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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Spring Fever-second installment of Cade and Natalie. FINALLY COMPLETE


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AUTHOR’S NOTE: Cade and Natalie are back! If you want to read the first installment you can read it here: http://www.sneezefet...opic=54374&st=0.

It’s now a few years later. Cade and Natalie are 20 (let’s say it’s 2015, they were the class of 13) years old and they are both in college.

Cade grew to be pretty tall around 6 foot, slim, and has black hair like Jack Barakat’s when it’s not in a Mohawk, this is the closest thing I could find: http://www.klippitzh...gallery/b5b.jpg

Natalie grew a little more too, she’s about 5 foot 9 inches, slim as well, and has light Auburn bosom length hair.

BTW: I will be switching between Cade and Natalie’s POV throughout the story. Each part will alternate, starting with Cade for the first part.


PART 1: More backstory rather than sneezing, but I promise I make up for it in the next part. This is just a way to get you caught up in the gap years.

As I ride down in the elevator from the 3rd floor, too tired to take the stairs, as I didn’t get a successful 8 hours of sleep—yet again…it’s spring time here and that means the trees, grass, and flowers are blooming, and that means pollen everywhere, and that means hell for my nose…my eyes have not stopped watering, I’ve been stuffed up for days, and I’ve been sneezing like crazy. My allergies just keep getting worse as I get older—I’ve already had two sneezing fits today and it’s not even noon yet! I’ve got prescription allergy medication and eye drops and nasal spray, and I even get shots…but on high pollen days (like the few we’ve had this week) it’s just doesn’t help much. I glance at my blurry reflection in the elevator door and all I can see is my red nose.

The elevator doors open and I immediately sneeze—ARRUSHOO!!—I dig a tissue out of my jean pocket and walk into our dorm lobby to meet my sweet Natalie.

“Morning Cade,” her soft voice calls as she kisses my cheek.

“Cand we tade the bus?” I moan dabbing my eyes with my tissue. I push my glasses back up on my nose and toss the tissue in the nearby trashcan.

“I don’t think we have enough time, besides it’s only a short walk,” she declares slinging her backpack on.

“But,” I pause to sneeze—HUSSHOO!

“Aw, allergies bothering you?” she consoles patting my back, guiding me toward the door. “We’ll walk fast,” she mentions.

I grab my backpack and take Natalie’s hand and we begin our stroll to class.

It’s a quiet walk; I’m sure Natalie can hear my constant sniffling and the sound of me clearing my throat.

It still shocks me that she’s not grossed out—of course we’ve known each other for 20 years now—but I never thought she’d end up being my girlfriend. Sure, we were best friends growing up, but we kind of grew apart during high school. She got involved in Student Council and made the tennis team and I just kind of leveled off. We’d hang out every now and then, but she found some girlfriends, and I had a few guy friends come and go, but Natalie was really my only best friend. I was there for her when she needed me, like senior year, she started to drift back toward me. Her dad got Lung Cancer, but they caught it early and he’s going to be OK. She didn’t like talking about it, but she did bring it up once and it ended up with her crying on my shoulder for a good hour. She had to go live with her dad’s parents while he was getting treated—my mom offered to let her stay here, but since we weren’t hanging out as much, Natalie turned it down. My mom had been like a second mom to Natalie since hers divorced her dad when she was little. I tried my best to be there for her, but I didn’t want to force anything. She’d come to me if she needed me. We shared classes so I did keep an eye on her, and I tried to go to some of her tennis matches, but my allergies would get the best of me sometimes and I would have to go before I got a chance to talk to her. The summer after we graduated, she left with her dad and her grandparents to live in the capital city (4 hours away) so her dad could get the proper Cancer treatment he needed. I gave her a long hug goodbye and asked if she would be back. She didn’t know. I said maybe we’ll see each other on campus. She told me she’d been wait-listed and didn’t know if she’d get in to the university. Of course, then I suggested we keep in touch, she agreed, but we never did.

Over the summer, I moped around a lot, feeling like something was missing. Then it hit me. Looking at all of mine and Natalie’s old pictures on the wall, I missed my best friend. I wanted Natalie. I had developed a huge crush on her over the summer.

