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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Do you cover your sneeze even if you're alone?


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Both. Especially in public but even when im alone i sneeze in a tissue or my palm.

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Sometimes. Usually not in public. In public I don't make the biggest effort to cover. I know it's supposed to be polite, but i'm a health nerd and know you're way more likely to get sick from hand contact than breathing it. But I still haphazardly cover with my forearm or shirt so I'm not like spraying spit everywhere and stuff lol

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When i'm alone it depends. If I have a cold where i've been sneezing and such i'll usually sneeze into a few tissues just because I usually have then next to me. If my allergies are acting up I usually do the same. If its just a normal random sneeze its completely uncovered. When i'm in public though.. I hate sneezing in public but I tend to do it a lot. When I do sneeze in public though I cover it (usually in my elbow or if I have tissues on me into a few tissues)

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I would say I maybe cover about 50% of the time when I'm alone. The other 50% of the time I just turn my head so I don't sneeze all over my book/computer/etc.

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Most of the time, I cover when I'm alone, purely out of of habit, mostly into either cupped hands or my sleeve.

Occasionally I'll sneeze uncovered when I'm alone, but turn to the side like Ouro said. I don't fancy getting my sneeze all over everything :laugh:

I never sneeze uncovered in public. Never have and never will ^_^

Edited by PuddinPop
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I always cover even when I'm alone because, oddly, it's more satisfying. It could be because I just don't like uncovered sneezes in general. I'd gross myself out if I didn't cover.

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^^ Same. I haaaaaate it when people don't cover in public, so I guess that sort of influences me to cover in private.

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I try to cover my sneezes everytime, but sometimes it just comes out so suddenly and quick that i wont even have time to react more than turn away. It makes me feel bad, because i dont want to spread germs or anything, but it's really difficult to get ready when it just happends without warning.

In public i usually dont sneeze at all. I'm just too embarrassed about it. I can hardly let out any sneezes if i'm not alone.

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I generally just fire it into my elbow out of sheer habit.

^^ Same. I haaaaaate it when people don't cover in public, so I guess that sort of influences me to cover in private.

Same. I always cover I try to always use my elbow, but sometimes I occasionally use my hands.

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I cover when I'm alone fairly often, actually. Probably about 70% of the time. Even if I don't cover, I always turn my head away (towards the edge of my bed, arm of the couch, etc)

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It really does depend for me. If I am alone and I'm sure no one else is around or at home, I sneeze uncovered since I usually feel better if I sneeze that way, but if others are at home, I sneezed covered and stifled. I hardly sneeze in public but when I do, it's completely covered and stifled silently.

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Unless a sneeze catches me by total surprise or I am waking from one room to another and am caught without a tissue, I just about always cover.

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Depends whats in front of me :lol: I don't particularly relish cleaning my computer monitor or sneezing over food that someone else will have to eat...

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