your thread.

I don't have a problem with that kind of thing generally, but this topic is tagged with female so I don't think you should post anything here except female obs, I mean I don't want the tag to mislead people.

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Would it be okay to post them here? I don't wanna jack your thread.

I don't have a problem with that kind of thing generally, but this topic is tagged with female so I don't think you should post anything here except female obs, I mean I don't want the tag to mislead people.

Ohhhh, well in that case I better start a new thread :P

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So basically i never thought that we woud get dreams that involve sneezes but a ciyple of days ago i dreamt of my guy best friend whom i am secretly madky in love with having a sneezing fit ane i told him something in my mother tongue arabic that mean wow that's too much sneezing bless u in reality though all l'd possibly do is bless him . Ur second dream is great

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