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I can't see who's in the Chatroom before entering


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Has anyone else encountered this problem? I generally want to see who's participating in the Chatroom before deciding if I want to enter, but when I hover the cursor over Chat at the top, it rarely expands to show me who is in. I can see the number of participants next to the word Chat before hovering, but nothing once I hover. It has worked once or maybe twice in the past dozen or so times I've tried it, so I'm just more confused. Would it be a problem that varies from browser to browser? I use Google Chrome, if that helps.

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From what I've gathered it's a problem for most people. It seems to be an issue with the board software, but perhaps someone else more knowledgable about that can elaborate.

I know if you want a better idea of who is in chat, you can hover over member names at the bottom of the forum to see their current location and if someone is in chat it will display "Live Chat". But I'm not sure if it works when the member has the chat open as well as another window/tab with other forum locations open too.

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I know if you want a better idea of who is in chat, you can hover over member names at the bottom of the forum to see their current location and if someone is in chat it will display "Live Chat". But I'm not sure if it works when the member has the chat open as well as another window/tab with other forum locations open too.

Yeah, I don't think it does :/

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I know if you want a better idea of who is in chat, you can hover over member names at the bottom of the forum to see their current location and if someone is in chat it will display "Live Chat". But I'm not sure if it works when the member has the chat open as well as another window/tab with other forum locations open too.

Nope I don't believe it does. Also if person is invisible on forum- they obviously won't show on chat list. It is weird though- sometimes I'll see list of people at bottom of the page but not hovering by chat.

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I know if you want a better idea of who is in chat, you can hover over member names at the bottom of the forum to see their current location and if someone is in chat it will display "Live Chat". But I'm not sure if it works when the member has the chat open as well as another window/tab with other forum locations open too.

Nope I don't believe it does. Also if person is invisible on forum- they obviously won't show on chat list. It is weird though- sometimes I'll see list of people at bottom of the page but not hovering by chat.

Actually, people who set their status to invisible on the forum will show up in the chat list if they're active elsewhere on the forum.

For someone to show up as active in chat, they need to be active on the forum as well. So they need to both be chatting and actively refreshing pages or something on other areas of the forum. Since some people just pop in to chat and then go inactive on the forum, it means you can't tell they're there. It's just a software limitation, I guess.

Edited by Junia
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Ok, I'm glad it wasn't just me. Coincidentally, I tried again right after posting this topic and it worked. huh.png So I guess it's just fickle! Thanks everyone!

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Junia is right, people only show active in chat when they're active on the forum (IE: they've refreshed or clicked a topic in the past 10 minutes).

If someone just goes in chat and doesn't do anything on the forum for more than 10 minutes then they will not show on the list of people in chat.

It can be a little frustrating, but I'm not sure if the software allows for people in chat to be showing all the time.

Maybe one of the Elder Gods can shed some light on this :P

Edited by PuddinPop
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