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Sneeze Fetish Forum

My poor, sick hubby!


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My husband and I have been together for about 5 years now, and while he has been sick maybe twice since then, he's never been sneezy.But FINALLY he has managed to catch a wonderfully sneezy, miserable cold! He is 24, tall and thin but muscular, with dark, buzzed hair and a lot of stubble. He has the prettiest eyes too, they remind me of Ben Affleck. Anyway, It started about 4 days ago. He got off work around 6 pm, and I immediately noticed that his beautiful eyes looked tired and he was coughing. He told me that he had to help clean behind the bar at work, (he's the manager of a restaurant) and that he mustve stirred up dust and dirt. But once I heard the first 2 sneezes, I knew that he was getting sick. He never sneezes more than once. The next night, He immediately came in and laid down, a coughing, sniffling mess. I asked if he wanted any medicine, and he told me he did. I came over and felt his forehead, and he definitely had a fever. He groaned and put his hand over mine, guiding it to the back of his burning neck. He started coughing, and at the end of it sneezed three times, groaning again. It was soooo cuteee I almost died! Not to mention with my hand on his neck I could feel every cough and sneeze! He asked for some allergy medicine, and I was like "babe, you're sick, its not allergies." He disagreed, and refused to take the cold medicine I got him. Its weird, both times when he was sick before, he was such a baby! But this time he was trying to deny it and tough it out. I love it!!! Today he is closing, so he won't be getting off until around 3 am. I heard him in the bathroom getting ready, he did this sort of sneeze/cough thing that sounded painful, and i heard him groan again after that.I talked to him on the phone earlier and he sounded terrible. His voice is gravelly and hoarse, his cough has moved deep in his chest and sounds awful, and his nose was completely stopped up. He told me that he felt awful, which was the first time he admitted it, so I knew he must feel really bad. He kept pausing and saying that he felt like he had to sneeze, but sadly didn't. It was still super cute though. He kept waking up all through the night choking on congestion and tossing and turning. He was adamant about not facing me so he didnt sneeze or cough on me, so I just laid with his back against my chest, holding him and rubbing his back. He felt really warm again and I went to get up to get him some medicine, and he grabbed me before I could stand up. "Stay." He looked so incredibly miserable and sick and tired. Ill post more tomorrow, hopefully my poor baby gets some rest tonight!!

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GAH!!!! That's probably the most adorable obs I've ever read! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, keep us updated! What I would give to have a sneezy husband like yours!

I can just picture how miserable he is. Hope he's super sneezy and whiney tomorrow.

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Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Just. Aww then he asked u to stay ..just...aww but i hope ur hubby gets some needed rest. You as well.

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Awww! So cute! Hopefully he wasn't miserable too long and progressed to just being wonderfully sneezy. ;)

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