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So my allergies have gotten worse?


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Okay so its been a while since i've written one of these things. The other day my friend came over to watch the Seahawks and 49ers game (glad the Seahawks won!) Now my friend has a few cats and I happen to be allergic to cats. When she came over she decided to change (she borrowed a pair of pjs from me) So she left her clothes in my room. She ended up forgetting them. So last night I was in my room and I realized that her clothes were still here. Little did I know they were covered in cat hair(and dander and such). I have never been horribly allergic to cats so I didn't really think much of it. My nose usually gets a little runny and I get a little sneezy (which is never a bad thing! ;) ). This was insanely different. I was a mess. There was a deep itch in my nose that I couldn't get rid of, I was sneezing constantly (I was sneezing about 3 times every five minutes) and my sneezes were explosive and messy. My sneezes when I have a cold can get messy but my allergy sneezes are hardly ever messy unless they're really bad. Last night I needed to sneeze into a tissue or I would have ended up with a handful of snot. I must have used a 1/4th of a brand new box of tissues. It was really crazy! I don't know why her clothes had such an impact. My only guess is that my allergies got worse.

Hope you guys enjoy. :)

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God bless you! I guess they must have gotten worse. Or I'm no expert, but if you haven't been around cats in a while, the reaction can be more severe.

I think allowing an allergen to be present when you are makes the reaction less severe. Does this make sense? Maybe over time being around cats for a little bit at a time builds up immunity and then possibly taking a break from being around cats and then suddenly sniff cat dander, maybe causes a more severe reaction.

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God bless you! I guess they must have gotten worse. Or I'm no expert, but if you haven't been around cats in a while, the reaction can be more severe.

I think allowing an allergen to be present when you are makes the reaction less severe. Does this make sense? Maybe over time being around cats for a little bit at a time builds up immunity and then possibly taking a break from being around cats and then suddenly sniff cat dander, maybe causes a more severe reaction.

totally makes sense! It actually makes a lot of sense. Thanks :)

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God bless you! I guess they must have gotten worse. Or I'm no expert, but if you haven't been around cats in a while, the reaction can be more severe.

I think allowing an allergen to be present when you are makes the reaction less severe. Does this make sense? Maybe over time being around cats for a little bit at a time builds up immunity and then possibly taking a break from being around cats and then suddenly sniff cat dander, maybe causes a more severe reaction.

totally makes sense! It actually makes a lot of sense. Thanks smile.png

have you been absent from cats for a while?

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God bless you! I guess they must have gotten worse. Or I'm no expert, but if you haven't been around cats in a while, the reaction can be more severe.

I think allowing an allergen to be present when you are makes the reaction less severe. Does this make sense? Maybe over time being around cats for a little bit at a time builds up immunity and then possibly taking a break from being around cats and then suddenly sniff cat dander, maybe causes a more severe reaction.

totally makes sense! It actually makes a lot of sense. Thanks smile.png

have you been absent from cats for a while?

I have actually!

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God bless you! I guess they must have gotten worse. Or I'm no expert, but if you haven't been around cats in a while, the reaction can be more severe.

I think allowing an allergen to be present when you are makes the reaction less severe. Does this make sense? Maybe over time being around cats for a little bit at a time builds up immunity and then possibly taking a break from being around cats and then suddenly sniff cat dander, maybe causes a more severe reaction.

totally makes sense! It actually makes a lot of sense. Thanks smile.png

have you been absent from cats for a while?

I have actually!

Well that's probably why you sneezed your head off. but it's all good. I enjoyed reading your obs.

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Oh man that sounded intense! I'm the same way if I haven't been around cats! Especially new cats haha. For some reason cats that I haven't already had an allergy attack around are always the worst. It's like I develop around familiar cats until my allergy is less severe, but if I haven't been around the cat for a while or if I'm around a totally different cat, it goes haywire. Weird.

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