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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Self Obs (m)


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Ok, I know I don't post very much and I have been w/ this community for a # of years but here is my first observation and it is of myself :innocent:. It gets pretty bad for me arond this time of year (spring) with mucho pollen all over the place. Raleigh/Durham is probably one of the worst places in the nation for pollen counts. The school i go to, most of the walkways and such are brick, and they literally turn yellow. I mean I'll always enjoy all the people around me that have allergies because many react to it the same way I do. I also live in an unconditioned dorm so I all the time have a fan blowing in from outside so it won't get so hot in my room. This, yes, turns my room yellow, so I don't really have any refuge from it.

Alright now for the observation. I thought I found some medication that was helping me this year so far; but today I found out that it was just the rain keeping the pollen down. It was very very nice today, breeding grounds for it to fly :). On a usual spring day, I'll wake up in the morning and sneeze so much; it always seems to hit me when i'm taking a shower. And after that, it'll set the stage for the constant nose blowing and many sneezing fits. I love to go outside and enjoy the weather, you know throw frisbe and stuff, but I'll always have to stop in the middle of it, excuse myself, go to the bathroom and let it all out. So today was probably the worst day so far, I found myself sneezing all day at work and my nose is still itching. Anyone with a sneeze fetish would die to spend a day with me during this time, lol :)? I love to sneeze, but a day like today makes me hate to even think about it. Haha, okay, i suppose that is enough typin...hope you enjoyed it :innocent:

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Awwww, I hope you're not suffering too much! I would love to go play frisbee with you and watch you sneeze the whole time :bleh:


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Awwww, I hope you're not suffering too much!  I would love to go play frisbee with you and watch you sneeze the whole time :bleh:


Me too! :bleh: But many blesses Adam thanks for posting! :bleh:

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don't worry, i'll be like this thru the spring

today, outside my window, they felt the need to use blowers to blow off the sidewalk....yeah all i could think was pollen gettin tossed up in the air :)

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