Then on move in day, in the corner of my eye, I could have sworn I saw a tall slim girl with auburn hair. It looked like Natalie, but it couldn’t be, she looked to different. But then I spotted something on her bag. A button. A button I made for her. (You know the movie UP? The Ellie badge? Well I made her a Cade badge and gave it to her for Christmas back in 2009 when we were 15, still best buddies.) She still had it. I called her name and she came gallivanting toward me and my first instinct was to kiss her, but I didn’t. I hugged her and about cried—she was already in tears.

We started hanging out again and on our last night of college freshman orientation, there was a big fireworks celebration. We were sitting together on a giant hill watching the magnificent fireworks. Our eyes met and it just happened. Our lips locked and she pulled away and a smile lit up her face.

“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to do that,” she whispered.

“Believe me, I know.” I kissed her again and we laid down in the grass (and despite my allergy to grass, I only sneezed twice), her head resting in the crook of my neck and our hands intertwined.

We’ve been a couple ever since.

We finally lumber into the lecture hall and take our seats in the back.

Of course, I start sneezing uncontrollably, and Natalie grabs a few tissues from her bag and pushes them into my face. They are quick and powerful. “HUSHOO!-ESHOO!-HUSHO!-HEPTCHOO!-ASHOO!” My nose and eyes run like crazy and I then I rest my head on her shoulder before class starts.

Apparently, I fall asleep because Natalie whispers in my ear and gently shakes my head calling my name.

“Cade…Cade wake up. Class is over.”

“W-what?” I ask lifting my head, rubbing my eyes.

“You fell asleep,” she giggled.

“Oh, I’m so sorry. I-I’m so tired, I haven’t been sleeping well because I’m so stuffed up at night,” I explain slowly standing up and slipping on my backpack.

“I’m sorry. Go back home and take a nap. I’ll see you later when we leave for our little vacation,” she winks tapping my nose which sets off a few sneezes.

“HURRSHOO!!—UHSHOO!!” I wipe my nose with my sleeve.

“Oh, sorry,” she smiles taking my hand and leading me out of the lecture hall.

She has another class, but I don’t so we kiss goodbye and I take the bus back to the dorm and take a nap.

Edited by flowerpower67
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aww this is adorable i can't wait for your next update wink.png

maybe tomorrow. We'll see if I actually finish the story. I'm on the last part.

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Alright, I haven't written more, but I'm going to upload anyway. I like to write ahead, so I don't feel pressured to upload newly written parts.



I meet Cade in the lobby after my classes. He looks a little better, his eyes and nose still abused and red, but at least he appears more alert than he was this morning.

“You ready?” I grin.

“Hell, yes. Let’s blow this pop stand,” Cade smiles.

“No one says that. Ever. You sound like my grandma…” I joke pulling him up from the couch.

We arrive at Cade’s car and we put our suitcases in the trunk; I follow him to the driver’s side and suggest that I should drive since he can’t go two minutes without sneezing. He groans, but agrees with me and trots over to the passenger side and slides in.

“What are you doing?” I ask him as he pushes the button to roll down the window.

“It’s hot in here, it’s just for a little bit. I’ll be fine. I just took a little mist, just let me judge my own allergies, OK?” he nags.

Cade’s doing pretty well; he has reclined his seat and is daydreaming out the window as we drive down the country roads with the windows down.

He turns to me, “So where are we going?”

“My nana and papa’s lake house. They said we could spend a few nights there while they are out of town,” I return his question. “Hey, you’re doing pretty well; with the windows down and all…” I smile and pat his thigh.

Then suddenly—“HUSSSHOO!” Cade snaps forward catching his sneeze in his elbow.

“Bless you.”

“Aw, Natalie, you jinxed it!” he jokes before sneezing again. “HUShooo!”

“Alright, I think it’s time to roll the windows up before you have another attack,” I retort, pressing my finger down on the button.

“Huh-t-too—huh-HUShoo!!-Late…” Cade mumbles in between breathy hitches.

