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I think everyone at school has got a cold


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It's all rainy and cold and I think everyone at school has got a cold, except meeee *happy dance*

Okay so there were these "cool" guys (they're only cool because they think they are) and I don't like them. They were standing really close to me and my group, and they were talking when one of them got one of the most delicious pre-sneeze faces I've ever seen; his eyes - which made me think of ice - fluttered shut, and I could hear his friends teasing him. The boy built up for like 20 seconds, his mouth opened slightly furhter with every hitching breath and his nostrils flared. "He-ish! He-itsh! Isho! " His curly, dark brown hair - big contrast compared to his pale skin - flopped over his face as he pitched forward with the girly sounding sneeze. I was kind of surprised, because the sneeze wasn't as big as I expected. His friends were like "You sneeze like a girl!" which made the boy look at the ground like he wanted to disappear. I was like aww and melted xD

I gotta go now (stupid parents) but I'll post more school obs later :)

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Thanks for the reactions :)

In the same break, a 15 years old boy walked past me and my group of friends. Then he suddenly stopped, bringing his hands to his face. His dark brown eyes closed and his mout was hanging oped. "Hee.... he... He'tsh! He'tsho!" Really quiet into his elbow, I don't think anyone else heard it. The boy was kind of confused, looking around to check whether people had seen him or not. Then he quickly walked away.

More obs late gotta go to school now (more new obs!)

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New obs!

We were walking to our classroom and suddenly this boy before us (16 years old, pretty tall. Black wavy hair and big, sad brown eyes) snapped forward. "Nxt! Nxt! He... he... Nxh!" He was panthing and gasping for breath, he probably thoughg he was done, and so did I. But he wasn't done yet (evil laugh). "He'chh! He'nxt!" He brought his hands up to his face. "Nxt! He'chh! Nxt! Nxt! Nxt! He'nxt! Holy- Echo! Echo! Ech! Why can't I... ihh... Isho! Esho! Stop snee... eehh... ehh... Escho!"

"Bless you!" It sounded from some random people. "Thags..." the boy mumbled, stuffed up and turning red.

Sorry this was the only obs for today. Hope you enjoyed reading it :)

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Idunno... maybe people in the Netherlands have more colds than the average human being? ;)

Haha yeah he's so cute I hope he's sneeze more Monday :)

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The first guy sneezed again! In the break I saw him with his group of friends and I was like "Lets go stand there!" pointing at a place where I had a good view on him. So after a minute he crinkled his nose and closed his light blue eyes in frustration. His friends were laughing at him. "Dot fuddy!" he tried to shout, but his voice was thick with congestion, which made them only laugh more. "He... Hee..."

"Have to sneeze again little girl?" one of his friends asked teasing. "Kellin sneezes like a girl!" another shouted. I was like OMG his name is Kellin! It made me think of Kellin Quinn from Sleeping With Sirens. But lets continue the obs. "It ihh... is st... hee... stuck... ehhhh..." He said with a delicious pre-sneeze expression on his pale face. "Eh'ish! He'ish! Ish! Isho! He'itsh!" The "ish" was high pitched and he snapped forward with each sneeze. His friends were laughing again. "We'll leave our little girl here, lets go!" Kellin was still sniffling and walked to the lockers alone.

I wanted to go after him, but that'd be extremely akward xD

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Awww, poor Kellin! I certainly would have followed him and offered assistance, or perhaps a tissue. This is quite a lovely obs! :)

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Awww, poor Kellin! I certainly would have followed him and offered assistance, or perhaps a tissue. This is quite a lovely obs! smile.png

Good idea I'll offer him a tissue next time! :)

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AWWWE SO CUTE. and I legit read it as "Kellin Quinn sneezes like a girl" then im like.. wait a minute. I WISH THE BRAT WOULD SNEEZE >-> ugh hes so perfect.

Can you not?



I love this obs though <3

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AWWWE SO CUTE. and I legit read it as "Kellin Quinn sneezes like a girl" then im like.. wait a minute. I WISH THE BRAT WOULD SNEEZE >-> ugh hes so perfect.

Can you not?



I love this obs though <3

Haha that'd be cool xD

I'll update as soon as possible and let you know if he sneezed ;)

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AWWWE SO CUTE. and I legit read it as "Kellin Quinn sneezes like a girl" then im like.. wait a minute. I WISH THE BRAT WOULD SNEEZE >-> ugh hes so perfect.

Can you not?



I love this obs though <3

Haha that'd be cool xD

I'll update as soon as possible and let you know if he sneezed ;)

. Okay then xD :)
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I honestly only focussed on Kellinblushsmiley.gif

So I saw his group of friends again, but soon noticed Kellin wasn't with them. During the break, he was leaning with his back against the wall. He brought his cupped hands to his face, same adorable pre-sneeze expression again :) "He'ish! Ish! He'ish! He'ish! Ha'ish! He'nxt! H'nxt! N'xt!" He groaned. Because I'm really shy, it took some time before I had the courage to offer him a tissue. After a second sneezing fit, "H'nxt! He'xt! Hnxt! He'nxt! He'ish! Ish! He'ish!" I said "Bless you," and gave him a tissue, hesitating slightly. "Thags," he said, and he blowed his nose. I smiled at the ground, as I really did not know what to sayblushsmiley.gif "Y-You want the rest too?" I asked, pulling a small bag of tissues out off my bag. "Doe, I'll be fi.. ihh... Ish! He'ish! H'nxt! Hnxt! N'xt! He'ish!" he sneezed, quickly covering with his hands. He smiled slightly. "Or babey... if you cad biss theb." I nodded and offered him the bag of tissues. "Thags agaid," he said, walking away blowing his nose again.

