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Sneeze Fetish Forum

norcal tinkfan

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I posted on the other obs page about my cold and sneezing. I am still sneezing... Godda sneeze now... HASCHOOOO...HASCHOOOO... and now am wetting tissue after tissue with my sneezes and blows.

I told someone earlier that I think I would rather have more lest severe colds than less more severe ones as this has been a doozy since coming down with it Tuesday afternoon.

Since I got home from work I have been blowing my nose trying to clear it as I have become quite stuffed up in one nostril yet a leaky faucet in the other. While just a few hours ago everything was clear, I now find some of the blows are sticky yellow gunk and quite a bit from the unblocked nostril.

My nose is now pink, bordering on red.

But, here is my one noseblowing obs for the night.

I am house/pet sitting right now and cold or no cold the animals need to be walked. So, I changed into non work clothes, put a bunch of tissues in my pocket, got the dogs and off we went. I didn't get off the walkway before I had to pull a tissue out and had to blow. Soaked that tissue and went in my way. Five minutes later, before I could gran a tissue, I sneezed wetly into my hands. Blew my nose again, cleaned my hands off with hand sanitizer and cut the walk short.

As I lay here typing this I have a box of Kleenex right next to me!

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Now totally congested. Sneezing relieves it for a few minutes, but then right back to not being able to breathe through my nose.

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Now totally congested. Sneezing relieves it for a few minutes, but then right back to not being able to breathe through my nose.

Poor thing ! I hope you're feeling better now !

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