He puts his seat back up and starts pinching his nose, trying to hold back the sneezes. They start breathy and usually come at a steady pace then he explodes into uncontrollable fits that I sort of enjoy watching. I still have not told Cade that I have a sneezing fetish. He seems to not be weirded out by sneezing since he talks about it a lot. He’d probably think it’s cool, but it’s just something so personal—I’m just not ready to tell him.

Cade breathes, desperate, his eyes are closed and he’s still pinching his nose; he’s trying so hard not to sneeze. I can tell the anticipation is killing him, and me too.

He starts stifling. “Hitxgt!—Hitgxst!—Hept-choo!” He opens the glove compartment and digs around to find a napkin to press to his running nose. “Hept-choo!—Higxst!”

Like I said, they are coming at a steady pace, one every 2-5 seconds, but they are starting to pick up and I can tell Cade is having trouble stifling them, he’s already taken off his glasses.

I glance over at him every few seconds; I’m trying to concentrate on driving, but it’s hard not to. I’ve got a super sneezy boyfriend next to me and I have a secret love for sneezing, tell me that’s not torture! I’m only going to pull over if his sneezes get uncontrollably explosive. I want to comfort him and I don’t want him to bang his head on the dashboard, plus moving around that much, that fast while riding in a car can make him nauseated. I don’t do vomit.

I look over again and his breath is unsteadily desperate. His nostrils flaring, eyes pouring like a river, and his nose teasing him with false build-ups. Actually it was torturing us both. I decided to pull over so I could assist and observe before his nose exploded and I’d crash us because I’d be too busy watching him sneeze his head off. It’s been a while since I’ve seen him have a full blown allergy attack.

“Heh-heh-heh---huh—huh—I—it’s-co-co-ming—heh—I-ca-n—fe-e-e-lll—i—t-huh-huh-huh…Ugh,” he sniffs, “I hate when it teases me like that,” he snuffles again and his breath starts building. “Huh—huh-huh—wi-indows-heh-heh—d-ow-ow-n-nhuh—huh—ba-a-a-ad---i-i—i-dea-a-a-h-ah-ASSSSHOO!!-ASHOO!!-ASHOO!!-ASHOO!—ASHOO!!-ASHOO!-ASHOO!—ASHOO!—huh—” he barely sniffs and he’s off again, “ASHOO!-ITCHOO-CHOO-ASHOO-ETCHOO-CHOO-ITCHOO-HETCHOO-ASHOO!!” He breaths again and a fit of rapid fires comes out. “HITCHOO-ITCHO-CHOO-HUH-ITCHOO-ITCHOO-HESHOO-SHHOO—SHOO-SHOO-ITCHOO-ETCHOO-ETCHOO-CHOO-ACHOO-ACHOO-AH-AH-ASHOO!!”

During this fit, I’m just sitting next to him shoving tissues in his face and rubbing his back. I think the worst of it is over, he’s now laying back in his seat heavily breathing with tissues pressed to his face. I watch his chest rise and fall quickly, poor thing out of breath and so clogged up. He catches his breath and is able to take a few small breaths without sneezing so he takes the time to empty his stuffed up nose and wipe his eyes.

“All done?” I ask rubbing his back still.

“Dno, I cand still feel a tickle. Just givd dme a mindute, I dneed to catch my breath,” he mumbles.

I lay back in my own seat and watch him recover. Cade’s eyes are closed, and his breath is stuffy and I can’t tell if it’s hitching or if he’s just trying to breathe.

Soon enough, “HUSHHOO!!—HUSHOOO!!—HUSHOOO!!!” he snaps forward and catches them in his elbow. He blows his nose and sneezes a few more times. “HUSSSHOO!!--…---…---HUPSHOO!!--…---…--HUPSHOO!!—HUSHOO!!” “I-huh—th-i-i-nk—th-eh-eh-ey—re-starting—to-oo-oo-pi-i-ck-uh-uh-up-p” I hand him a wad of tissues just in time. “HUSHOO-SHOO—SHOO—HURSHOO—HUPTSHOO—SHOO-SHOO—ISSSHOO-HURSHOO-HUPTCHOO—CHOOO-CHOO—HUSSSHOOO!!--…---…--HUSHOO!-HUSHOO!”

