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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Describing Sneezes


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I think my earliest memory of this fetish when I was in 8th grade. Back then I did not know this fetish existed or that I knew I had it...I just felt weird talking about it--now I don't have a problem with talking about it.

Anyway... It was the first time I've heard of someone bring up the topic of sneezing nonchalantly and then continued too talk about it.

It was my English Teacher's Student Teacher. He sneezed. Didn't cover--or just shielded his nose and aimed at the floor and after he said, "Ah, that was delicious." I don't remember anything after that--I just remember that line.

Now I have never heard a sneeze described like that and now that I am thinking back on it, I still find it weird.

It's really weird that I just think of this now.. it's been 5 years...

My point is.. I've never heard of a sneeze described as delicious and I'm not sure I like a sneeze being "delicious"

What are some words you use to describe a sneeze? Or I guess anything you say (or have heard other people say) after you (or they) sneeze. Besides "excuse me" or "bless me"?

Edited by flowerpower67
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I don't think I've ever heard of any out there descriptions, but man delicious sure is a different one haha

I've never heard of that before o:

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I think the most interesting one I've heard has been "smooth". Like, to describe the way it came out. Really cute.

So they said something like, "ooh, that was smooth" ?

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I think the most interesting one I've heard has been "smooth". Like, to describe the way it came out. Really cute.

So they said something like, "ooh, that was smooth" ?

Hehe actually! He was describing an instance where he sneezed in class (a few hours after it happened) and said that it felt "really smooth".

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I think the most interesting one I've heard has been "smooth". Like, to describe the way it came out. Really cute.

So they said something like, "ooh, that was smooth" ?

Hehe actually! He was describing an instance where he sneezed in class (a few hours after it happened) and said that it felt "really smooth".

Ok. I think I understand where he's coming from. It's not a term I would personally use, but I guess it just means it came all at once and it just flowed? Like one solid motion or action?

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I think the most interesting one I've heard has been "smooth". Like, to describe the way it came out. Really cute.

So they said something like, "ooh, that was smooth" ?

Hehe actually! He was describing an instance where he sneezed in class (a few hours after it happened) and said that it felt "really smooth".

Ok. I think I understand where he's coming from. It's not a term I would personally use, but I guess it just means it came all at once and it just flowed? Like one solid motion or action?

Hehe yes I guess so!

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I always like the more traditional "itchy" "desperate" or "helpless"

yeah, that's what I'm used to hearing. Not "delicious" or "smooth" people sure do have a unique way of describing their sneezes. It's not a bad thing, we have eloquent words for a reason, why not use them.. but it just seems weird when we're talking about a sneeze.

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Was delicious meant sarcastically? I feel like that's something I might do. Not with a sneeze, because I wouldn't want to attract more attention to myself, but something else that people might perceive as "gross." Delicious isn't exactly an opposite, but enough that I would probably use it, meaning "oh, gross..." but sarcastically saying "oh, delicious..." instead. Or if someone was telling my a story about them sneezing or something and was like "Snot was running down my face" haha... I would be so uncomfortable with a conversation like that, so I would probably reply with something sarcastic like "sounds delicious..." haha xP ugh I hope that scenario never comes...

Anyway... words of description... I like the ones that make it seem kind of unexpected, like sudden and intense :P

I definitely like itchy, but not really desperate or helpless. I don't think the loss of control is what gets me on sneezing. I mean, I like the loss of control, but I don't like the descriptive word to make the person sound...needy? I guess haha. Strong individuals with sudden, itchy sneeze attacks is more for me ;)

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I'm laughing so hard right now XD. I use "delicious" to describe a sneeze all the time. I've never really noticed how odd it sounds to use it. I'm not really why someone would use it, for me it was just because it was the first word that popped into my head.

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Was delicious meant sarcastically? I feel like that's something I might do. Not with a sneeze, because I wouldn't want to attract more attention to myself, but something else that people might perceive as "gross." Delicious isn't exactly an opposite, but enough that I would probably use it, meaning "oh, gross..." but sarcastically saying "oh, delicious..." instead. Or if someone was telling my a story about them sneezing or something and was like "Snot was running down my face" haha... I would be so uncomfortable with a conversation like that, so I would probably reply with something sarcastic like "sounds delicious..." haha xP ugh I hope that scenario never comes...

Anyway... words of description... I like the ones that make it seem kind of unexpected, like sudden and intense tonguesmiley.gif

I definitely like itchy, but not really desperate or helpless. I don't think the loss of control is what gets me on sneezing. I mean, I like the loss of control, but I don't like the descriptive word to make the person sound...needy? I guess haha. Strong individuals with sudden, itchy sneeze attacks is more for me wink.png

No, it wasn't. It was like he was thankful and happy. Possibly he likes the feeling of sneezing. And I remember him sneezing a few more times in that class and every time after he would say, "that was delicious." So weird...

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I'm laughing so hard right now XD. I use "delicious" to describe a sneeze all the time. I've never really noticed how odd it sounds to use it. I'm not really why someone would use it, for me it was just because it was the first word that popped into my head.

It just sounds odd to me. There's nothing wrong with the word or description, I would personally never call a sneeze delicious. I associate the word delicious with food, not sneezing.

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Not sure this is exactly what you were thinking of, but I've always adored this description from a particular fanfic:

Incongruously, wetly, magnificently, [he] sneezed, eyes flying wide, both hands going to his nose.

There's just something about the use of the word "magnificently" in that sentence that makes me all...:blush:

Note: character name redacted because of reasons.

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Not sure this is exactly what you were thinking of, but I've always adored this description from a particular fanfic:

Incongruously, wetly, magnificently, [he] sneezed, eyes flying wide, both hands going to his nose.

There's just something about the use of the word "magnificently" in that sentence that makes me all...blush.png

Note: character name redacted because of reasons.

that is a beautiful sentence. thank you for sharing

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No, it wasn't. It was like he was thankful and happy. Possibly he likes the feeling of sneezing. And I remember him sneezing a few more times in that class and every time after he would say, "that was delicious." So weird...

Yeah that is kind of weird haha... Even for someone (or especially someone) with a fetish, I would be so weirded out by that...

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