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Medic from TF2 (M) (For Lady Salem)


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This was a request from Lady Salem - and being as the Medic is RIDICULOUSLY SEXY, I had to oblige. I hope you like it my friend!


I'm still open to requests, but probably only TF2-related (or Left 4 Dead) because that's all I want to draw lately, hurhur. Especially Pyro WHO SAID THAT.

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:hug: Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!!

This is such an amazing present! The sneezing into the wrist tho O_O ughhhhh how PERFECT.

How kind of you to indulge a humble newbie like me :) I shall somehow repay you! You have my promise!

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hug.gif Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!!

This is such an amazing present! The sneezing into the wrist tho O_O ughhhhh how PERFECT.

How kind of you to indulge a humble newbie like me smile.png I shall somehow repay you! You have my promise!

Aww I'm glad you liked it! I was going to have him holding the Medigun in the pic but it looked awkward so I cropped it out. Heheh well, if you want to repay me (totally up to you tho) anything Pyro-related would be awesome. :3

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tsk tsk doctor that's awfully unhygenic

HAHA I guess he didn't want to get snot all over his gloves. Not that I think he's too careful about hygiene anyway, esp. if it's at the expense of other people. ;)

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tsk tsk doctor that's awfully unhygenic

HAHA I guess he didn't want to get snot all over his gloves. Not that I think he's too careful about hygiene anyway, esp. if it's at the expense of other people. wink.png

Well, he does store baboon hearts and severed Spy heads in the fridge with sandviches and let his birds fly around in people's ribcages.

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tsk tsk doctor that's awfully unhygenic

HAHA I guess he didn't want to get snot all over his gloves. Not that I think he's too careful about hygiene anyway, esp. if it's at the expense of other people. wink.png

Well, he does store baboon hearts and severed Spy heads in the fridge with sandviches and let his birds fly around in people's ribcages.

I do think he would probably be screaming at Scout and Pyro constantly when they were sick, since I'm pretty sure they would have NO nseezing manners what so ever. If it's likely to make HIM sick, I have the feeling he would suddenly go into Hygienic mode... :P

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