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Sneeze Fetish Forum

~ The Mortal Instruments . AlecxJace. Cold. *Request for Melody*~


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Prologue: Jace has caught a cold, being stubborn as he is tries to hide it from his Parabatai Alec. Resulting in caretaking. Victim : Jace. Cause : Cold. Caretaker:Alec. Hope you enjoy it,Melody c: --------------- Today , Alec and Jace were training in the training room , sword fighting to be precise. While Alec was much better at bow and arrow, Jace at throwing knives. They both seemed equally capable at handling a sword., until something was wrong with Jace. The sarcastic blonde felt a sharp tickle in his nose, he thought "oh shit not now" he couldn't rub at his nose , no. Jace cursed then let it out "Ashoo Ashoo" uncovered, almost on Alec. He was just too annoyed. When his eyes were closed in consequence of sneezing, Alec had knocked the sword out of his hand then put his sword to Jace's throat. The blonde made stuck out his tongue at Alec, knowing he couldn't kill his parabatai. The blue eyed one said "Bless you Wayland, by the angel this is the first time I've herd you sneeze. I win.". Jace said "Oh does it cancel out your doubts that I am not human?. I am a human therefore I sneeze. " he smirked. Alec looked at him in disbelief then said "Yeh I sure thought you were an ali-" he saw the look on the blonde's face then was sneezed on by him "Ishuuu" Jace sneezed uncovered. Alec said "By the angel Jace, as I was saying you are not an alien but do refrain yourself from spreading germs. Disgusting, how do the ladies like you?." . Jace simply said with a smirk "I'm very irresistible and attractive , Alexander.". Alec hit him on the head with his hand playfully. Jace coughed onto his hand. --------------------------------------------------------------The dark haired male said "Sick are we, Wayland?". Jace said "Never do I Jace Wayland, get sick ,sir Lightwood.". Alec simply said "Well if you want to be like that, we shall continue training?." Amusement flickered in his blue eyes. The blonde responded with "Of course, Alec. Your wish is my command"... ----------------------------------------- -------------- Sorry just lots of fluff between parabatai's c: . Few sneezes but there may be in the next part. Tbc?.

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OOOOOO I love it so much like this is freaking adorable agh Jace and Alec:D :D Thank you so much DeathNoteOwner I hope u continue it :D

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OOOOOO I love it so much like this is freaking adorable agh Jace and Alec:D biggrin.png Thank you so much DeathNoteOwner I hope u continue it biggrin.png

No problem ! :) glad u like it. where should I take this? .. :) idk what to write ;n;

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do you have any idea how much I have wanted one?



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do you have any idea how much I have wanted one?



. Awwwwe thanks. What should happen next, any certain things like places or symptoms like fever/shivers/super sneezy ect? . I don't know where to go
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I might uh update Tmmrow. Please give me ideas though cx
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do you have any idea how much I have wanted one?



. Awwwwe thanks. What should happen next, any certain things like places or symptoms like fever/shivers/super sneezy ect? . I don't know where to go

Well, obviously Jace is too stubborn to admit he is sick

So. Maybe he'd continue doing what he'd normally do

Demon hunting etc


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do you have any idea how much I have wanted one?



. Awwwwe thanks. What should happen next, any certain things like places or symptoms like fever/shivers/super sneezy ect? . I don't know where to go

What about if Jace gets sicker

BUT obviously he wouldn't admit it teehee

And then some care taking from Alec could happen. But. Of course, Jace would be reluctant to let alec take care of him.....

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Hum hum.. sounds like a plan.

Sorry if this sucks. my fic`s usually suck.

anyways probly a lot of fluff and stuff.

onto it then !



Alec and Jace trained a while more at throwing knives and also combat.

But then they had to go on a mission..

There was a demon at a local cafe, they arrived their.

The mundanes were terrified and running everywheres.

They guided the mundanes outside then put a glamour on the shop once everyone was out of the cafe.

Alec and Jace in their combat gear were quite dashing.

The demon came close to them , pushed Jace into a wall.

Jace was closed in. The demon in his face.. when suddenly.. the blonde needed to sneeze.

