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I've had an account for months yet I'm still unable to access almost everything? It says to PM an administrator but I don't even know how to do that?

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If I understand the system properly, you have to have at least 50 posts to even be considered for validation. The actual length of time you've been here has nothing to do with it. And it's all to do with quality over quantity and all that stuff. So, it's not just enough to have 50+ posts, they have to be actual contributions. I don't know exactly what defines a positive contribution but-

There's a post here which explains it better than I can.



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Hi lalalalahi

AdrianMarx is absolutely right with everything he says above. Please have a careful read of the post that he links to, which explains the system and provides some tips as to what the staff are looking out for when considering whether to validate people.

Keep posting positively and you should be validated in due course. In the meantime, there are lots of areas of the forum that you can access, so I hope you enjoy participating in those!

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:yes: How long you've been around isn't what matters in validation and access, it's all about participating in a positive manner. The staff wants to get to know you and make sure your not a troll or anything before they give you access to things like private messaging and personal profile pages. It's out of concern for the safety of everyone that it's done, because hey, it's the internet, you could be anyone for all we know! So while I know it can be intimidating the way to get validated is to start jumping into conversations and letting the staff see that you're a positive addition to the community. And trust me, once you start getting a little more involved it doesn't take long to start moving up in membership levels. And you'll probably be glad you got more involved anyway :D We're a generally friendly (if slightly goofy) bunch.
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