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Why Does It Turn Us On When Guys Bless Each Other?


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We always talk on here about guys saying "bless you" to other guys and most of us drool over the hotness, but I was just sitting here thinking...why? Like blessing in general gets me, especially me blessing and them blessing me. But if I'm not involved in the equation, I would rather see a guy blessing another guy. If a guy blesses a girl it's like oh okay, he said bless you, he's a blesser. But if he blesses another guy it's just a whole new level! Why is this? Any ideas? The only thing I can thing of is female to female jealousy, WHHHHY CAN'T HE BE BLESSING ME? Thoughts?

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Well I can't speak for anyone else, but being that I'm bi with a preference for men, I guess it makes me think sexy thoughts, haha. I also like the fact that it's a show of intimacy, and most men won't express intimacy to other men.

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I think there's an intimacy aspect also!! And the phrase seems kind of, I don't know, caring and compassionate? And polite too, maybe? I think that's a factor for me. A guy acknowledging another guy sneezing in a genuinely sweet and thoughtful way.

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I'm guessing it has something to do with the fact that many of the females on here are sexually attracted to men. Also, blessing is an action that some get sexual pleasure from. Then when you have two people of your preferred gender engaging in the action (blessing, in this case) you find sexually pleasing - it's double the sexy, isn't it? Rather than just one (in a male-female situation).

It's like how many straight men enjoy lesbian porn, and similarly many women enjoy gay porn and slash fic (male x male fanfiction).

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I definitely agree with you guys on the intimacy/compassion factor. Manners are big in a guy for me, and I guess just that simple act of blessing shows he is polite and he cares. And Nebula, good parallel with the double the sexy, definitely makes sense.

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Ohhhh man, men blessing men is my favorite. I'm not sure why. Maybe because sometimes it seems like guys only bless girls to get attention and to show the girl they care about her and want her to see how courteous they can be. But when they bless other guys they're just outright being polite, which is a turn on for me. If that made any sense at all.

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