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Sneeze Fetish Forum

question about posting videos


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Hi Scent,

I'm assuming you're talking about fetish-related videos. If not, you can share links to other content in the off-topic area, but use common sense and stay within our forum rules about offensive content, underage content, etc.

If you're ever curious about the rules, you can check our Constitution, found here: http://www.sneezefet...showtopic=51459

Posting fetish-related videos from other sites is indeed allowed, but there are some general guidelines about videos:

Underage content: Underage content is defined as anything relating to any person under the age of 18. There are underage people here so observations or posts relating to them are not banned. However, there must be NO sexual connotation of any kind. There are a number of types of media that can be posted and the rules for each are as follows:

  • Real-life (Non-animated) Video Clips - No clips involving under-18's may be posted, linked or directed to. Please note this is not limited to standard clips, but also includes links to advertisments, medical sites or news items containing such clips.
  • Animated Video Clips, Stories and Artwork i.e. works of fiction - Clips, stories, artwork involving characters of any age maybe posted, linked or directed to, though the rules regarding sexualisation of underage people (stated below) still apply.
  • Audio Clips - No clips involving under-18's may be posted, linked or directed to.

Hotlinking other websites in posts is not acceptable unless the source site is one that explicitly allows this use of its bandwidth, for example Photobucket or Webshots. (So you can link to a video but please don't embed it/post the video itself on the boards.

Any discussion/sharing of Commercial Clips (like those for sale on Clips4Sale) should be restricted to the Trading Forum board.

Edited by Dusty15
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