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minor sneezes related to childhood memory - okay to post?


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Hi, there was something I would like to post in Sneezing in the Media (if it indeed belongs there) that's related to memory from my childhood. It's about this videotape I watched all the time as a little kid that had a story about a young girl who got a dog and afterward, couldn't stop sneezing because she was allergic to it. It was one of those Little Golden Book videos with stories about the "Pound Puppies" characters from the 1980s, and there's no sexualization at all - just a young girl sneezing into tissues over and over, her mother commenting on how many tissues she was going thru and how if her allergy medicine wasn't helping, they would have to re-home the dog.

It just contributed to my enthusiasm for sneezing that started when I was very young (among other influences), but I just wanted to make sure, since the fictional "sneezer" concerned is a minor (I'm pretty sure) I just wanted to make sure it was okay to post about.

Thanks in advance! :)

~ SneezyCars :)

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Thanks for asking, SneezyCars. I'll put this up for staff discussion. Just to clarify….you'd like to post about your memory of the video rather than a clip of the video itself, correct? If you do have a clip of the video, is it live-action or a cartoon?

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Thanks, Dusty15! I would actually like to post about both - should I do that in a different forum than Sneezing in the Media? Also, it's a cartoon - the only clip I can find of it online is one that has some teenage boys doing some kind of MST3K routine over it with stuffed animals while watching it, though.

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Hi SneezyCars,

It's not a problem to post a clip of an animated video per our Forum constitution:

  • Animated Video Clips, Stories and Artwork i.e. works of fiction - Clips, stories, artwork involving characters of any age maybe posted, linked or directed to, though the rules regarding sexualisation of underage people still apply.

If you'd like to share the video along with your memory, creating a post in 'Sneezing in the Media' should be an okay place to do so. Thanks again for asking!

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Hi SneezyCars,

It's not a problem to post a clip of an animated video per our Forum constitution:

  • Animated Video Clips, Stories and Artwork i.e. works of fiction - Clips, stories, artwork involving characters of any age maybe posted, linked or directed to, though the rules regarding sexualisation of underage people still apply.

If you'd like to share the video along with your memory, creating a post in 'Sneezing in the Media' should be an okay place to do so. Thanks again for asking!

Awesome! Thanks, Dusty15! :)

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