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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sneezy Bumblebees [RWBY, Yang/Blake]


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Alright, so here's my first sneezefic (and first post) Just as a warning, this story contains some spilers for the last few episodes of volume 1 of RWBY. Feel free to post any critiques.


“So… you’re a cat, huh?”

Yang rested her hands on the room’s one desk. Blake sighed from her bunk, and barely looked up from her book.

“Yes, I have cat ears.”

“But, like, are you a cat?”

Blake’s ears twitched as she dog-eared her page. “You’re clearly trying to get to one specific answer, so, what is it?”

“Do you shed?”

Blake’s eyes nearly bulged out of her head, “What?”

“Do you leave little bits of cat hair around?”

Blake gave a partial shrug. “I guess…”

Yang smiled with knowledge of being right, before frowning again, “Blake… I’m allergic to cats…”

“Is that why you’ve been snoring?”

“Now is not the time for sarcasm! It’s time for,” Yang’s eyelids fluttered and her breath began to hitch.


“T-time for, ehh, HEHH!” Yang’s head tipped back, her nose desperately needing to release the allergens pervading it.

Blake smiled a subtle smile.

“HEYESCHOOO!” The force of Yang’s sneeze caused her to bend over. She sniffled wetly and said, “You enjoying the show, allergen-girl?”

The Faunus rolled her eyes. “How do you know you’re allergic to me? It could be that perfume that Weiss always applies too much of.”

Yang sniffled again, “Nobe, I’b allergic to cats ad I’b been sneezy since we boved in togeder,” She blew her nose loudly on a tissue from her pocket, “Do I need to prove it to you?”

“How would you do that?”

“Like this!” Yang bounced over to the bed and removed Blake’s bow. She rubbed her nose against her friend’s cat ears, causing Blake to blush. Immediately, the blonde’s nostrils flared and she started desperately gasping for air.

“Blake! I, heh, gotta, HEHH, sneeze!” Yang’s eyes squeezed shut as tears trickled down her face, “

The black haired girl quickly placed her finger under her compatriot’s nose.

“I, HEHH, th-think your, HEHH HEHH, d-dander is m-making it worse!”

Blake tried to remove her finger, but was interrupted by, “HEYESCHOOO! HESCHOOO! HE-HE-ESCHOOO!”



Yang's uncovered sneezes had covered her friend in her spray. She giggled awkwardly and said, “Pretty sexy, right?”


So, should I write a part 2?

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I don't know this story or characters but I do think this is cute, you should continue. By the way welcome to the forum :)

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It's normally very difficult for me to get into fanfiction, but this one was exactly what I needed. My biggest concern with fanfiction is always making sure everyone stays completely in character and true to what would happen in the actual show/book/movie/whatever, and I think you've captured them perfectly. Perhaps the most in-character moment is just the awkward silence toward the end, because in all honesty they do that a lot.

As for a part 2, I'd say go for it! Especially if it's as fun as this part.

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I don't know this story or characters but I do think this is cute, you should continue. By the way welcome to the forum smile.png


It's normally very difficult for me to get into fanfiction, but this one was exactly what I needed. My biggest concern with fanfiction is always making sure everyone stays completely in character and true to what would happen in the actual show/book/movie/whatever, and I think you've captured them perfectly. Perhaps the most in-character moment is just the awkward silence toward the end, because in all honesty they do that a lot.

As for a part 2, I'd say go for it! Especially if it's as fun as this part.

Wow, that means a lot to me, coming from a good author like you!

I'll get working on part 2 now.

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Blake groaned. It was three in the morning, and she couldn’t sleep over Yang’s snoring. The others were fine due to Weiss’s earplugs and Ruby’s uncanny ability to sleep through anything. She abandoned her plan to hope it stopped and stood up and walked over to Yang’s suspended bed, prodding her with a hand. Yang sprung out of bed the moment she was touched. She sleepily shouted, “What’s going on?”

