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The Best and Worst


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The title kind of explains it all! You pick out the best and worst of someting you've ever experienced. Best book, movie, play, food---you name it. You answer the question above you, and then give the next person a topic! Argg I"m the worst at explaining things but basically it would go like:

Person A: Best and worst Movie?

Person B: Best would be The Expendables, Worst is Harry Potter. Best and worst date?

Person C; Best would be this guy Rick who took me to Red Lobster last January, and the worst would definitely be Patty from my Ethics class in college who left halfway through dinner. Best and Worst book?

and it just goes from there! That make sense? And of course topics can be recycles since there aren't exactly a broad spectrum with this.

So I'll start!

Best and worst restaurant!

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Best restaurant is Buca di Beppo, awesome Italian food there, worst is Todai, because food poisoning like 10 years ago but still.

Best and worst brand of chocolate?

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Best chocolate is Cadbury's, obviously. Worst is some sort of Turkish chocolate I got from an American sweet shop, it didn't taste of anything good.

Best and worst video game?

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Best game: Portal!! biggrin.png

Worst game, hmm, I'd say some truck simulator which I can't remember the name of haha

*edit because I forgot to add the question*

Best and worst of food?

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Ooh, this is so me.

Best food: USDA prime-cut New York sirloin steak, flash-seared to medium-rare at 1800 degrees Fahrenheit and served on a plate of melted, sizzling butter.

Worst food: For me personally, it might actually be tofu. Not that there's anything particularly wrong with tofu, it's just the way it was presented to me. The first time I ever had it was when I was maybe 7 years old, and my mom told me it would be just like chicken. Nothing about it was like chicken, and I've always been suspicious of it since. Nowadays I don't really mind the flavor that much, but the weird mushy consistency always skeeves me out a bit.

Best and worst TV series?

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(God dammit I want steak so badly now.)

Best TV series: Right now I'd have to say Peaky Blinders. It's about a criminal gang living in Birmingham in the 20s. It has fantastic aesthetics and Cillian Murphy and Sam Neill and is pretty much perfect. =D Plus there's a second season starting tomorrow, so my excitement is peaked.

Worst TV series: All British soaps. Every time I've tuned in all the characters have been doing is yelling at each other while crying. ;-;

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Oooh, what a fine idea :)

Best vacation was definitely London two summers ago--the most exciting part was when I got to get Daniel Radcliffe's autograph! :lmao:

Worst was Paris the same summer, because I am an utter imbecile with French and it was terrifying trying to survive for four days with basically only "bonjour," "merci beaucoup," "merde," and "á vos souhaits" in my linguistic arsenal. :shy::bag:

Hmmm... Best and worst teachers you've ever had?

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With best teachers, I'd have to go with my current riding instructor. She's patient, enthusiastic and teaches through praise. Doesn't matter how small the progress is, she sees it and lets you know. Constant focus on what you're doing right, and her corrections are so swift and so kind you never feel like an idiot. Also, she enjoys teaching, it's obvious. :)

Worst teacher is a math teacher who basically told class that if we didn't understand from the beginning, there was nothing he could do to help matters. Everyone but two failed math that year. (My girl gang went to the principal's office and told her the whole story, and guess what? He no longer works as a teacher. :P )

Best and worst movies?

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Hmm, what a good question, Chanel! Since I actually can't pick a favorite, I'm gonna do one of the best and one of the worst. ;)

Best: A Time To Kill

Worst: Out For A Kill

(The only similarities are the titles! :P )

Best and worst books??

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Best Book: Harry Potter....nuff said

Worst Book: Twilight....tho the third book had promise

Best and Worse Disney Character

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OMG I'm so excited that people like this! ;o;

best Disney character: HOW can you make me choose! oh gosh oh gosh okay I'm gonna have to saaaaay Hercules. He's just such a huge sweetie. NO NO WAIT Charlotte from The Princess and the Frog. She's perfect.

Worst Disney Character: Once again HOW can you make me choose! Okay let's see...I feel like Drizella from Cinderella. Cause I mean at least Anastasia tried to better herself and become a good person and found love but Drizella just remained miserable and mean

Best and worst cartoon?

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Got something for this too..

Best Cartoon: This is probably the most cliche answer out there, but I really have to say Avatar: The Last Airbender. This is not at all to say that it's perfect, but honestly I think it's objectively the best television cartoon ever made in terms of story, character, worldbuilding, and just overall vision.

