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What public figure best represent you?


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We've all heard the old "Who would play you in a film of your life?", but what I've always found more interesting is what public figure people identify with as reflecting their own personality, beliefs, etc. Particularly in a place like this where we're all relatively anonymous and for the most part don't know each other very well. It's interesting (at least to me) to be able to connect someone in this kind of situation with a familiar figure and think "Ah, okay, that's roughly how that person sees them-self."

Of course there are so many public figures of varying levels of fame that we're not all going to be familiar with everyone mentioned, so please include a link to some sort of profile or piece of their work (or both!) of the people you list. Assuming this idea is of any interest to anyone other than me :lol:

For myself, I think if you could combine Charlie Brooker ( http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2009/sep/21/charlie-brooker ) and Chris Addison (

)into a single person, that would be a pretty accurate representation of me.
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This is a tough one! Sometimes I self-identify more with fictional characters, but perhaps that's because they're easier to project ourselves upon.

I suppose I identify a lot with the politics and personal issues of Stephen Fry (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Fry) though we're wildly different in some ways (I'm a goody-two shoes and had a very stable childhood and don't identify as LGBTQ). But I generally identify with his wit and ideologies.

I always sort of saw bits of myself in Ellen Page (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellen_Page) and Tina Fey, but again I differ from them both in some major ways.

I'll have to have a longer think on this and see if I can come up with anyone else :P

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I wish it weren't unforgivably arrogant of me to say 'Jon Stewart'. :wub: Like him, I do tend to satirically rage against that which vexes me, and I am not unintelligent - but still, I were to say Jon Stewart, I would confound "he represents me" with "he is an example of what I strive to be". (Plus, I'm not Jewish or male or American, so there's that as well.)

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