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Dream Sneezes

Guest piecesofme

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Guest piecesofme

This is based on a dream I’ve had a few times… But this one involved sneezing for some reason.

I was older than I am now and driving a yellow New Beatle convertible with the top down as I drove to the airport. My music was loud, probably RUFiO or a similar band. I was having a good time and definitely enjoying myself as I pulled off on the exit to the airport. I was running late, and was too caught up in the music to notice the time. I really do love music, the louder the better. I pulled into the airport, looking at the airlines, trying to find the right one. The sun was bright and though I had my sunglasses on, I had to squint a bit. Across the street an Asian man was having a sneezing fit. Trying to keep my eyes on the road, I listened to his delicious sneezes. I turned my music down and listened to his drawn out HuuuuuhCHISHHHHes over and over until he was out of hearing range. I pulled up to the entrance where my friend was supposed to be arriving.

I guess I should explain that the person I was picking up at the airport was someone I’d never met before. I’d been talking to him online for a few years. I parked the car and made my way into the heavily air conditioned building. I couldn’t help but shiver as I took in my surroundings. I had never seen a recent picture of Mark, only pictures of him as a teenager. I guess I should also tell you that I have black hair with streaks over pink and silver so I’m fairly easy to spot because suddenly I felt an arm on my shoulder and he hadn't even seen my face.

I jumped and spun around to find myself face to face with a tall, tan man with dark eyes and equally dark hair that was pulled into a ponytail. He looked very different from the pudgy teenage pictures I had seen.

“Libby!” he exclaimed, hugging me.

I was still in shock of his gorgeousness that I didn’t notice the stuffy sound of his voice.

“Mark!” I shouted, almost jumping up and down.

We made small talk as Mark picked up his bags from baggage claim and we walked out to my car. He put his arm around me and I couldn’t help but smile up at him. (I’m around 5’ 4” and he’s around 6’ 5”… There’s quite a height difference.) But my smile faded as I noticed his nose twitched and I watched in eager anticipation as he removed his hand from my waist and brought both his hands up to his face as he doubled over with a resounding “HUUHATCH!”.

“Excuse me,” he mumbled, going red and rubbing his nose.

“No need to excuse yourself,” I smiled, pulling a tissue out of my bag and handing it to him. He sneezed twice more into the tissue before blowing his nose loudly. I took this time to appraise him a bit more. He was well built, and I could see his stomach muscles tensing with each false start of a sneeze. Somewhere inside I thought I felt pity for the guy, but it was easily shoved aside. His sneezing was too cute. With every sneeze, he bent over and his pony tail flew forward.

“It must be the change of air,” Mark tried to explain with a loud sniff that turned into a cough. I patted his shoulders (I was on my tips toes) and opened the car door for him.

I slid into the car and handed him my CD case so that he could pick something to listen to.

“I don’t know any of these bands,” he laughed.

I shrugged and didn’t bother with the radio. The silence between us was more than a bit unbearable as I drove him to the hotel he was going to be staying at.

“Tha-uh… aaah… eh… uuuh uh… UTCHOOOO eeh-ETCHOO!” Mark sniffed. “Thaks.”

I smiled, trying to conceal the excited blush by ducking down into my bag to find him some none existent tissues.

“So, do you want to meet up for dinner?” I asked him, showing my empty hands and apologizing.

“Ib mah snu-sneezing gets bedder.” Mark explained miserably.

“Take some allergy medication?” I offered. I am never a big sneezer and so I don’t have any at my house.

Mark nodded and stepped out of the car.

For some reason the dream flashed to me playing my guitar and him singing along so he obviously got over his sneezes… Meh. I hope I have this dream again sometime soon. :unsure:


BTW: Mark isn't real, which is strange... He's actually a character from a novel I'm writing... :unsure:

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