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sneezes on a trip to Lisbon (F)


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Only a few female sneezes on a trip to Lisbon last weekend, but here they are.

First while I was queueing up to go through security, a couple in their early twenties was just behind me, very tall, both of them, the woman over 6 feet. She had pale skin, no makeup and lots of curly brown hair. She was not an arm’s distance from me – though I had my back to her – when she had a completely unstifled, open sneeze, starting with a high pitched inhalation, and a splashy resolution. I turned round, ready to say “à vos souhaits” if there was a second sneeze, but she continued talking to her boyfriend as if nothing had happened, and though we sat close to one another in the plane, that was her only sneeze. But it was remarkable for being so unfettered. The two other obs were at Lisbon airport on the way back. Just going through security (bet you didnt know that security was such a good observation post for sneezes !) when I saw three Portuguese air hostesses talking, and one of them, a very well made up woman of about thirty sneezed a dry, short sneeze right in the middle of their conversation… and the conversation went on again as if nothing had happened. Just waiting to get on the plane, I hear a soft, tcheh! Sort of sneeze – look – no one seems to be sneezing – then it comes again tcheh! And again tcheh ! Turns out to be one of a couple of 18 year olds sitting a few seats down. There were six of these small sneezes in all – almost the sort that usually come out very quickly, but these were slower getting out. But the sort that gives credence to the theory that the smaller the sneezes are, the more you get at a sitting.

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