“God, you poor thing! Are you going to be alright?” I ask worried we might have to take a detour to the hospital.

“Y-yeah,” Cade breathes, “I think it’s going down.” He blows his nose and clears his throat afterwards. He reaches behind his seat and grabs his little carry-on bag. He begins digging through it, but sneezes again. “Hushoo!!—Heptchoo!!” he sniffles and continues to struggle to unveil his treasure.

“What are you looking for?”

“My medications,” he sniffled again.

“I’ll look for it, you blow your nose,” I smile. I set his eye drops and nasal spray on the dashboard and shake the prescription bottle of pills.

“No, I only take those once a day, what you got is fine,” he replies wiping his nose.

He turns toward the window so I can’t see his front at all. I hear the spray sound twice and figure he doesn’t want me watching. He turns back around and pulls down the mirror and puts his eye drops in. He blinks rapidly and I hand him a tissue to dab his eyes.

“Thanks,” he mentions.

“Ready?” I ask.

“Yes. Thanks for pulling over.”

“No problem. You needed a little help anyway. No windows this time,” I instruct turning on the child lock so he can’t push the button on his side. “AC from now on.” I switch the button and cool air begins flowing through the car.

“Agreed,” Cade sniffs.

I pull back onto the road, which was never busy to begin with, and finish our journey to my grandparent’s house, successfully without Cade having another allergy attack. Just a few lingering sneezes here and there.

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i seriously think I'm obsessed with our writing! don't you ever stop you have a serious talent for it wink.png

yessss it's reallllyyyyy good! I can't wait for more! Are you considering having Natalie tell him about her fetish?

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i seriously think I'm obsessed with our writing! don't you ever stop you have a serious talent for it wink.png

yessss it's reallllyyyyy good! I can't wait for more! Are you considering having Natalie tell him about her fetish?

You just hold your horses.... it's coming... along.. slowly... classes just started back up and I need to find that self discipline and study before I start writing for hours on end.

And thank you both for the sweet compliment. I NEVER share my writing with real people that I know face to face because all I write are sneeze fics and to a "normal" person that might be weird.. is it weird? That's why I joined, I love to write...about sneezing?

I have a lot more stories on this site, if you would like a list, PM me.

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You always seem to amaze me with your writing FlowerPower , really thank you for taking the time to write two parts already ! :) . It's really really adorable :) . Can't wait for more, and I feel you ;o exams week is next week for me so I should Probly study sometime. Goodluck with Exams and stuff :) . Can't wait for another part, but take your time with writing this since exams are first priority . :)

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You always seem to amaze me with your writing FlowerPower , really thank you for taking the time to write two parts already ! smile.png . It's really really adorable smile.png . Can't wait for more, and I feel you ;o exams week is next week for me so I should Probly study sometime. Goodluck with Exams and stuff smile.png . Can't wait for another part, but take your time with writing this since exams are first priority . smile.png

I already have another part written, I'm working on part 4 right now, I really want to finish it, but I'm still trying to get back into routine of school...

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You always seem to amaze me with your writing FlowerPower , really thank you for taking the time to write two parts already ! smile.png . It's really really adorable smile.png . Can't wait for more, and I feel you ;o exams week is next week for me so I should Probly study sometime. Goodluck with Exams and stuff smile.png . Can't wait for another part, but take your time with writing this since exams are first priority . smile.png

I already have another part written, I'm working on part 4 right now, I really want to finish it, but I'm still trying to get back into routine of school...

okay gotcha :)
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I like it tons! This would totally change your story if maybe an intruder comes to the cabin and they have to hide. BUT Cade has to fight the sneeze! Not saying you have to do it, but that would be fab

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I like it tons! This would totally change your story if maybe an intruder comes to the cabin and they have to hide. BUT Cade has to fight the sneeze! Not saying you have to do it, but that would be fab

Ohmigod, that'd be so great!!! But unfortunately I've already pre-written this story.

That's a good idea if I want to continue the Cade and Natalie saga. The Third installment.

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I haven't had time to finish this story yet. Sadly, there are only 4 parts.. but this is Part 3. I'll try and write tonight, after I'm done running errands and getting some homework done, (college is hard).


