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Sneeze Fetish Forum

The dusty orchestra pit ;) (M)


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My boyfriend--we shall call him J--has short brown hair and is built like a high school football player (because lol he used to be). His nose is the absolute cutest; it's pretty tiny and the nostrils curl up a bit on the sides which makes for very nice sniffles.

About a month ago we were both working a show at our local theater. He was acting in it and I was up in the tech booth. One night, during intermission, I looked down out of the window we had upstairs to see the stage, and I saw J in the orchestra pit. I waved happily, glad to see him since I hadn't seen him before the show or anytime during the first act. He waved back, and I sat back down, thinking that was that.

Then I hear a very handsome "hetch-HOO!" which was strangely loud and echo-ey.

J had sneezed into the pit mic.

It was the first time I'd heard him sneeze, and it was ever so beautiful~ I certainly look forward to more sneezes from my J, and if I receive any, I'll be sure to let you guys know!

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Ahaha, you are welcome! :D and I'm seeing Frozen with him later today, so perhaps I'll get a few more sneezes. ;) I do hope so! I haven't had one since the show :( only a few sniffles and coughs here and there.

He did put his head on my shoulder one time last week; good God, I melted.

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