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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Bad Sneezing Situations


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We all love sneezes, right? But are there situations when observing sneezing makes you extremely uncomfortable? I personally find it really hard when people are unable to control their sneezes in places where hygiene is really important, such as hospitals or kitchens. I sort of find myself balanced between loving and hating it. Not because I am a germaphobe, but more because the fact that the sneezer is unable to control themselves, and loss of control both terrifies and excites me.

Anyone else have a similar reaction?

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I know what you mean. There are some situations when, for example, someone has to give a presentation or something to a group of people so all the attention's on them and they can't stop sneezing for whatever reason, that I find really awkward. In one way I still find it adorable, but I always get awful second hand embarrassment in situations like that. :lol: I find it much more uncomfortable than I do attractive.

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When my husband has to visit my parents' cat-hair-covered home, I panic. Mental block or no mental block, I wish he could turn off his allergies for certain situations.

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Right off the bat, I'd like to mark any dislike of blood relatives' sneezing as a given that need not be repeated in this topic heh.gif

I agree with you on the hospital/medical-type-place situations, NoV! MaiMai, I agree with you too, and I would extend that for all public nonstop-sneezing situations. If someone is getting a lot of attention for a lot of sneezing, I get uncomfortable, even if it's a female person sneezing. I think with women in that situation, I suddenly feel less special, like, hey, paying special attention to a girl's sneezing is my thing! lmfao.gif Even though nobody knows about my fetish. Make sense? Didn't think so xD

Additionally, I don't know if NoV meant for this to be a humans-only topic, or if I'm violating my own no-family rule, but when people bless animals, particularly my own family and dog. Hate it hate it hate it.

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Yeahhh ugh I worked in Starbucks and not to bash the company at all, it was a fantastic job, but some fellow employees of mine weren't very hygienic when it came to germs like that. Everyone washes their hands if they touch anything at all, their face, hair, etc. but not after sneezing. It embarrassed me working with sick employees and customers watching from the other side of the bar wondering if their drinks are being splattered with germs haha. It just totally embarrassed me. Ugh.

Definitely hate the relatives sneezing. Pretty much anyone that's trying to call attention to themselves (like screaming while sneezing lol) just annoys me. I like it to be innocent and unexpected and like... Modest. Not some dramatic person that wants everyone to pay attention to them haha.

When I'm with my parents or family, it embarrasses me of like my boyfriend is sneezing haha. We're not planning on being together for much longer, we're kind of at the ending fumes of the relationship but we still hang out. He's like family, I feel the same way about his sneezing as I so with my family. So him sneezing in front of my family just annoys me, idk, like makes me uncomfortable.

I hate when I have to sneeze at work or when I'm having a conversation with someone like my boyfriends family or new people that I don't know well. I'm kinda scared of people thinking it's gross or wanting to keep a distance from me because I sneezed haha. It just pauses the conversation and makes them focus on me, I don't like that haha

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aside from not being able to stand family members sneezing...which i can just block out and not really care about anyway...i cant stand it whenever that creepy Zicam commercial comes on tv...you know the one im talking about

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Yeah well almost anything can be bad if its in front of your parents or anyone who disgusts you or your parents. (EYUCK.)

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aside from not being able to stand family members sneezing...which i can just block out and not really care about anyway...i cant stand it whenever that creepy Zicam commercial comes on tv...you know the one im talking about

Oh, yeah. I know *exactly* the one you're talking about :P

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I personally hate when I really, really want to bless someone and someone does it before me. Especially if that person is family. This is more about the reaction to the sneeze than the actual sneeze, but still...

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My dentist.... Hahahah...

Ok well I find him extremely attractive and he does seem to be a relatively sneezy person cuz I've seen him stifle on a few separate visits. Once he apologized and said something about allergies but I wasn't really paying much attention. Each time he got glassy eyed, he'd turn away, rip off his latex gloves, pinch his nose tightly, and tried stifle a couple sneezes. Then he'd apologize, wash his hands, and put on new gloves.

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Working around food or drinks of any kind it's tough. Whenever I have to sneeze at work I try to grab a towel and stifle. No one wants to be sitting at a bar and think "did that girl just sneeze all over those bottles and glasses?"

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My dentist.... Hahahah...

Following that thought... I'd hate to be the patient of a surgeon with a sudden sneezing fit as he was working on me :S I'm sure something like that must have happened somewhere, sometime. How do they manage it? Sterile environment and all??

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I'd hate to be the patient of a surgeon with a sudden sneezing fit as he was working on me

You could only hope that if you were under anesthetic you would not even realize... :D But yes, it remains a rather chilling thought - at least those masks they wear are for a reason!

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I am generally embarrassed sneezing anywhere in public and I feel embarrassed when someone is trying hard to be serious at their job (like a lawyer explaining something to you) and they cant stop, It's not to say I dont enjoy it. I just sort of feel bad for them

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