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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Kudos, Lynne


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I just noticed HoL's post in Announcements: Lynne is stepping down from the staff, and this seems like the perfect time to say a huge


to Lynne for her very hard work moderating the forum over the years. Without good moderators like Lynne, this forum would simply not be the welcoming, safe place it is.

So, thanks Lynne. :)

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I can only join in and say thanks very much Lynne. You have put a lot of hard work into running the forum for many years. I hope you enjoy your honoured status.

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Ye. Thank you for helping keep us safe, Lynne. <3

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The end of an era! Thank you, Lynne, for all your hard work and dedication to this forum!

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Many Kude indeed! In fact at times it seemed that you alone were keeping this forum alive; fighting against overwhelming odds; and many thanks for tous les poissons.............

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Hell Yeah! Thank you Lynne for all your superb work on keeping this forum a place which is such a pleasure to visit, and something apart from the sort of trashy forums that litter the internet :D I believe you were the first mod I ever timidly approached with inevitable questions... :)

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Thank you all :) One of the reasons it was time to step down was a lack of internet access at home. I've been incredibly lucky to make so many excellent friends here over the years, and I've been privileged to meet the person I'm pretty sure I'm going to stick with until the zombies come (time will tell). We all share a very striking interest, and I think it's important for everyone to know that they're not alone. It was so humiliating to think anyone would ever find out when I was growing up, and here I find a bustling community of people who come here to feel normal and at home, and who want ME to feel normal and at home :)

This community means a lot to the new people who come in every day, but it means so much more to those of us who remember a time when there WAS no community, a time when we all felt isolated and strange.

As the "enforcer" for so many years, I walked around with a pretty big target on my back, as many former admins can probably attest to (HoL's just too nice, everybody likes him!) That made it hard to interact with the community as a member, and without the "member" experience, the forum just wasn't as much fun for me as it used to be. So it was time to take the bulls-eye off and get back to what originally attracted me to the forum when I arrived here back in 2004.

Thank you all for making it a memorable experience! Hell of a way to spend seven years ;)

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Thanks Lynn, for everything that you've done to serve the SF community! So much that is so greatly appreciated! :)

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I would like to apologize Lynne if I offended you and I shall always remember the kindness you showed me back in the day.

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