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~DeathNote LxLight Headcold *Request for Artygirl22*~


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Prologue: Okay so first off this is set after the Kira case. Light and L are dating. The new case is a child has found a death note and people call him/her the devil child..sorry that's all I could think of..---------- LxLight . HeadCold fic. Written for: Artygirl22. Victim: Light. Caretaker: L. They are like my OTP. Hope you enjoy :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was late, about 2am. Light was asleep, snoring though he usually made little sound. L typing on his computer in a rhythmic pattern. Light suddenly squirmed then sneezed on his own shoulder "Hchtn'xt Hcnhxnt " . The insomniac didn't move but mumbled a "bless you" and continued typing. Light said "Thangk You L". L simply shrugged, his full attention on the devil child case clues he'd gotten emailed. Light fell asleep again. ------------- Several hours later with the sun ,peaking through the windows, bringing light into the room ,cascading to the floor. Light woke up , stretched then yawned. His nose felt like as if on fire thus so itchy and his head was throbbing due do a headache. He had barely slept these last few nights because of nightmares of Sayu as a demon, the devil child as if she could be the new murderer. He sneezed on his wrist a few times "Hchnx't Hchnxn'eww Hech'ew Hech'ew" he sniffled and rubbed his nose on his sweater sleeve. L then turned towards Light, his dark panda like eyes glaring at Light, then said "Bless you times four, use tissues that is unhygienic.". Light simply nodded, to tired to care. L threw a packet of tissues at his head, Light groaned at the pain it shot through his skull. L rolled his eyes at how babyish Light was acting, a mere cold bringing his boyfriend down. ------------------------------------------------ Sorry it's not to detailed and perfect but he's the first part :)

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I love u!!!!!!!! This is perfect!!! A child finding the deathnote...L being L and poor light with a cold. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I love u!!!!!!!! This is perfect!!! A child finding the deathnote...L being L and poor light with a cold. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

. Awwwwwe thanks. I think it out of my own sickness symptoms >-<. Ugh. What would you like to see in a second part?.
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Hmm...maybe l realizes light is really sick and the caring and cuddles begin. XD

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Kai so a bit of caretaking from L




After their little playfight, Light had gone to get advils.

He popped two capsules in his mouth then chased it down with water.

He groaned at how much it hurt his sore throat to swallow.

L came up behind him and wrapped his arms around the taller man's waist.

Light chuckled at how child like the detective was built, small and short.

L nuzzled Light's shirt and said "I'm sorry I hurt you earlier, are you feeling any better?"

Light said "I am , thank you and no worries L.".

L took his hand like a small child and looked up at Light.

but Light was distracted by a sharp tickle in his nose and sneezed uncovered "Ishuu Ishuuu"

L squealed and said "Ewie you sneezed on me. Bless you and cover your mouth , Jerk."

Light simply tapped the shorter man's nose and said "My apologies dear L, thank you"

L bit his finger playfully and said "woof woof"

Light chuckled at how cute L could be when not serious.

The smaller man was bony, short and his eyes had bags under them making him look like a panda.

They went back to the bedroom and sat on the bed.

L pet Light's hair then poked his nose.

Light said "Heh-heh L i-im g-going to heh-Ishuu Ishuuu Ishuuu Ishuu . excuse be. kill you" he glared at L.

L looked at him innocently, he rather liked Light's sneezes and said "Bless you darling and kill me why? I havn't done anything".

Light simply shook his head.

L lay in Light's arms.

Their legs tangled together.

They slept peacefully.

The silence only broken by Light's snores.


Notes: Sorry it's short. I wrote what I could. I don't know where to take it. leave a request of what else you would like to see.Enjoy


Edited by DeathNoteOwner
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Awwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!! L is so cute!!!!!! Maybe L gets sick. It could b a few days later.

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Kai gotcha. Thanks Arty for the comments

:) . I didn't think it was any good.

Here's chapter 3.


A few days later, Light and L were getting ready to go on their date. a picnic in the park,

Light dressed in red pants and a black sweater. Whilst the smaller one was dressed in a light blue sweater and black pants.