PART 3: Not a whole bunch of sneezing, but some great sentimental plot, that might make some of you romantics’ heart melt. Enjoy.

I feel like a mess, and I probably look like mess too. Keeping the window down for so long was a bad idea, on my part. I recline my seat back and try to relax again, only my nose has filled up again and my eyes were still watering. I am so grateful to have a girlfriend who will help me when I have an attack like that, I think most girls would be really grossed out, but not Natalie. Maybe it’s because we’ve known each other our whole lives, she’s grown immune to being grossed out by my sneezes.

It’s quiet again, except for my constant sniffling and clearing my throat. I really want to blow my nose, but I really should wait at least 15 minutes after I spray that medicine up my nose. I try to sniffle quietly as discretely as I can, but it’s not working. My nose it red, I can feel it when I rub my finger under it. I’m breathing through my mouth as I hold a tissue to my nose. I still feel sneezy, I quietly build up, but nothing comes. Ugh, I hate that feeling—it’s so there, the itch, but it’s not strong enough to induce anything…I just have to wait it out—and it drives me crazy.

Natalie pulls into the driveway and I get our suitcases while she unlocks the door. Her grandparents have a nice little home, two bedrooms, a study, an open living room/kitchen, and even a lofted upstairs. Natalie tells me to put our stuff in the back room off the kitchen, as that’s the guest room. The upstairs bedroom is the master, and Natalie told me it’s off limits. As I exit the bedroom, I find the bathroom to my right. I go in and clean myself up.

God, I look like—well I look like someone who truly suffers from terrible hay fever. My eyes are bloodshot and watery, and my nose is all red and tickly. I find a washcloth, wet it, and wipe down my neck, arms, shirt and jeans. This helps get rid of any pollen sticking to my body and clothes. I rinse off my face with cold water and re-apply my eye drops and nasal spray. I smear a tad of Vaseline around my sore, red nostrils so pollen can’t get through as easily. Hopefully, I can stop sneezing for at least an hour.

“Hey, my nana made us a whole bunch of food,” she mentions when she sees me exit the bathroom.

“Oh, really?” I ask.

“Yeah, she left a note saying they left this morning and my nana made us food—how nice is my nana?!” she elaborates. “Are you hungry?”

“Uh, yeah…” I reply rubbing my neck.

We have a wonderful dinner, Garlic Roasted Rosemary Salmon, oh, my, God, can Natalie’s nana can cook! I don’t think I’ve ever had a meal like that—not at home at least. It’s so tender and flavorful.

“Oh, my, God, this is so delicious. Your nana is an amazing cook!” I exclaim.

“Thanks. She definitely knows her way around the kitchen—she’s all about the spices, to her, bland food is unacceptable. You should come over for Thanksgiving, I bet you’ll eat so much that you’ll fall into a food coma for a week!” she jokes.

“I probably would,” I agree.

I lay on the couch with the TV playing in the background, just relaxing, letting my tummy take in the gourmet meal I just ate. I am awfully tired, I haven’t had a good night’s sleep all week. Stupid allergies. Though I haven’t had an attack since the car ride up here, so that’s a positive. Just a few sneezes here and there. ---HUSHOO!!—ASHHHOO!!---Like those two. Ugh, I wipe my nose with my wrist and lay back down. Natalie comes from the kitchen and sits down on the couch. I sit up, but she insists that I lay my head down on her lap. I stare up at her beautiful green eyes. She stares back at me, running her fingers through my hair. I take off my glasses and turn my head and we both watch a little TV.

My mind wonders and I notice a guitar sitting in the corner.

“Hey, a guitar.”

“Yeah, my papa used to give me lessons when I was little, but I never followed through. I still don’t know how to play,” she shrugs.

“I do. Would he mind if I played it?” I asked sitting up grabbing my glasses.

“It’s actually mine, but yeah, be my guest,” she nods as I pick up the instrument and begin plucking the strings. “I didn’t know you played…” she reveals, astonished at my skill to pluck and strum chords.