Jace pitched foward uncovered on the demon ``Ashoo Ashoo`` . The demon backed up and shrieked in disgust.

Alec muttered ``Bless you``

Jace sniffled miserebly and said ``Thanks`` .

The demon attacked Jace when he was distracted, Jace was on the ground, crushed by the demon.

Alec went to save him. Alec said "Raziel" then his stele was ready to fight with.

Alec sliced the demon. The creature vanished into thin air, back to the demon realm.

Jace was curled up into a ball on the floor. Shivering but a coat of sweat on his forehead, plastering his blonde hair on his forehead.

Alec scooped him up then carried him to the institute. Jace coughed a lot but fell asleep soon in his arms.

They arrived inside the institute then Alec set Jace on his bed.

Alec frowned then said "Oh Jace, dear dear parabatai. what am I going to do with you?"

Alec kissed the blonde's hair then fell asleep soon after.


Notes : Sorry it's not really long . I am really thankful for all the wonderful comments !

:) . if you have any ideas of what else I could add, just request it :) . I'll add another part soon. perhaps tonight or tommrow.


:) (i hope .-.)

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Thanks BringVerityTheHorizon. I love your uhm replies

:) .

English is not my first language, not sure if it shows but yeh. thats that. so sorry for grammar errors and shit.

*Insert my two sneezes here*. >-> <-< body not now. really im trying to write a fanfic.

Warning : I suck at sick people spellings. but outta try it.


Later on , the blonde woke up then said "Alecg were amb I?"

Jace shook the dark haired one then Alec was startled awake and said "Jace. Jace i'm awake. and we're at the institute. You have a fever."

Jace was about to say a sarcastic comment until he sneezed a few times "Ashoo Ashoo Ashoo Ashoo"

The blonde said "d'no shidt sherlocgk " he sniffled.

Alec said "Bless you and tone the attitude please, I saved your ass"

Jace flicked Alec's forehead then said "Thanks Lightwood"

The dark haired one replied "No problem blondie"

Jace punched Alec on the arm playfully and they both laughed until the blonde went into a fit of coughing.

Alec got meds and water for Jace.

The blonde took the meds and chased it down with water.

They cuddled while flipping through the codex.

Then they fell asleep...


Notes : Sorry I have a pattern of ending it. o-o. Yeh. Thanks so much for the comments . I'll probly update once more tonight!


And a lot this weekend. Enjoy


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Awwww! It's so cute! :')

Thanks so much :)

I might update later tonight. not sure ;w;. School has made me tired. so out of ideas.

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Okay, if ya say so



Jace was sleeping in Alec's arms when he felt a sharp tickle in his nose.

The blond sneezed un-covered as his arms were pinned down "Ishieww Ishiewww Ishiewww" he sniffled miserebly.

Alec was startled then murmured "Bless you Jace, want soup?".

The blonde replied with "Snf I'd ligke soub pblease"

The blue eyed one asked "Chiken or beef soup?"

Jace replied " Chikend ndoodle soub pblease"

Alec went down to the kitchen to cook soup.

*several minutes later*

The soup was done cooking so Alec brought it upstairs accompanied by a steaming mug of hot chocolate.

The dark haired one set the tray on the bedside table.

Jace asked "Cand I have the hod chocolad?"

Alec handed it too him.

The blonde was about to take a sip when all of a sudden the steam tickled his nostrils .

Jace exclaimed "Alegc steamb dneed to sdneeze".

The blue eyed one got the message and took the mug from him.

Jace cupped his hands rappidly on his face then sneezed "Ashoo Ashoo Ashoo ah-Ashoo"

The dark haired one passed him a tissue.

The blonde blew his nose loudly and rudely. Jace being Jace. Then he threw it in the rubbish.

Alec said "Bless you sneezy. Want to eat now?"

Jace nodded then took the soup and ate some of it.

The dark haired one then took the bowl when the blonde was full.

They cuddled and watched movies .

Alec was really worried that Jace wasn't getting better.

Just then, the dark haired one was snapped of his thoughts by a sharp tickle in his own nose.

Alec sneezed against his wrist "Htchnx't Htchnx't " .

