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Sneeze Fetish Forum

I showed my best friend the forum

CT <3

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Okay, my best friend knew for a while that I had some sort of fetish, but had no idea what it was. Up until yesterday that is.

She tends to be incredibly perceptive, and yesterday she told me that she thought she knew what it was. I had actually been dropping a few hints about liking colds recently, so I thought that would be her guess. Anyway, I let her guess and somehow she managed to get it exactly. Nose-blowing with sneezing on the side. I flipped out then, I have to say. How did she manage to work it out?!

I was a little bit scared at first because she blows her nose and sneezes a lot, so I thought she'd be really freaked out. But she wasn't at all. I explained all the details of the fetish throughout my life and she was totally cool and understanding about it. I was so happy and relived.

The really strange bit, though, happened when I mentioned I'd been writing fetish stories on the forum and she said she wanted to see. So I sent her a link to my thread, thinking she'd just read one or two but guess what, she read all of them. EVERY SINGLE ONE!!! And she told me she liked them too and that they engrossed her, although she wasn't too keen on all the messy bits. Best of all, she said seeing such a great community made her really proud of me :).

I still can't believe this worked out so well! If only all non-fetishists could be this understanding!

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That's so cool! Isn't it such a good feeling to have a friend so accepting?

I told my friend about the forum and he said he was going to check it out but I don't think he did.

You're so brave! Also you're friend is right; this is such a great community. :)

I'm so happy for you that she was so understanding!

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That's fantastic! It's awesome when people are so understanding (and kudos for being brave enough to show her, too :D )

I told my best friend about the forum, and she demanded that I showed it to her. We ended up spending ages reading through fics and stuff and talking about it. It was quite fun! I showed her some of my fics too, and she actually said that she liked the sneeze spellings. :P And I know that she still looks at it because she texts me and yells at me to update my drabble thread. :lol:

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Thanks guys :). I'm lucky to have her, I know. Although, I wouldn't quite say that I was especially 'brave' about it. I actually had to ask her to write down what she thought my fetish was! Certainly worked out well, though. 'Coming out' really isn't as bad as you think with someone you trust. :D

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Thanks guys smile.png. I'm lucky to have her, I know. Although, I wouldn't quite say that I was especially 'brave' about it. I actually had to ask her to write down what she thought my fetish was! Certainly worked out well, though. 'Coming out' really isn't as bad as you think with someone you trust. biggrin.png

You're still brave, no matter what method of "coming" out you used!!

I would be really shy about it, so I would probably do the same as you haha

I've only come out about my fetish to one person and oh my god I was such a nervous wreck it was really embarrassing haha

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Okay, my best friend knew for a while that I had some sort of fetish, but had no idea what it was. Up until yesterday that is.

She tends to be incredibly perceptive, and yesterday she told me that she thought she knew what it was. I had actually been dropping a few hints about liking colds recently, so I thought that would be her guess. Anyway, I let her guess and somehow she managed to get it exactly. Nose-blowing with sneezing on the side. I flipped out then, I have to say. How did she manage to work it out?!

I was a little bit scared at first because she blows her nose and sneezes a lot, so I thought she'd be really freaked out. But she wasn't at all. I explained all the details of the fetish throughout my life and she was totally cool and understanding about it. I was so happy and relived.

The really strange bit, though, happened when I mentioned I'd been writing fetish stories on the forum and she said she wanted to see. So I sent her a link to my thread, thinking she'd just read one or two but guess what, she read all of them. EVERY SINGLE ONE!!! And she told me she liked them too and that they engrossed her, although she wasn't too keen on all the messy bits. Best of all, she said seeing such a great community made her really proud of me smile.png.

I still can't believe this worked out so well! If only all non-fetishists could be this understanding!

I'm glad that that worked out for you so well! Very few non-fetishists are as understanding and embracing of this as your friends seems to be! :)

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