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I honestly only focussed on Kellinblushsmiley.gif

So I saw his group of friends again, but soon noticed Kellin wasn't with them. During the break, he was leaning with his back against the wall. He brought his cupped hands to his face, same adorable pre-sneeze expression again smile.png "He'ish! Ish! He'ish! He'ish! Ha'ish! He'nxt! H'nxt! N'xt!" He groaned. Because I'm really shy, it took some time before I had the courage to offer him a tissue. After a second sneezing fit, "H'nxt! He'xt! Hnxt! He'nxt! He'ish! Ish! He'ish!" I said "Bless you," and gave him a tissue, hesitating slightly. "Thags," he said, and he blowed his nose. I smiled at the ground, as I really did not know what to sayblushsmiley.gif "Y-You want the rest too?" I asked, pulling a small bag of tissues out off my bag. "Doe, I'll be fi.. ihh... Ish! He'ish! H'nxt! Hnxt! N'xt! He'ish!" he sneezed, quickly covering with his hands. He smiled slightly. "Or babey... if you cad biss theb." I nodded and offered him the bag of tissues. "Thags agaid," he said, walking away blowing his nose again.

awwwwwe awwwe. *bows down to your courage* THAT takes SO much courage, I applaud you ! :) congrats :) and awwe you blessed him and gave him tissues, how cute c:

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I honestly only focussed on Kellinblushsmiley.gif

So I saw his group of friends again, but soon noticed Kellin wasn't with them. During the break, he was leaning with his back against the wall. He brought his cupped hands to his face, same adorable pre-sneeze exp<b></b>ression again smile.png "He'ish! Ish! He'ish! He'ish! Ha'ish! He'nxt! H'nxt! N'xt!" He groaned. Because I'm really shy, it took some time before I had the courage to offer him a tissue. After a second sneezing fit, "H'nxt! He'xt! Hnxt! He'nxt! He'ish! Ish! He'ish!" I said "Bless you," and gave him a tissue, hesitating slightly. "Thags," he said, and he blowed his nose. I smiled at the ground, as I really did not know what to sayblushsmiley.gif "Y-You want the rest too?" I asked, pulling a small bag of tissues out off my bag. "Doe, I'll be fi.. ihh... Ish! He'ish! H'nxt! Hnxt! N'xt! He'ish!" he sneezed, quickly covering with his hands. He smiled slightly. "Or babey... if you cad biss theb." I nodded and offered him the bag of tissues. "Thags agaid," he said, walking away blowing his nose again.

awwwwwe awwwe. *bows down to your courage* THAT takes SO much courage, I applaud you ! :) congrats :) and awwe you blessed him and gave him tissues, how cute c:

Haha thanks :3

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I honestly only focussed on Kellinblushsmiley.gif

So I saw his group of friends again, but soon noticed Kellin wasn't with them. During the break, he was leaning with his back against the wall. He brought his cupped hands to his face, same adorable pre-sneeze expression again smile.png "He'ish! Ish! He'ish! He'ish! Ha'ish! He'nxt! H'nxt! N'xt!" He groaned. Because I'm really shy, it took some time before I had the courage to offer him a tissue. After a second sneezing fit, "H'nxt! He'xt! Hnxt! He'nxt! He'ish! Ish! He'ish!" I said "Bless you," and gave him a tissue, hesitating slightly. "Thags," he said, and he blowed his nose. I smiled at the ground, as I really did not know what to sayblushsmiley.gif "Y-You want the rest too?" I asked, pulling a small bag of tissues out off my bag. "Doe, I'll be fi.. ihh... Ish! He'ish! H'nxt! Hnxt! N'xt! He'ish!" he sneezed, quickly covering with his hands. He smiled slightly. "Or babey... if you cad biss theb." I nodded and offered him the bag of tissues. "Thags agaid," he said, walking away blowing his nose again.

awwwwwe awwwe. *bows down to your courage* THAT takes SO much courage, I applaud you ! smile.png congrats smile.png and awwe you blessed him and gave him tissues, how cute c:

Haha thanks :3

No problem :)

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Aww, poor Kellin! I can't help but feel bad, but his sneezes are adorable!

And I also liked your obs about the 16 year old boy, it was glorious :heart:

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That's it, I have to start carrying little bags of tissue with me to offer them to random sneezy strangers *evil smirk* i've never been so envious of someone still in school *blush* ;) Your accounts are really nice to read!

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  • 1 month later...

This is such a good obs :D

Hehe... all I saw was Kellin, and I thought Kellin Quinn blushsmiley.gif:wub:

I wish Kellin Quinn would sneeze already!!! whoo.gif

Yes indeed if Kellin Quinn would sneeze...

I love your username :)

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