The blonde looked at him and lifted an eyebrow quizically and said " How cute and vunurable you can be Alexander" Jace mocked him then asked "Are you getting sick?"

Alec replied with "I'm not cute" he pouted "Bless you would be the proper response, by the angel you are rude. and no.. I hope not".

Jace then took a tissue and put it on Alec's nose then said "Blow"

The dark haired one blew his nose into the tissue tht Jace was holding on his nose.

Alec sniffled then said "Thangks Jace. I feel a bit less congested now"

The blonde threw the used tissue in the wastebasket then said "Anything for my parabatai. Your snot is gross just saying"

The blue eyed one said "Rude as always and alright. let's get some sleep"

They curled up together and slept.. only interupted by sniffles and coughs,


Notes : I couldn't help myself from getting Alec sick too, sue me

:P . Hope you guys enjoyed :)


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Awee so cute!

Thanks . I may write some later.

Anything special you want in it?

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Awwwe... cute alert! (: I like it when Jace gets all cheeky! (And surprisingly, I thought the loud obnoxious nose-blowing part was kind of hot in a way...!) Continue, please? c:

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Maybe some more care taking aw. Also I really like how Jace is taking care of Alec...

Sure :) I'll keep it playful and caring

Awwwe... cute alert! (: I like it when Jace gets all cheeky! (And surprisingly, I thought the loud obnoxious nose-blowing part was kind of hot in a way...!) Continue, please? c:

Yeh damn hot. Thanks :) and sure i'll try to write up something.

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Aye I accidentally closed this .-. while I was writting. damn.

Anyways i'll write another chapter.

Excuse me while I try to write with allergies making me sneeze each like 5 minutes. ehem.

I read all 5 books so I know his name is not Wayland


Chapter 4 (if I counted right) : Stubborness is contagious.


Alec woke up with a tickle in his nose. he sneezed against his wrist "Hcnxn't Hchxn'ew Htchnx't "

The blonde groaned then said "Keep it quiet, people are trying to sleep. bless ya , jerk".

The dark haired one replied with "Thangks. by apologies Jace". .. Alec understood that his parabatai is not a morning person.

The blonde handed Alec a tissue sleepily.

The blue eyed one blew his nose quietly and blushed scarlet then threw the tissue in the wastebasket.

Jace poked his cheek then said "My, arn't you a bundle of cute Alexander" he teased.

Alec blushed a deeper shade of red then snapped "My name is not Alexander, it's Alec"

The blonde smirked and said "Nope, it's Alexander Gideon Lightwood. Shall I proove this facts further more by asking your sister?"

Alec rolled his eyes then said " No need to get my annoying sister into this sillyness"

The blonde said "Good then. Shall we train or are you too sicgk?"

Alec replied with "Of course i'b no'd to sicgk. But are you, Wayland?"

Jace said with a smirk "snf of course dot" he held back a sneeze that decided to creep up on him at this moment.

They walked over to the training room and started sword combat.

Alec was winnning until a tickle started blossoming in his nose. He stifled it in his shoulder "Ich'ii"

The blonde knocked the sword out of Alec's hands then pinned hiim against the wall.

The blonde said "Bless you, look who's on the other side of the table now?" he put his sword to Alec's throat.

The blue eyed one blinked and held back a sneeze.

Jace could feel Alec's breath hitch then said "Bless you" and smirked.

Alec was furious then sneezed on Jace twice "Htchnx'ewww Ich'ii Ich'ii".

The blonde backed up then said "Wow, arn't you rude. Bless you. Cover your mouth, dipshit."

Alec said "Look who's talking."

Jace attacked Alec then they ended up on the floor with the blonde sitting on Alec.

They burst into laughter then layed on the floor drawing, side by side.

They soon fell asleep on the trainining room's dusty floor.


Notes : Sorry not a lot of sick elements more fluffy fluff fluff c: . But yeh I hope you guy's enjoy. THANK YOU so much for feedback guy's , it's really apreciated

:) tbc?

Edited by DeathNoteOwner
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Awww. Im not familar with this. But i love me some M/M Comforting with sick boys. Indeed i do.

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