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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Fic Recs?


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I see a lot of fic rec posts on Tumblr, where people post links and short summaries to fics they enjoy and would like to recommend to others, and I had this idea that this might be a fun/helpful thing to do here on the forum as well? Especially as there are so much more fics being posted nowadays, and many stories risk getting buried beneath new threads before you get a chance to read them.

The thing is, I seem to have a vague memory of mods discouraging fic recommendations, as to not make writers feel bad if none of their own fics get a mention? Or was that discussion about wavs? confused.gif Anyway, my question is: would it be alright if I started a thread like this, where people can give a shout-out to fics they recommend? It could be a good way to discover older works, and fics posted on other sites, too.

Just a thought. smile.png Yay or nay?

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Just to make sure I understand your question, VoOs, you're talking about recommending sneeze fics, yes? And stories on this site and possibly other sites too?

Assuming that to be the case, I've started a staff board thread to discuss this and we will report back in due course.

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Just to make sure I understand your question, VoOs, you're talking about recommending sneeze fics, yes? And stories on this site and possibly other sites too?

That's it, yes. :)

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The staff have now discussed your question, VoOs, and we are pleased to report that we are comfortable with the idea, but we would like to ask that you include a few guidelines in your initial post to avoid the thread going into areas that we would prefer to avoid.

1. Members should not promote their own stories - the staff don't want authors to think that this is an opportunity to recommend their own works, which may not have received the attention they would have liked, when originally posted.

2. Recommending stories is absolutely fine, but members should avoid any kind of ranking of stories as this would be contrary to guideline 6 of the constitution. This is consistent with, for example, allowing youtube links to be posted, but not allowing threads that ask "who are your favourite five youtube sneezers?"

3. Any recommendations should only be to stories that don't include any 18+ material, assuming your thread is intended for the main boards (although there is no reason why a similar thread couldn't be started on the Adult Board too). Recommendations can include stories on other sites too.

Subject to the above points, we think this would make a useful and interesting thread and we wish you good luck with it, should you choose to go ahead!

The Staff

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