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Doubles in the morning :3 (Self-Obs M)


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So uh yah I woke up this morning with a tickly nose as usual (dust allergys.. thank god no pollen yet). anyways I have my hair blue-ish black and emo ish style o-o that explains it the best.. but not really in my face (recently dyed my hair). im 5'2ft perhaps and I have brown eyes.

Anyways I woke up got out of bed then at the stairs I felt a tickle then I went down about two steps sneezed really loudly and it echoed, uncovered "ARSHOO" then another "ARSHOO" it was messy so I had to blow my nose after ;o

So yeh I sneeze a lot in the morning. why ;n;.

Enjoy smile.png

Edited by DeathNoteOwner
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Aw, bless you!

No pollen? just you wait... spring will be here soon. Sorry you have allergies. Well kind of not. But still sorry pollen makes you sneeze. :)

hehe, you're short, but you're young and certainly not done growing. I am.... I'm very short. a mere 5 foot. :)

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Bless you :3

Your hair O_O

I wish boys at my school would paint their hair, but they don't sadsmiley.gif

Haha yeh my hair is different ;o I get called a fag. whatever. Thanks :) I have a group of friends wether girls or guys they paint their hair weird/abnormal colors haha x3

Aw, bless you!

No pollen? just you wait... spring will be here soon. Sorry you have allergies. Well kind of not. But still sorry pollen makes you sneeze. smile.png

hehe, you're short, but you're young and certainly not done growing. I am.... I'm very short. a mere 5 foot. smile.png

Haha yeh spring will be here soon. Thanks :) Ah im not that short cmon >-> im tall I swear. Ouh short girls are cute cx but my gf is taller ;o haha

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That hair!!!!

That styling of said hair....

The sneezes...

:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

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That hair!!!!

That styling of said hair....

The sneezes...


Haha . People like my hair apparently. Thank you cx.

haha you seem excited about my sneezes o-o

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Bless you~

And I agree with everyone else about your HAIR. How amazingly beautiful and unique it sounds. Damn my school's dress code. I'd kill to dye my whole head rainbow! :D

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Bless you :3

Your hair O_O

I wish boys at my school would paint their hair, but they don't sadsmiley.gif

Haha yeh my hair is different ;o I get called a fag. whatever. Thanks :) I have a group of friends wether girls or guys they paint their hair weird/abnormal colors haha x3

It's weird how people judge others before they judge themselfves. They sometimes call me names for listening BVB, PTV and SWS. You're welcome :) I'd love to paint my hair black, it's now brown and curly so... Your group of friens sounds cool :)

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It's amazingly ironic how much high school tries to curb self-expression and people get told "Oh, well, you can dye your hair when you're an adult"- only to be nannied within inches of our lives by employers later on. >_<

Stay strong, be yourself. I say never be afraid to do something strange with your hair - and never be afraid of a bad haircut - the worst case scenario is... you shave it all off and it grows back! I've done that. Shaved to egg-bald. Did it with a partner, newly together at the time, now been together for nearly ten years. ^_^ We did it to symbolize a fresh start and taking control of our bodies and lives.

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And ur hair!!! That hair!!!

Aye thanks cx

Bless you~

And I agree with everyone else about your HAIR. How amazingly beautiful and unique it sounds. Damn my school's dress code. I'd kill to dye my whole head rainbow! biggrin.png

Thanks for the blessing and Thanks :) haha . Yeh J now has all aqua hair, what a treat he is ;) . Haha yeh dye it rainbow man ! Show some self-expression :)

Bless you :3

Your hair O_O

I wish boys at my school would paint their hair, but they don't sadsmiley.gif

Haha yeh my hair is different ;o I get called a fag. whatever. Thanks smile.png I have a group of friends wether girls or guys they paint their hair weird/abnormal colors haha x3

It's weird how people judge others before they judge themselfves. They sometimes call me names for listening BVB, PTV and SWS. You're welcome smile.png I'd love to paint my hair black, it's now brown and curly so... Your group of friens sounds cool smile.png

Yeh I listen to those bands. Lets chat about em sometime c: . Yeh you should definitly go for it ! :) I mean its your hair so your choices right? Whatever makes YOU happy, do it :) remember that.

It's amazingly ironic how much high school tries to curb self-expression and people get told "Oh, well, you can dye your hair when you're an adult"- only to be nannied within inches of our lives by employers later on. >_<

Stay strong, be yourself. I say never be afraid to do something strange with your hair - and never be afraid of a bad haircut - the worst case scenario is... you shave it all off and it grows back! I've done that. Shaved to egg-bald. Did it with a partner, newly together at the time, now been together for nearly ten years. happy.png We did it to symbolize a fresh start and taking control of our bodies and lives.

Aye okay than. And yehhh I'll wear whatever I want and dye my hair whatever color I want. Self-expression is beautiful <3. who needs a job anyways? . I dont know what I want to be. so no sweat there.
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I wish i had a deathnote for those who called u that... i bet they dont know what it really means... >:[

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I wish i had a deathnote for those who called u that... i bet they dont know what it really means... >:[

. Ouh miss protective .
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I wish i had a deathnote for those who called u that... i bet they dont know what it really means... >:[

. Ouh miss protective .

Damn straight! Dont be messin' with my friends...i'll even have the epic pen and music with the deathnote.

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I wish i had a deathnote for those who called u that... i bet they dont know what it really means... >:[

. Ouh miss protective .

Damn straight! Dont be messin' with my friends...i'll even have the epic pen and music with the deathnote.

haha :)
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With the potatoe chips!!

. That epic potato chip eating scene while writing in death note xD that was boss.
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Right?! And the epic music with the pen movements and sparkly lights coming out when light wrote a person's name....i'll do rhat too. I have pens...and chips...

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Right?! And the epic music with the pen movements and sparkly lights coming out when light wrote a person's name....i'll do rhat too. I have pens...and chips...

. Aye, threadjacking to an ultimate level mate xD . Yeh that's cool . Glad I have a best friend like you to protect me :)
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Okay so I can't quote :(


Idunno if I am allowed to enter the chat room, but it'd be cool to chat :)

Yeah you're right, one of my friends wants to paint her hair black too, so maybe we're gonna buy the paint together and stuff

Haha I'll remember that :)

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Idunno if I am allowed to enter the chat room, but it'd be cool to chat

As you are currently "pending" you can't yet access the chatroom, but you will be able to once you are validated. You might find this link of interest:

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Idunno if I am allowed to enter the chat room, but it'd be cool to chat

As you are currently "pending" you can't yet access the chatroom, but you will be able to once you are validated. You might find this link of interest:

How do I get validated?

Thank you :)

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Okay so I can't quote sadsmiley.gif


Idunno if I am allowed to enter the chat room, but it'd be cool to chat smile.png

Yeah you're right, one of my friends wants to paint her hair black too, so maybe we're gonna buy the paint together and stuff

Haha I'll remember that smile.png

I do not know if I can pm you;o but just tell me when you are validated and I will :) .

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Okay so I can't quote sadsmiley.gif


Idunno if I am allowed to enter the chat room, but it'd be cool to chat smile.png

Yeah you're right, one of my friends wants to paint her hair black too, so maybe we're gonna buy the paint together and stuff

Haha I'll remember that smile.png

I do not know if I can pm you;o but just tell me when you are validated and I will :) .

Okay :) Thanks for the friend request, you're my first friend here :)

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