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Handkerchief Fan

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Does anyone have a bedtime handkerchief routine?

I always have a handkerchief under my pillow and usually fall asleep with a handkerchief in my hand.

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I love wearing Pajamas's this time of year, and the one's I am currently wearing have a little top left hand pocket, into which I have been putting a ladies hankie every night. A man's hankie it too big and bulky for this little pocket, but one of my smaller ladies ones are fine.

It's quite cute and I enjoy doing it.

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When i am at home i always have one on my bedside cabinet ready for if i want to use it.

When i am away sleeping in my truck i always have one either at the side of me or in my bed.

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i have these two really pretty handkercheifs in my nightstand, theyre the handmade kinds with little embroidered flowers on them....so theyre too fancy that id feel bad if i ever actually used them lol

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I don't have a handkerchief. :|

You really need to get some. Seriously, you're missing out on a great part of the fetish here wink.png.

Yeah, where I live tho, seriously nobody has a handkerchief. I've never actually seen anyone use one, or seen a handkerchief in a store.

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unfortunately no i dont...i just have those two really fancy ones. im honestly not even sure what store to go to if i wanted to buy more either

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I don't have a handkerchief. :|

You really need to get some. Seriously, you're missing out on a great part of the fetish here wink.png.

Yeah, where I live tho, seriously nobody has a handkerchief. I've never actually seen anyone use one, or seen a handkerchief in a store.

Nobody uses a handkerchief around where I live (US), either. Although, I saw the Doctor blow his nose into one in an episode of Doctor Who... I'm thinking it's more of a thing in the UK? Scotland, Yorkshire, England, Lancashire? You guys are all from over there.

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ive never really tried ebay before....and if they arent new, theres no way im gonna buy used ones. im sure they must sell them in regular stores somewhere...but ive never seen them in stores actually

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I don't have a handkerchief. :|

You really need to get some. Seriously, you're missing out on a great part of the fetish here wink.png.

Yeah, where I live tho, seriously nobody has a handkerchief. I've never actually seen anyone use one, or seen a handkerchief in a store.

Nobody uses a handkerchief around where I live (US), either. Although, I saw the Doctor blow his nose into one in an episode of Doctor Who... I'm thinking it's more of a thing in the UK? Scotland, Yorkshire, England, Lancashire? You guys are all from over there.

Yah, I'm in US too :)

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I don't have a handkerchief. :|

You really need to get some. Seriously, you're missing out on a great part of the fetish here wink.png.

Yeah, where I live tho, seriously nobody has a handkerchief. I've never actually seen anyone use one, or seen a handkerchief in a store.

Nobody uses a handkerchief around where I live (US), either. Although, I saw the Doctor blow his nose into one in an episode of Doctor Who... I'm thinking it's more of a thing in the UK? Scotland, Yorkshire, England, Lancashire? You guys are all from over there.

Yah, I'm in US too smile.png

Based on my idea right there I assumed :P

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Actually, handkerchiefs are uncommon in the UK too. I know there's a stereotype that everyone uses one, but it's not true unfortunately. I'm one of only about four people in my school year group who does...

... and I'm the only girl.

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What got you into handkerchiefs CT? Do your parents use them? Do you have your own handkerchiefs, if so how many, or do you just use your mum's handkerchiefs?

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I used to keep all my handkerchiefs in my bedside table, and always had one out on top to catch a morning sneeze.

Now that I live with my boyfriend, I have to hide all my hankies in my closet :-( But if he goes to work early, and I have the day off, I'll keep one under my sweatshirt on my desk chair in case I need it in the morning!

U.S. peeps- for new hankies, try the dollar store, wal-mart, or kohls! :-D

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What got you into handkerchiefs CT? Do your parents use them? Do you have your own handkerchiefs, if so how many, or do you just use your mum's handkerchiefs?

Um, I'm not sure really; they've just always been a part of my fetish. I think I have a bit of a thing for formality in general, so the idea of a man always carrying a handkerchief is really :P :P :P!

I do have some of my own, but only about five. My family do know about the fetish, but I still don't want to draw attention to it by asking for/buying more. Still, I'll be going to uni thus Autumn, so I plan to buy more then.

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CT, that's fantastic that you have your own, especially when few girls do. Do you mind if I ask, did you buy them yourself? Were they gifts? Are they plain white or more "interesting" or patterned?

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I always had a handkerchief under my pillow when I was younger - I'll have to start doing this again, because there's nothing worse than waking up feeling snuffly and having to fumble about in the box of tissues in my bedroom before I can blow my nose! I'll put one of my big bandana hankies under my pilllow tonight, I promise! I don't know why I haven't done this recently, because I'm normally a hanky user in the daytime.

On the subject of bedtimes, does anyone else have a routine about making sure they clear their nose properly before going to bed?

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@Handkerchief Fan

Yeah, I bought them myself a couple of years ago, along with a Father's day card so they looked like a present XD . They're just plain white. I'm not one for being too ostentatious.


I don't have a routine like that personally, but... I'd like to hear about yours :D!

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I definately make sure that i clean my nose out before i go to bed.

I usually have to blow alot cos i work with grain and dust in my job and it effects me alittle.

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