“Yeah, I play on the side…not seriously, I just play around…remember we didn’t, you know, we kinda…” I trail off. I don’t want to say we weren’t friends, because we weren’t, we just kind of drifted apart—became acquaintances.

“I know, I know… so… play something for me,” she encourages.

“What do you want me to play?” I ask.

“Do you still like All Time Low?” she hints.

“Do I?” I proclaim, “I was the one who introduced you seven years ago.”

“I know--the in between years, you know, I don’t know what you still listen too…” she smiles walking her fingers up my arm.

“In that case, I know exactly what song to play.” I begin strumming, “Sorry if I sound weird, you know, allergies…”

I play her “Somewhere in Neverland” perhaps the greatest ATL song ever written. I remember when the album came out early in our senior year. Natalie and I were starting to rekindle, but we weren’t at full capacity. I heard this song and instantly thought of Natalie—I guess I’d been crushing on her longer than I thought, but I didn’t admit it to myself until she moved away—anyway, but the second verse is so Natalie and me. “We’ll talk about how you parents separated and how you don’t want to make the same mistakes as them…” I just fell in love with the song and picked up on the chords quickly. I’ve always wanted to play it for her, but I didn’t want to mess up our friendship and I didn’t know if she still listened to ATL—so even if I had played it for her years ago, she may not have known, and the sentimental meaning would be lost.

I continue and Natalie even joins in on the last chorus and I’m touched because it shows me that she knows that song and still listens to All Time Low.

“Cade…” Natalie is speechless. “That is not something from someone who “just plays around.” That was beautiful. You’re so talented. Even with your stuffed up voice, it was still marvelous and I absolutely loved it.”

“Oh.” She kisses me. I clear my throat, “I’m glad you liked it.”

“That’s my favorite All Time Low song ever written. I’m not kidding,” she bellows.

Unexpectedly, a sharp strike of thunder and lightning strobes across the window. Natalie jumps and squeals a little. I squeeze her hand, she looks back at me and smiles, “You’re my Peter Pan,” she smiles nuzzling closer to me.

“And you’re my Wendy,” I hug back.

We lie on the couch together listening to the pitter patter of the rain dancing on the roof and the thunder and lightning rumbling in the distance.

I am thanking God for the rain right now; it washes away all the pollen and that means less agony on my nose. Maybe tomorrow we can actually enjoy the spring weather—go out on the lake, take a hike, something outside for once.

We mosey on into bed, taking our time, I let Natalie use the bathroom first and then I clean up myself. She’s waiting for me in bed, wearing an old All Time Low shirt, which makes me smile.

“See? I still like them,” she boasts.

I smirk, “I see.”

I cuddle with Natalie in bed, my arm around her and her head caressed in my neck. I drift off to sleep, letting off a few sneezes before fully going under. “HUPSHOO!—HETCHOO!” I obviously aim them away from Natalie, but too tired to fully cover my mouth, so they kind of spray on my arm that isn’t hugging Natalie.

“You OK?” Natalie asks, her eyes closed, half-asleep.

“Oh, sorry. Didn’t know you weren’t asleep,” I sniffle, “Thought you were and I’d be OK letting a few last minute sneezes out.”

“You’re fine, Cade. Goodnight,” she sings patting my chest.

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Awwwwwwwwwwwe <3 oh my gosh and you included all time low? You are my hero ! :) . I flip for that song "Somewhere In Neverland" :) yeh my Disney side likes it a lot ;) . Peter Pan ;) <3 . Continue ! :)

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Awwwwwwwwwwwe <3 oh my gosh and you included all time low? You are my hero ! smile.png . I flip for that song "Somewhere In Neverland" smile.png yeh my Disney side likes it a lot wink.png . Peter Pan wink.png <3 . Continue ! smile.png

Yes, because I'm that cheesy and that weird fangirl who sneaks her fandom into original stories. :) The ATL bit is actually true. That is my personal favorite song because of that single line about divorced parents.

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OMG I luv it pls continue this its so amazing

I'm writing the last part, but I'm so busy getting back into the school routine, that I just didn't have time to write and post this weekend. Maybe next weekend. I'm really kicking myself for not finishing when I had the time. Now I'm swamped with school work.......

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