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~ You have to learn to laugh at yourself~


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Okay so a lot of people are dorks, weird, clumsy or awkward. Or they just do stupid stuff by mistake. Example : In a thread there is a game *cough A-Z bands* and I decided "why not reply" the last letter was "X" so I Was like "Okay lets put a Z". Then couldn't find one so put A and re-started but then someone else got confused. And now I have to really learn my alphabet like a normal human. Also it's really awkward telling people I don't know my right from my left or in my first language, ma droite de ma gauche. I trip at least 20 times a day. So I have to learn to laugh at all my mistakes. What about you guys, do you ever just laugh at yourself?. Aha

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i do tons of stupid crap...so im laughing at myself quite often. im a klutz too...went to open the cabinett in the kitchen, did it too fast and ended up slamming the cabinett door into my head. yeah..this is the stupidity i put myself through every day lol

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Oh yeah deathy chan. Like if i trip or forget something basic. You gotta learn to laugh at yourself.

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I have made numerous mistakes in my life; some are life changing and others not so much. One thing I have learned is that you just got to live with it, make fun and laugh at it and at the same time learn from it. There is no point in mulling things over and berating yourself about your past mistakes as it would only depress you and make you a total wacko. Enjoy life as you can only have so much of it and never too much of it :)

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I laugh at myself all the time, I'm freaking hilarious. The shit I do doesn't make sense sometimes and it's the funniest thing to me.

It's good to find things to laugh about, laughter is good for the body and soul.

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