“You were snoring. I was trying to sleep.”

“You woke me for that? You’re the reason I snore!” Yang said, growling. Weiss stirred in her bed, the noise waking her up. The blonde sighed, “Look, if we’re going to have this argument, we could at least do it outside.”

Blake threw on some slippers and walked out of the room, followed by Yang trudging behind. They walked in silence for a while before they were fully out of the dormitory and onto the campus courtyard. Yang suddenly stopped, causing Blake to whip around. She did not expect to see Yang bent over, smelling some flowers in a plant bed.

“What are you doing?” Blake’s ears flicked with annoyance.

“I’m stopping to smell the roses, or lilies, I guess. These don’t grow much back home. I love the smell!”

Blake gasped, “What kind of flowers did you say those were?”

“Stargazer Lilies, why?” She plucked a flower and waved it in Blake’s face. “Smells good, right?”

Blake’s ears flattened, “Yang, I’m allergic to lilies.” Her nostrils flared violently. “Heh… heh… hehh!”

“Are you going to sneeze soon, or do I have time to get some popcorn?”

“Sh-shut up! Hehh… HEH!” She pinched her nose and her sneeze came out as a small squeak.

“Really? All of that for nothing?”

“I don’t like sneezing. It covers people in snot,” She said, glaring at her friend.

“I said I was sorry!”

“You could have easily covered your mouth!”

“It was your dumb hair that made me sneeze!”

“Yeah, because my hair tied you down and forced you to shoot snot all over me!”

“Like you wouldn’t have done the same thing.”

“I wouldn’t have.” Blake said, trying to regain her composure.

“You wouldn’t have?” A malicious smile spread across Yang’s face

“No, I would have done about anything else.”

“Prove it,” Yang dipped her hand into the lily, covering her fingers with pollen. She then crept over and shoved two allergen coated fingers up Blake’s nose. She flailed and pulled her teammate’s hand away, her breaths becoming more and more drawn out.

“Hehh… heh… heh…” She clenched her eyes shut, as allergic tears started to form.

“You got snot on my hands,” Yang rubbed her pollen caked hands on her friend’s shirt.

“Hehh! Heh! Heh!” Blake tried to raise a hand to her nose to stifle, but Yang shoved the lily in her face. “Haishoo!” She sneezed directly into Yang’s waiting flower, causing her snot to fill the plant, making it stick to her face. She raised her head back to sneeze again, the flower pouring pollen into her nose. “Haishoo! Haishoo! Haishoo!” She tried to pull the flower off but was stopped by another fit. “Haischoo! Heschoo! Heschoo!” She tried to call for Yang to help her, but her nose exploded once more.


The force of her sneeze knocked the soaked flower off of her face and on to the ground. Yang was staring at her with a dropped jaw.

“That was, uh, something,” Yang said, blushing.

Blake sniffled wetly, “I wod”


“I wod our competition. I did’t sneeze over you.”

“You sneezed all over that flower! If it wasn’t for me, you totally would have lost the competition!”

“Ad for that I thang you. Dow, let’s go bag to the roob. I deed to blow by dose.”

Yang growled and walked back to their dorm with Blake following. Blake flopped down on her bed, falling asleep almost instantly. Yang crawled into her bunk, but couldn’t fall asleep. She groaned.

It was 3:15 in the morning and she couldn’t sleep over Blake’s snoring.

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I'm not really into female sneezing, but I can deal with this. Like this fic is so worth reading :) can't wait for the third part.

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oh my word that was amazing please write more!

Though i has been said earlier, you did a great job of keepng the characters in character

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Grr! I had a part 3 ready to post and my computer crashed! And me being me, I hadn't saved it. BLUH!

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This is lovely. You've managed to keep the characters so IC! :D I do hope that you write more RWBY fic. A little bit of Jaune wouldn;t go amiss. *eyebrow wiggle*

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