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Sneeze Fetish Forum

A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones request


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I'm about 850 pages into A Clash of Kings, and since starting this book, I've discovered that I have a mighty need - that is, a need for Stannis Baratheon sneezing uncontrollably. Seriously, he totally fits the archetype of tall-dark-and-in-control...I think he needs to lose a little of that control. ;)

Maybe part of the reason he takes up with Melisandre is that she promises him that her sorcery can cure such un-kingly things as allergies. Or he has an awful chronic cold, living in such a damp and germ-harboring castle as Dragonstone. Or anything you can think of...providing his sneezes are loud, messy, and highly undignified. 4.gif

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