Worst Cartoon: And, on the other send of the spectrum... Avatar: The Legend of Korra. But only season 2. To me, Korra season 2 was really just taking one of the greatest things ever created and slamming it all the way down to rock bottom in one fell swoop. If the rumors about the creators taking a lot of input from the fans were true, then this was just a perfect example of why writers are writers and the fans are not. Thankfully season 3 managed to overcome these hardships and bring back some of the glory. It still didn't reach the same heights as the original series, but at least most if not all of the annoying crap from season 2 was gone.

Also the atrocious animation for the first half. Dat side-mouth Iroh.

Moving on...

Best and worst drink?

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Okay, this might be a little silly, but anyway... :P

Best: Phineas and Ferb. I'm sorry. It's just really funny and entertaining and even smart, in a way. lol

Worst: I'm going to say... Beavis and Butt-Head. I mean, seriously. What's wrong with the people who made that show? (I don't mean to offend anybody here. It's possible that Beavis and Butt-Head is a genius show and I just fail to see it. In that case, please, enlighten me!

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Ahh... too late. Darn it. I'll just do the next one.

Best Drink: Sex On The Beach. Delicious!

Worst Drink. Eggnog. Haha!

Best and worst parfume?

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I'm not going to mention the cheap stuff that I am forced to use due to my economy, but I'll stick to the "real" perfumes I have tried before my economy went downhill, so...

Best perfume: Chanel number five, hands down. It's by far the nicest perfume I've ever tried.

Worst: Poison by Dior. I hated this one so much I almost felt sick from the scent. Ugh.

Best and worst boardgames?

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Best board game: I really love any form of Monopoly, tbh. Right now I only have the Nintendo version and the collector's edition of the Smurf version, but I love playing it in any theme or form.

Worst board game: This shit game I got at a garage sale called The Logo Game, and I thought it was going to be, like, identifying specific popular logos, but it was just about a lot of trivia for that particular company. Like literally how am I going to know when the PIllsbury company was formed. How am I going to know what the name of the creator of the Chevy Malibu was? How am I going to know the main ingredient in Spree candies? It's literally so dumb and I hate this game

Best and worst book you had to read for school? (Like, teacher-assigned books)

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Hmmm, this one is hard. I've read a lot of good books and a lot of bad books for class...

Best: The Romance of the Rose. I read it for a class on gender and sexuality in the medieval ages, and it really grabbed my attention. It's an extended metaphor about love using anthropomorphic versions of virtues and vices. Basically, Lover is on a quest to win The Rose (a literal rose, because women don't have choices???), but to do so, he needs to court favor with her guardian Fair Welcome. One of the reasons it was so appealing was the sheer fantasy. One of the others was because, since the poem was originally in French, the characters all have their gender assigned by the gender of nouns... and Lover and Fair Welcome are both male. Hahaha.... It's a really great story! I was even going to adapt it into a comic, but I'm lazy as hell, so that never happened. ^^;

In high school, I also had to read Bless Me, Ultima for the Academic Decathlon and that is a really good book.

Worst: When I studied abroad in Germany, I took a class on Women in Literature and we had to read this book (title forgotten, unfortunately) that was a stream-of-consciousness musing on the faults of domestic life, basically, but it involved a lot of incredibly brutal sex, incest, and murder. It was incredibly hard to read in German or English and I hated it so, so much.

Whoo, long post is long.

Best and worst times of year?

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Best is fall and worst is heavy snow and freezing winter

Okay dear but you have to leave a topic for the next person to do :lol:

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Best is fall and worst is heavy snow and freezing winter

Okay dear but you have to leave a topic for the next person to do heh.gif

Dangit lol I knew I forgot something! My bad everyone! XD

Best and worst super powers?

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Personally I think it would suck if you could read peoples minds. It would just feel really overpowering and it's like oh my god i can't shut this off! And the best.... hm probably being able to fly.

Best and worst actors?

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  • 5 months later...

Best actor: Liam Neeson, Taken 1 and 2 were great movies and I loved his character in both.

Worst actor: Joan Rivers, Fashion Police was an average TV show, most of her rank as a bad actor comes from her attitude towards people who are different. She made fun of Adele just because she is slightly curvier than other actresses, and most of her jokes weren't that funny.

Best and Worst Fast Food Chain?

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