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Nose-Blowing Ettiquette


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Hey guys!

So I'm guessing that a lot of you have probably noticed that there are some people who can blow their nose basically anywhere/anytime and others that are pretty shy about it. Personally, I grew up learning that it was considered rude to blow your nose loudly or in front of others, so whenever I had to blow my nose I'd always excuse myself and go to a corner, outside the room or turn away before blowing. However, when I got older I noticed that a lot of people don't actually do all of that, and don't really care if someone blows his/her nose in front of them (or if they're blowing their nose in front of someone - my roommate rarely excuses herself to blow her nose even though she's a honker; she just blows whenever she needs to). I have to admit, though, that nowadays I sometimes blow my nose without excusing myself, but sometimes I still do just out of habit.

Anyway I was wondering if some people actually do consider it rude to blow your nose in front of people - I know it can be sometimes, but most of the time people don't really seem to care about it.

Thanks and looking forward to hearing your guys' thoughts smile.png (I know this topic may not really be that important/significant but I was just curious)

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Hi, I have always been very shy, unless invited (which happens only rarely...). I'm aware of a lot of rants on this subject and so guess a lot of people would prefer the other to be discrete, but I guess there are lots of people who don't care much or at all. In the older days apparently business meetings could be held while sitting on a loo.

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I am really not too shy to blow my nose in front of people anymore, except for when it feels as though it's going to be a lot of snot and i think it will sound gurgly. If so, I will try to leave the room, if possible. My blows can be rather messy and snotty, and my honks can get pretty loud. I usually wind up soaking the tissue, so that can be embarrassing.

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I didn't use to think it was rude and no one ever told me it was rude until one day my uncle scolded his daughter for blowing her nose at the table in a restaurant. I also read stuff on the internet saying it's rude. So now I'm a bit self conscious about it. When I'm with other people and need to blow my nose I would go to the bathroom if it's convenient. Otherwise, I would at least turn away and do it as softly as possible.

I personally don't mind someone blowing their nose in front of me, even at the dinner table, especially if it's a girl :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have never blown my nose in front of anyone and don't plan on doing that any time soonshock.gif

But I have no problem with anyone else blowing their nose in front of me. I don't even really think twice about it lol

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Nobody ever taught me that there was anything rude about blowing your nose in front of others, but I've always found it to be impolite, at least on a personal level -- because it's kind of sexual to me, so I get a little uncomfortable! Objectively, though, I don't think there's anything wrong with it. (Although it is cute when someone is embarrassed and has to turn away!)

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I'm quite uncomfortable with people blowing their nose in front of me while we're at a restaurant and usually look away if they do. But I would never blame anyone for it, because I rather consider my attitude towards nose blowing as being "weird".

I personally avoid blowing my nose in front of other because it embarrasses me, although those feelings don't really match with my education tongue_smilie.gif

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  • 2 months later...

I personally am super uncomfortable blowing my nose in front of anyone else and always have been. But I have a close friend who doesn't care AT ALL and will do it anywhere. He will do it in the middle of a conversation with you without breaking eye contact. At first, it made me uncomfortable and I had to look away, but now I keep looking at him and talking to him. It's such a huge turn on for me (probably because I'm attracted to him in general).

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So the only time I enjoy blowing my nose is public is if a girl is blowing hers at the same time. Otherwise I generally blow in private, because I tend to make a lot of noise.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm not shy about it anymore, not since having septoplasty (septum straightened) in May 2011. Embarrassing mostly is the volume--since surgery my nose blowing is really loud! I have to blow hard to get stuff to come down and out of my sinuses. I'm not embarrassed about the actual blowing, though I always feell awkwarard when at a restaurant. I hate when they only give you cloth napkins--I will not blow in one of those, ever! so I try to keep tissues or something with me just in case.

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I'm not shy about it anymore, not since having septoplasty (septum straightened) in May 2011. Embarrassing mostly is the volume--since surgery my nose blowing is really loud! I have to blow hard to get stuff to come down and out of my sinuses. I'm not embarrassed about the actual blowing, though I always feell awkwarard when at a restaurant. I hate when they only give you cloth napkins--I will not blow in one of those, ever! so I try to keep tissues or something with me just in case.

Wow i always thought any nose/sinus surgery would have a quieting effect on the volume! Interesting to find out the opposite haha

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  • 2 weeks later...

I too don't mind blowing my nose infront of other people and I am not embarrassed when blowing my nose. I don't care what kind of reaction I get when I get out my handkerchief and give my nose a good blow. If it is running or I feel sniffly then it has to be blown simple as

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I do become self-conscious blowing my nose in public, but I usually still do it if I feel the need. For me nose-blowing usually follows sneezing, so there's not much point in trying to be invisible. At a formal dinner I would probably excuse myself, but at the movies, on the subway, having a conversation with a friend, I just go ahead. I've never been bothered in the slightest by others blowing, except for family members. Which is horrible.

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