They headed out for their date, walking hand and hand along the sidewalk.

It was a beautiful sunny day in Japan but L did feel quite Ill.

L put his sleeve up to his face and sneezed twice "Hchnx'ew Hech'eww Hech'eww" quite girly and small sneezes.

Light chuckled and said "Caught my cold little one? Bless you" he said in a soft caring voice.

L pouted and said "D'no I dont ged sicgk please Lighd".

Light bent down and kissed his boyfriend's forehead to check for a fever , but no ,he did not have one.

L blushed .

They walked for a few other minutes then arrived at the park.

Light put the picnic basket down under a tree and layed down a blanket aswell.

L sat down with his knees up to his chest and coughed onto his fist lightly.

Light stroked the younger one's back and sat beside him.

L nibbled on a piece of cake happily whilst Light ate something more filling, a sandwich.

They ate in peace , playing with eachother's hair until Light started tickling L

L was very ticklish, he laughed until he went into a full blown coughing fit. barely breathing.

Light rubbed his back and said "Im sorry babe"

L said "It's heh-heh Ishuu Ishuuuu *cough cough* Fide" .

Light said "gosh bless you darling" and took L home to rest.

They arrived at headquarters and Light put L to bed.

while Light worked on the case a bit, since they were getting behind


Notes : Here ya go

:) hope ya like it. and L is one year younger than Light.. yep

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The fact that u made L younger is soooooo freaking adorable!!!!!! I loved this!! I kept reading it over and over again. Thank you so much deathy-chan!!! :hug:

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The fact that u made L younger is soooooo freaking adorable!!!!!! I loved this!! I kept reading it over and over again. Thank you so much deathy-chan!!! hug.gif

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwe I didnt think this was any good. thanks >-< so much. No problem :) haha

uhm should I write another part? If you have ideas because , I do not.

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Hmmm.....maybe L gets sicker...high fever, more sneezes...chills...and sore throat...and while light is worried...he gets a break in the case?

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Sorry I did not get to this before. I was out for like two full days. and didn't feel like being on the forum at my mate's house so yeh.

anyways here goes it.

Chapter...4? (already. wow ;w;)


L woke up with a fit of wet harsh sneezes "Hetchiewwwwwwwwwwww Heh-hetchiewww Hetchiewww hetchiewww"

Light turned around and said "bless you darling, feel any better?" . He crawled over to L and felt his forehead then said "You have a fever little one, let's take your tempeture and get you some meds as well as water".

Light went to the bathroom and got meds with the thermometer.

Light went downstairs and got some water.

He came back upstairs and sat beside L on the bed.

Light said "I'll nurse you back to health then get back on the case. Your health first, the case second"

Light gave him meds and L chased them down with water.

Light put the thermometer in the smaller boy's mouth then saw L's nose wiggle and twitch in iratation . Light said "Just one more second love, hold your sneeze in.". L nodded.

Soon enough, Light took the thermometer out , no much later.. L gave in to a fit of small sneezes "Hitchiewww Hitchiewww Hitchiewww Hitchewwwww hiechiewwww" the sneezes on eachother's tails, itching to get out.

Light rubbed his arm and said "Bless you dear, get some sleep because your fever is pretty high"

Light got a cool rag and put it on the younger boy's forehead.

L fell asleep in Light's arms.


Notes : I never know how to write these ;w; sorry I suck at writting.. uhm where should I take this. requests?

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Im hugging u right now!!!!! This..is awesome!!! Gawd these two r cute. Hm....you can end it here. Thank you so much Deathy-chan!! Ur awesome!!! :hug:

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Im hugging u right now!!!!! This..is awesome!!! Gawd these two r cute. Hm....you can end it here. Thank you so much Deathy-chan!! Ur awesome!!! hug.gif

No problem :) ! :hug: . Awwwwwe thanks c: Yeh uhm could you write an allergy L fic for me please? I'd love that.. but if you dont want to.. thats okay :)

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