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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Friday & Sat Obs.


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This was a little less than a week ago, but I thought I should share.

Last Friday I went to see a local rock band play with some of my girlfriends at this place called the Cradle. Anyway, I think it was in between their 2nd & 3rd song the lead singer was halfway telling some uninteresting story while tuning his guitar when the lead guitarist, next to him, turned away from the mic and sneezed twice, interrupting the singer's story. When he was finished he turned back to the mic and cleared his throat while looking at the singer (who was sorta jokingly glaring at him in response to the sneezes) and said, "Excuse me... allergies." Then the audience gave sort of a chuckle and the singer continued with his story. Of course I was definitely not listening to his story now! Sadly, he didn't sneeze anymore during the show, but he kept rubbing at his nose during breaks in their songs. Hehe.

The second obs was the next night when we went to see the same band play again at this record exchange store (b/c my roommate has a crush on the singer) Anyway, my roommate one of our friends, Jessica, (who is more my roommate's friend than mine) and I had all gone in the restroom together to primp and stuff. Jessica is about 5'5, slender, with long brown ringlets. She was the last one at the mirror when she suddenly started waving her hands in front of her face. (I immediately knew what that meant) She turned towards us, still slightly waving her hands and said, "I have to sneeze, but it won't come out!" Then she kinda grunted. I told her to look up at the light which sometimes helps me when that happens. She tried it for what seemed like an eternity but it never came out! Oh well...I waited for it the whole night but wasn't so lucky!

I know they weren't the greatest, but it's only the beginning right? Hehe/ ;) Thanks for listening!!!


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