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I Fought the Cold & the Cold Won (self obs-F)

norcal tinkfan

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Thought I was fighting off a cold last week...but it seemed to go nowhere. Not anymore!

Had every intention to donate blood at a work blood drive. I woke up feeling OK...but when they took my temperature, etc., they said I was running a fever. It was 99.5 and you can't donate if it's that elevated. Was disappointed, but still felt OK. Had been sniffly...but wrote it off to the weather.

Went back to my desk and back to work. A couple hours later my nose was starting to get runny and I had to blow/wipe my nose, but not too often. Not too long after that I grabbed a tissue just in time to catch a wet HASCHOOOO... HIASCHOOOO double followed by a messy blow. Seemed to be the sneezes to start the cold.

I left work and within a couple more hours found myself on the couch, handkerchief in hand with a runny nose, sore throat, sneezes and blows. My nose is a faucet and the tickle in my nose is setting off sneezes in doubles causing my throat to hurt even more.

Seems to be on par with others in our office right now. Ugh...

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Seemed to be the sneezes to start the cold

Sneezing is always the first thing that alerts me to the fact I have a cold too - before any other symptoms make themselves known :) Do you always sneeze in doubles, or just when you get a cold?

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Seemed to be the sneezes to start the cold

Sneezing is always the first thing that alerts me to the fact I have a cold too - before any other symptoms make themselves known :) Do you always sneeze in doubles, or just when you get a cold?

I will sneeze in doubles from time to time and not always when I have a cold, but I am sneezing in multiples quite a bit right now.

what type of handkerchief did you have?

Plain white ones. But soft!

Mod Note: merged posts

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Hows the horn, Norcal?

Please feel better...but as always, we just love to hear all about your "dazel biseries". Pray tell...what shade of red have you reached?


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Hows the horn, Norcal?

Please feel better...but as always, we just love to hear all about your "dazel biseries". Pray tell...what shade of red have you reached?


My nose is pink bordering on red as we speak.

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This cold is going strong. The last two days have been nose running/nose blowing/sniffing, sneezy days. My fever has not broken so I feel so tired. Almost every time I sneeze it's still at least in doubles but singles are random and some take me by surprise. Even the cold medicine isn't stopping all this much.

Speaking of which...I found myself needing more cold meds, OJ and figured I better get more tissues while I had to go out. So, last night I waited til I thought most people would be home thus lessening me passing this on to others.

I left the house and as soon as I stepped onto the porch the cold of the night set my nose running a bit more than it had been all day. I grabbed a tissue from my jacket pocket and blew a gurgly blow into two tissues. I got into the garage and into the car and had to blow again.

Got halfway to Target and had to pull over. I could feel a sneeze coming on and wanted to catch it/them into anything but my steering wheel as they have all been wet sneezes. Pulled over, grabbed more tissues and HUSCHOOOOO! HUSCHOOOOO! ASCHOOOOOO! Blew my nose and went on my way.

Got to Target & quickly got in and made my way to get what I needed sniffling and wiping my nose along the way. Arrived in the cold medicine aisle where 2 other sniffly cold sufferers were looking for relief as well. Found what I needed and left the aisle as I heard one of the sufferers blowing their own very red nose.

Thankful for a self serve check out...I scanned my purchases and made my way out of the store. Again the cold night air had my nose tickling and thankfully had a tissue in my hand as I sneezed a single HISCHOOOOO.

I arrived back to the car, got in and blew a wet messy blow filling two tissues before heading home. Made it back without another sneeze, but needed to blow once more.

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Great obs ....and yes it is a ridiculous cold !!

Five days in and it's still going strong.

I am now pretty congested and am sleeping (hopefully) propped up a bit on pillows to try and breathe a bit better.

My nose has gone from pink to fairly red tinged because I am still needing to blow my nose and sneeze quite a bit even with cold medication.

Unfortunately, I have had to go to work. When I get a chance I'll post some work obs because there are several of us sick right now.

I was leaving tonight and as soon as I was walking to my car I pulled out a tissue and blew my nose several times trying to clear it and using three tissues. Got to my car and had to pull out a few more to catch two harsh HUSCHOOOOO... HUH...HUH... HUSCHOOOOO into them followed by a snotty blow.

Got home and changed into a long sleeved shirt and sweats and curled up under a blanket.

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