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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Not Saying Bless You?


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Hello lovelies, it's been months since I've posted and I apologize! I've been having some personal issues.

Anyway, I wanted to share an awkward experience I had today and ask your opinion on it. In my English class, we were in a semi-quiet computer lab and there was a boy sitting 2 computers down from me, with no one in between us. He's pretty socially awkward and often talks quietly to himself. He is also a blesser.

Well, he sneezed toward the end of class, and I noticed, but I was immersed in my computer work. However, I did hear him mumble "And she didn't even say anything..." I'm pretty sure he was talking about me not blessing him. I can't even bring myself to bless friends, let alone this kid. Should I feel totally awful? Or is it okay that I didn't say it, because it isn't a necessity? What would you have done?

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ehhh i don't think you should feel bad, you were clearly immersed in your studies and plus I think it all depends on a persons preference whether they like to get blessed I guess this kid felt in necessary. Anyway i would have done the same thing as you I never bless people either xD.

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sleepy.gif OK, the fact that he talks to himself is kind of pitying.. Wow. I don't think you should feel bad, one he's the awkward one, two if you simply can't bring yourself to say 'bless you,' then don't. It's no big deal. Lots of people don't say anything after a sneeze. I try to in public, but never my family members--that's a whole different story--not because it's awkward for me--we've never said it.... anyway you really shouldn't feel bad... the weird thing is--let's say I'm with a group of friends and one of them sneezes, I say bless you--but when I sneeze and I'm with the same people, no one blesses me. :/
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i dont think its that big of a deal, when people sneeze bless you is kind of an automatic response for me if I'm paying attention but if I'm having a conversation with someone or glued to school work i usually don't and since this kid is the "awkward one" and no one else blessed him don't worry about it :)

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Yeah, don't worry about it., especially if you never say "bless you" anyways. I don't either; never have and think it'd be kind of weird if I started now, especially since I don't think anyone I know does very often..

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There's no problem there. If he is socially awkward, too damn bad for him, but this kind of thing belongs in the category "Disregard & Forget". :yes:

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That sounds mega awkward. Do you think he meant it sarcastically or like he thinks of himself as too important..? Idk it just seems strange to me haha.

I can't bless people either. Idk what I would've done. Depends how well I knew the guy I guess. At most I would probably be like "what? Are you talking to me? And hope he didn't bring up stuff about sneezing haha. And if he did I'd just say something like "I guess I didn't notice" haha.

The first date I had with my bf, he sneezed and I didn't bless him (I'd like to be able to bless people but I just can't get..) and he said something like "no bless you? You're going to hell" and was joking of course. But it was awkward. I paused for a second before I said "you're the one that isn't didn't get blessed, I guess that means you're going to hell." Haha xP it was so awkward. And yet we're still together after over 2 years.

Gah I wish i could bless people tho! Now it just seems so hard to get into it lol. I don't want to call attention to myself, I don't want to call attention to them if they don't want it... But I like being blessed, and I like blessers... They seem so considerate and caring... But I caaan't haha

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I don't really understand why he'd say that. As mentioned by others above a lot of people don't say bless you and you shouldn't feel bad.

I do bless people, but not my family, it's just awkward for me.

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I really don't want to say anything too mean about him because I'd feel awful, but... He's kinda slow. Not mentally ill, but he "learns at his own pace." He reads out loud and things like that. Going to class today felt really awkward, because I couldn't stop thinking about what happened yesterday, and what I'm going to do if he sneezes again and expects me to say something!

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Aw, you poor thing. It sounds a little creepy to be honest, like he was weirdly fixated on you not saying anything. Try not to worry too much about it, it's not like you're deliberately being rude, you just have a little hang up! People with the fetish just don't get it yes.gif as for the guy, it really sounds like more of an issue of him being strange, not about you not blessing. Another student probably wouldn't have even noticed!

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