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Fanfiction request for my Birthday.


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So yesterday I turned 18! I'm officially an adult....HAHAHA! I seriously cannot say "I'm an adult" with a straight face, I always start laughing xD

Anyways so my Birthday fic request is either for a sick Leonard from BBT or sick Aria from Pretty Little Liars. I'm not a fan of slash, but I love fevers, sneezing, etc :)

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I don't want to rain on parades- but just as a note, one *may* request a story, but (as far as I know) we don't really have a *thing*/tradition - of "birthday fics". I mean it isn't something where people normally request a fic for their birthday.

We do have some very amazing, talented and generous members, so you never know. :)

I do write sometimes- but I'm not really familiar with either, so...

I wish you a very happy 18th though :cheesecake:

Edited by tma
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I don't want to rain on parades- but just as a note, one *may* request a story, but (as far as I know) we don't really have a *thing*/tradition - of "birthday fics". I mean it isn't something where people normally request a fic for their birthday.

We do have some very amazing, talented and generous members, so you never know. smile.png

I do write sometimes- but I'm not really familiar with either, so...

I wish you a very happy 18th though cheesecake.gif

Thank you! :) And I know it's not really a tradition, I was going to ask if someone would write one of these fics anyways, but since it was my birthday (or, well, it was yesterday) I just thought I'd call it a birthday fanfiction request :P

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